03-12-2012, 11:52 PM
This is a big mess. If I'm the Redskins, I'm calling Mike Holmgren, making a deal, getting my draft picks back and then some, drafting Weedon and calling it a day.
Lol, I'm never committing a crime with you.
This at least seems to be the opening gambit. Either the league has the power to do this or it does not. If it does, then it has to produce the documents and follow the correct procedures. And when that happens, it's going to look pretty bad, or so it seems. So maybe the league backs down. But man, then they look like putzes. Still, they haven't endorsed the numbers or even said the skins are implicated. So maybe they can blame it on a false media leak!
Whatever. This is going to be interesting.
THAT is definitely the way this thing needs to go........
03-12-2012, 11:55 PM
Also, anyone know who is on this committee currently? Mara chairs it, but that's all I know.
Management Council Executive Committee
They made the decision, apparently.
03-12-2012, 11:57 PM
Anyone wanna bet that they put out the punishment at 3.6 mil tomorrow and blame the reports on a misplaced decimal?
03-12-2012, 11:58 PM
No we are not screwed. We just need to resign Fletch and get a receiver.
I agree, but we really need to revamp the O line first of all for RG III. The fact that we had to cut players, that we probably wouldn't have is my beef. We were trying to get rid of the chaffe, not necessarily decent backups. I might be overreacting, but this does put a damper on what we can do. Having our cap space cut in half does bind us in what we can do now. And with the loss of those first rounders to move up for RG III, we have to wait another season or two for the rebuilding to come to fruition. Instead of 2013-14 we might be looking at 2015-16 til we really field a great team.
That Guy
03-13-2012, 12:02 AM
The more significant argument to me is: what about all the teams that dropped below the salary floor in 2010 because they were no longer obligated to spend? Should the total leaguewide cap NOT be increased because those teams cut salary specific to the uncapped year?
except the NFLPA can't arbitrarily make up rules and enforce them... and they already agreed to drop 2010 collusion charges against the NFL as part of the new CBA. I guess they could go after individual teams for dropping below the floor (as part of said collusion), but good luck proving that wasn't just cheap owners being cheap.
It's an owners league.
03-13-2012, 12:03 AM
Wow, the NFL could not have gotten us at a worse time. 1 day before free agency. I know the league office is judge, jurry, and executioner; but in a case where we broke no rules yet are severely punnished Is there a higher power we can appeal to? Like a court?
Of course the Skins, Cowboys and any other "offenders" can singly or in unison file a suit against the NFL. Anyone can file a suit against anyone else at any time for anything; all you need do is fill out the paperwork at the courthouse correctly.
However, any team that files a suit here - - whether or not it wins or loses that lawsuit - - best never come close to breaking any other league rules. Al Davis beat the NFL in court once; look how many "breaks" the Raiders got from the league in the 20 years following that victory.
03-13-2012, 12:03 AM
^ You're definitely overreacting
03-13-2012, 12:04 AM
Anyone wanna bet that they put out the punishment at 3.6 mil tomorrow and blame the reports on a misplaced decimal?
I doubt it but I sure as hell hope so.
03-13-2012, 12:05 AM
except the NFLPA can't arbitrarily make up rules and enforce them...
You sure about that?