02-04-2005, 10:07 AM
One reason the Pats are so successful is that the just don’t beat themselves. Here is a stat I ran across that is very telling.
Usually, stats are for losers who use them to justify how close they came to winning or to justify how unlucky they were or to blame the game officials. This stat is for winners because it is part of why the Pats win.
In their last 5 playoff games – dating back to January 2002, the Pats have had 356 offensive plays. Their offensive line has committed only 5 penalties in those 356 plays – 4 false starts and 1 holding penalty!
The Patriots are amazing, part of me is growing tired of them, another part admires them and enjoys watching them. They're like a machine.
02-04-2005, 10:37 AM
The Patriots are amazing, part of me is growing tired of them, another part admires them and enjoys watching them. They're like a machine.
You know, after they won the Super Bowl last year, I was like My God I'm so sick of these guys. But after watching them again this year, I really do admire how they play. They are very workman like, business like, and are just an amazing team. I'm defintley rooting for them this weekend, they deserve another ring after the season they've had.
02-04-2005, 11:53 AM
SC - Just like any other winning team, they get the no-calls. You can find holding on every single play in the NFL if you want too.
02-04-2005, 01:27 PM
The Pats are awesome. I'm going to start rooting for them. They are winners. Skins are losers. Thanks for pointing that out for the millionth time.
02-04-2005, 02:00 PM
If there was a way for the Super Bowl to end in a tie I wish it would. I, too, hate the Eagles with every bone in my body, but I'm also sick of the Patriots. They DO get the no-calls and I am sick of seeing them there every year. I won't deny they are a great team, but it's the lesser of two evils as far as I'm concerned.
And since the SB can't end in a tie. I hope the Patriots drub the Eagles.
Freddie Mitchell getting knocked out of the game.
TO injuring himself bad for being a dumbass media hog.
McNabb to throw 4-5 INTs.
Westbrook to not make a catch.
02-04-2005, 02:17 PM
If there was a way for the Super Bowl to end in a tie I wish it would.
Watching the Eagles lose is almost like seeing the Skins win to me. So if the Eagles lose it will be like the Skins winning the Superbowl. Go Pats!
02-04-2005, 02:26 PM
That's how we're going to have to feel this year. I want to see us sweep the Eagles so bad next year. The only good thing that could possibly come out of an Eagles victory is the possibility of beating the "Reigning Super Bowl Champs" next year.
02-04-2005, 02:28 PM
The Patriots define the idea that it doesn't matter how you win, just find a way to win. They blow good teams out, they have ugly wins verses not-so-good teams. In the end, all that matters is that they win. It is annoying, but you gotta give them respect for it.
As I've said all year, and someone else has has brought it up recently in another thread, their style, or feel is very similar to Gibbs's Skins of 82-93....the blue-collar mentality, very few mistakes, "interchangable" players that do whatever they are asked of, etc.
This thread centers around the lack of mistakes and they are currently one of, if not the best team at minimizing them. As for calls vs. non-calls, the NFL has ALWAYS favored the better teams. It is the same as how things alway seem to go the way of the better teams. Is it just better execution or being "favored"? I believe it's a combination of the two.
02-04-2005, 02:30 PM
Most definitely... when there are good teams, the officiating just makes the rich, richer.