04-03-2012, 11:16 PM
More stupid bullshit to fleece the fans with. I have one Skins cap to replace my older one that had its brim start to wear out and a jersey I bought from 2002. That is enough for me. You will get idiots that will buy all these new designs etc, and get thrown back a few hundred dollars. The NFL/ and the other corporate stooges will do anything to get the fans to dish out tons of dough for stuff they don't need. At the same time, the NFL's product suffers from mediocrity.
I'll continue wearing my old ST jersey.
04-03-2012, 11:19 PM
I'll continue wearing my old ST jersey.
Good for you Dynamite. I got a personalized jersey for my 32nd B Day and it is in great shape. I don't mean to be a bastard, but these new uniforms, however cool looking they are, are nothing but a promotional gimmick to cover over the fact that the NFL really is starting to deteriorate in terms of play and competition. Not to mention getting gullible fans to part with cash they should save for the bad times ahead.
04-03-2012, 11:24 PM
Damn, thats ugly
I think they purposely lower the bar for a year so when they try the hats look amazing by comparison.
*COUGH hack cough argaeag cough hack cough cough hack cough die*
......totally worth it.
04-03-2012, 11:28 PM
Good for you Dynamite. I got a personalized jersey for my 32nd B Day and it is in great shape. I don't mean to be a bastard, but these new uniforms, however cool looking they are, are nothing but a promotional gimmick to cover over the fact that the NFL really is starting to deteriorate in terms of play and competition. Not to mention getting gullible fans to part with cash they should save for the bad times ahead.
are u saying the NFL is about to become Baseball? Because thats WAY.... Off base
04-03-2012, 11:34 PM
Good for you Dynamite. I got a personalized jersey for my 32nd B Day and it is in great shape. I don't mean to be a bastard, but these new uniforms, however cool looking they are, are nothing but a promotional gimmick to cover over the fact that the NFL really is starting to deteriorate in terms of play and competition. Not to mention getting gullible fans to part with cash they should save for the bad times ahead.
From what I heard on Espn, Nike put alot of effort in from direct feedback from players to make the uniforms better for actual play on the field. Voice of the players was motivation for the changes. Sure a couple minor color change or stitching here or there for the eye but it wasnt profit oriented. I mean I get your point of changing jerseys or having an alternative one or throwbacks to make a little cash...but every sport always does that and they wouldnt if fans wouldnt spend the cash but obviously they do.
04-03-2012, 11:35 PM
are u saying the NFL is about to become Baseball? Because thats WAY.... Off base
It will one day.
Maybe it's because I live up in an upscale area but among a lot of young kids Lacrosse is become pretty popular. I know it's been popular up in the DMV area for a while but down here where there was no real base it's started to catch on to the point where some kids are actually quitting football to focus on LAX. Granted it's still a niche sport but nonetheless it's still catching on
Makes me wonder what might happen 30 or 40 years down the line. I mean could anyone have predicted back in the 50's and 60's that football would replace baseball as the top sport in America? Heck they barely had an established pro league at that point
04-03-2012, 11:36 PM
Good for you Dynamite. I got a personalized jersey for my 32nd B Day and it is in great shape. I don't mean to be a bastard, but these new uniforms, however cool looking they are, are nothing but a promotional gimmick to cover over the fact that the NFL really is starting to deteriorate in terms of play and competition. Not to mention getting gullible fans to part with cash they should save for the bad times ahead.
The NFL is turning into.... EA Sports!
04-03-2012, 11:37 PM
are u saying the NFL is about to become Baseball? Because thats WAY.... Off base
gotta agree, swing and a miss on that one
04-04-2012, 12:11 AM
It will one day.
Maybe it's because I live up in an upscale area but among a lot of young kids Lacrosse is become pretty popular. I know it's been popular up in the DMV area for a while but down here where there was no real base it's started to catch on to the point where some kids are actually quitting football to focus on LAX. Granted it's still a niche sport but nonetheless it's still catching on
Makes me wonder what might happen 30 or 40 years down the line. I mean could anyone have predicted back in the 50's and 60's that football would replace baseball as the top sport in America? Heck they barely had an established pro league at that point
Football is on top by far today and will be for a long time, now will it be moved aside by another sport years down the road ? Maybe but it's not anywhere close right now.. the NBA is a joke and I live where the most exciting team in the league plays, baseball is almost like the NHL but not quite as bad and of course the college games will never become bigger than the NFL.