03-16-2012, 08:53 PM
This. If being called a Giants fan isn't enough of an insult then nothing is.
Agreed. I apologize for my former comment.
If we resign London, how much does anyone think his contract will count against our cap this year?
03-16-2012, 09:00 PM
Let's drop the mom and wife insults
Ok. Sorry. Just being playful but I took it too far.
Giantone, I meant no offense. Obviously I know nothing of your personal life. I was just teasing.
03-16-2012, 09:09 PM
The NFL f**ked us and there is nothing we can do about it because the NFLPA folded like cheap Walmart lawn chairs. The NFLPA basically signed off on the NFL colluding against its members. The owners always end up winning because they hold the purse strings. That being said we still made some good signings and get RGIII. Did I mention we're going to have RGIII. So I'm staying positive. Lets resign Fletcher now, get to the draft and then start playing some ball. Hail!
03-17-2012, 08:54 AM
The NFL f**ked us and there is nothing we can do about it because the NFLPA folded like cheap Walmart lawn chairs. The NFLPA basically signed off on the NFL colluding against its members. The owners always end up winning because they hold the purse strings. That being said we still made some good signings and get RGIII. Did I mention we're going to have RGIII. So I'm staying positive. Lets resign Fletcher now, get to the draft and then start playing some ball. Hail!
I think you guys have made some excellent signings and you'll end up with a pretty good QB with whoever you get my question was about Fletcher and why the Skins did'nt make him the #1 priority on defense?
03-17-2012, 08:56 AM
nah those were fakes
....oh ok ,so I was dreaming! lol
03-17-2012, 10:21 AM
I think you guys have made some excellent signings and you'll end up with a pretty good QB with whoever you get my question was about Fletcher and why the Skins did'nt make him the #1 priority on defense?
No one really knows that we didn't. I assume we're offering him fair market value, but he's wanting to get paid. I mean I don't think we're low-balling him, and maybe he (or his agent) is being a little bit unreasonable. Just guessing, but I'm sure those talks have been going on for a while now.
03-17-2012, 10:50 AM
I think you guys have made some excellent signings and you'll end up with a pretty good QB with whoever you get my question was about Fletcher and why the Skins did'nt make him the #1 priority on defense?
I think this is pretty easy. He's a 36 (37 at seasons start) year old LB with a lot of miles who's looking for his last contract. He reportedly wanted what, 8-9M a year? For how long? I think the new FO is finally getting to the point where it's okay to let your older players walk before giving up big money to an aging player that is bound to start slowing down soon. If we're giving 8M a year to a LB, I hope it's Tulloch who is 27 and played great for Detroit.
Typically, I'm very much a fan of 'keeping your own' but we've started using our money in a responsible way -- and I like it. For the 2nd offseason in a row, I love the FAs we've gone after. There's a theme. They are either young with a potential long career ahead of them -- or very low risk type signings. I think that is how you complement a team being built the right way.
This is NOT a knock on London Fletcher. He is an amazing player, leader, and from what i can tell, person. I wish him nothing but the best, but he's approaching this situation looking out for his best interests, and I feel the Redskins should do the same.
I'm guessing they offered him fair market value, and he's seeing if he can get higher.
Also GiantOne. Don't let anyone get under your skin. I know a lot of us love to have other points of view on this board. You always come with a civil attitude, and sometimes help damper some of the rampant enthusiasm on this board. It's tough to go into another teams message board and be seen as a member of the community, and I think you've done that.
03-17-2012, 12:30 PM
Redskins, Cowboys could go “nuclear” over cap mess | ProFootballTalk (
I'm not sure if this will end up hurting us or not but I love that neither Danny or Jones is laying down on this without at least exploring the options of giving a big FU to the rest of the teams
03-17-2012, 01:26 PM
This could get interesting
03-17-2012, 01:57 PM
Redskins, Cowboys could go “nuclear” over cap mess | ProFootballTalk (
I'm not sure if this will end up hurting us or not but I love that neither Danny or Jones is laying down on this without at least exploring the options of giving a big FU to the rest of the teams
I am pretty sure JJ already said they weren't going to fight it