03-12-2012, 07:30 PM
Why can't this be discussed on the main board? It is relevant to football talk because our FA season for the next 2 seasons just went out the window.
Huh? It's in the salary cap forum and is currently the top thread on the main page. Not sure what you're seeing.
03-12-2012, 07:30 PM
“@ZacBoyer: ESPN's Adam Schefter just said on SportsCenter the #Redskins found out about the salary cap ramifications this afternoon.”
03-12-2012, 07:30 PM
Wow, I can't believe this thread has nearly 200 posts already.
I'm sure it's been said, but I'm really miffed that there wasn't any specific rule that was broken. We lose $36M because we violated an "understanding?" Don't all deals have to be approved by the league? So the league approves these deals then drops a bomb on us for it?
THIS is the most ass-chapping part. After some explanation by everyone else in this post, I now see where they came up with the numbers, but like Gmanc said, how did they know what we would have done had we NOT used the uncapped year?!
03-12-2012, 07:31 PM
The timing of this HAD to be have been intentional too.
It just wasn't a giant coincidence. I never was a giant fan of Goodell, but he is officially on the shit list for me now.
03-12-2012, 07:34 PM
The timing of this HAD to be have been intentional too.
It just wasn't a giant coincidence. I never was a giant fan of Goodell, but he is officially on the shit list for me now.
Best part about it is that the Giants owner is the head of the council. Wonder what his impact was in all of this?
03-12-2012, 07:35 PM
My personal preference is to cut some high cost players, restructure some contracts, sign a lot of younger (cheap) players and just take the full hit this year and get it over with.
We got RGIII, and I will NOT let this kill my buzz. Hail.......
From the looks of it the only real candidate for a restructure in terms of getting a big chunk of cap space back in Silverback with his $12 million figure. D-Hall seems like a great candidate to release but seeing as how the penalty is related to front loading his contract I don't know how that would play out.
03-12-2012, 07:36 PM
The Redskins are still in an advantageous cap position in spite of this decision by the NFL, which is something the Cowboys are not. What this decision does do is make contention in 2012 behind the strength of a 90th percentile FA class unrealistic. Time to re-assess and look to catch some declining NFC East teams in 2013.
Which was arguably the better plan to begin with.
03-12-2012, 07:38 PM
The Redskins are still in an advantageous cap position in spite of this decision by the NFL, which is something the Cowboys are not. What this decision does do is make contention in 2012 behind the strength of a 90th percentile FA class unrealistic. Time to re-assess and look to catch some declining NFC East teams in 2013.
Which was arguably the better plan to begin with.
En ingles por favor.
03-12-2012, 07:39 PM
My uninformed legal gut tells me the Redskins may be able to tie this up in an appeals court -- at least until after season. I would expect paperwork to filed with the quickness.They're not being accused of violating US federal or state law though, so a lawsuit against the National Football League by the Washington Redskins is highly dubious.
If they violated any rule, it was a rule in the old CBA.
03-12-2012, 07:39 PM
THIS is the most ass-chapping part. After some explanation by everyone else in this post, I now see where they came up with the numbers, but like Gmanc said, how did they know what we would have done had we NOT used the uncapped year?!
Exactly. Not to mention we got for the full $36M for the Hall/Haynesworth restructures, but the Cowboys pay Miles freaking Austin a base salary of $17M and they only get hit with $10M? This whole thing stinks to high heaven.
Snyder is lawyered up. Time to sick the dogs. I'm livid.