SirClintonPortis 03-09-2012, 01:15 PM Very generous, doesn't really surprise me, he doesn't strike me as a guy that would be a tightwad... like Tiger Woods, allegedly.
Or Albert H.
Is there a trend?
black people tippping - Google Search (http://www.google.com/search?q=black+people+tippping&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a#hl=en&sugexp=llsin&gs_nf=1&pq=black+people+tippping&cp=16&gs_id=8&xhr=t&q=black+people+tipping&pf=p&client=firefox-a&hs=9pj&rls=org.mozilla:en-US%3Aofficial&sclient=psy-ab&oq=black+people+tipping&aq=0&aqi=g2g-v1g-b1&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=d4ad57653d4016cc&biw=1280&bih=885)
SirClintonPortis 03-09-2012, 01:17 PM Finance guy/nerd checking in:
Notice he left $200 on top of the 18% included tip. Total tip was $312.82 on a $626.76 bill, a 50% tip!
That waiter should have just pocketed the autograph (or asked for it after the paperwork was done) and went home with a great memory, cash in his pocket and a job the next day.
Showing off that you've just been around a celebrity might have a evolutionary perspective. Being with the VIPs in a society obviously boosts your own status and hence ability to reproduce.
EARTHQUAKE2689 03-09-2012, 01:23 PM His physical talents are unquestionable and he's plenty bright. I worry about the intangibles. Does he eat, sleep and breath the game of football 48 weeks a year?
Your thoughts?
Like you said we all know about his physical talents and he effortlessly throws one of the prettiest deep balls I've ever seen. Love his charisma and intellect. Ten years from now I think he'll be looked at as the best QB in this draft, hopefully it's with us because I think his ceiling is sky high.
The Goat 03-09-2012, 01:30 PM Like you said we all know about his physical talents and he effortlessly throws one of the prettiest deep balls I've ever seen. Love his charisma and intellect. Ten years from now I think he'll be looked at as the best QB in this draft, hopefully it's with us because I think his ceiling is sky high.
His toss reminds me a little of Vick in that it looks like like just a flick of the wrist puts 50 yards on the ball.
GTripp0012 03-09-2012, 01:32 PM Unpopular opinion time (yay!): I don't think Griffin has much of a chance to save Shanahans job, so much as having him a year from now makes Washington a much more intriguing option for head coaching candidates.
I think if the Redskins can make a late push and get Manning, I think they win 8 or 9 games and Shanahan probably survives the year.
For sake of continuity, Manning is so much more valuable to this organization than Griffin. But Griffin can be a very valuable piece of the future -- in his own way.
If we get stuck with Weeden, then something will need to happen during the season that justifies the offseason. Like: sweep Dallas or something similar.
Ruhskins 03-09-2012, 01:39 PM Unpopular opinion time (yay!): I don't think Griffin has much of a chance to save Shanahans job, so much as having him a year from now makes Washington a much more intriguing option for head coaching candidates.
I think if the Redskins can make a late push and get Manning, I think they win 8 or 9 games and Shanahan probably survives the year.
For sake of continuity, Manning is so much more valuable to this organization than Griffin. But Griffin can be a very valuable piece of the future -- in his own way.
If we get stuck with Weeden, then something will need to happen during the season that justifies the offseason. Like: sweep Dallas or something similar.
I guess this will all depend on what Snyder thinks about the first two seasons under MS. They were a waste and little progress was done on the offensive side of the ball. I think getting the best QB prospect that the Redskins can reasonably get, may sway Snyder to give him another season after this to see how this all works out.
The Goat 03-09-2012, 01:41 PM Unpopular opinion time (yay!): I don't think Griffin has much of a chance to save Shanahans job, so much as having him a year from now makes Washington a much more intriguing option for head coaching candidates.
I think if the Redskins can make a late push and get Manning, I think they win 8 or 9 games and Shanahan probably survives the year.
For sake of continuity, Manning is so much more valuable to this organization than Griffin. But Griffin can be a very valuable piece of the future -- in his own way.
If we get stuck with Weeden, then something will need to happen during the season that justifies the offseason. Like: sweep Dallas or something similar.
Hmmm I was thinking the exact opposite Tripp. With Griffin the Shanny's can say this is a work in progress and buy another year maybe. With Peyton, if you don't start winning right away, and more than 8 or 9 games btw, you have to seriously start to question Mike's coaching.
Dirtbag59 03-09-2012, 01:41 PM Unpopular opinion time (yay!): I don't think Griffin has much of a chance to save Shanahans job, so much as having him a year from now makes Washington a much more intriguing option for head coaching candidates.
I think if the Redskins can make a late push and get Manning, I think they win 8 or 9 games and Shanahan probably survives the year.
For sake of continuity, Manning is so much more valuable to this organization than Griffin. But Griffin can be a very valuable piece of the future -- in his own way.
If we get stuck with Weeden, then something will need to happen during the season that justifies the offseason. Like: sweep Dallas or something similar.
People are severely underestimating this part of the equation. It's not that I want Shanahan to fail but his system does require a lot of different personel on offense. The potential for roster turnover is high if he does fail. A QB like RG3 would go a long way towards damage control.
Also remember part of the reason Bruce Allen and Gruden failed in Tampa was after a while they were playing musical chairs with the QB position after Brad Johnson left. I mean they did put together a great supporting cast but had trouble doing better then 9-7 due to the problems at QB. I doubt Allen forgot that.
Talking about the supporting cast when you have NO viable options at QB is like being in the emergency room with a heart attack and focusing on how to improve the patients diet to prevent another heart attack rather than dealing with the problem at hand.
NC_Skins 03-09-2012, 01:42 PM That waiter deserved to be fired. Peyton is a private citizen like the rest of us, no matter how much he makes. No one needs to know how much he spends, tips or see the receipts from his purchases. That waiter could be probably prosecuted on top of the firing if Peyton really wanted to, he's opening Manning up to identity theft if anyone would be stupid enough to try it with someone so-well known.
If the customer was an elected official and taxpayers were paying for the deal, we may have different story, but Peyton makes his own money.
The fact the restaurant had a privacy policy and the guy violated it is reason enough to dismiss him.
That said, there is nothing on that bill that could open up Manning to identity theft. It only showed the last 4 digits of a CC. No address, no SS, no drivers license number...nothing.
SmootSmack 03-09-2012, 01:49 PM Broncos spent a lot of time the last two days privately meeting with Weeden....now back to your regulary scheduled Peyton thread