SBXVII 03-07-2012, 02:28 PM That video is inconclusive. Also, not ONCE during the presser did Manning say he's healthy.
Let's be real here, if Manning was even close to 100%, there's no presser today and the Colts are talking about Manning under center, Luck behind him, to start the season.
Or... lets be more serious.... the team realized its mistake in giving him such a big contract with so much guarenteed money, plus the fact PM saying to the public no way he wants to stay if they draft Luck, along with the fact everyone around him coaching wise was let go, and him getting a $28 mill dollar bonus (bonus not paycheck). I'm sure the owner is glad to be done with the bad contract and ready to start anew with fresh coaching, fresh QB, and build another power house.
SBXVII 03-07-2012, 02:35 PM I think PM is going anywhere but the NFC EAST does not want to compete with his brother to make the playoffs. IMO he wouldn't mind playing him in the playoffs & SB but not the division.
Everyone acts like he doesn't want to be a thorn in his brothers side and won't come to the NFCE. What if he's looking at it from a different perspective, He gets to see his brother twice a year, family gets to get together twice a year, family is all on the East coast with in 8 hrs of each other so mom and dad won't have to travel too far when visiting.
I figure PM wants another ring as do most of us. He can come here get his ring and bug out if he wants and his brother will still have several more yrs to play. Better yet how about he comes and plays for us for a year or two, then moves into some sort of coaching position to get more rings if possible.
I know, I know, PM may not want to coach or may not be a good teacher. Hell all he would have to do is help devise an offensive scheme each week. Maybe if he and KS get along, MS can step back and stay in the front office and give the HCing job to KS and PM can be the OC?
GTripp0012 03-07-2012, 02:36 PM What is this about Manning having great skill players around him all his life? Were Garcon, Collie, Gonzalez, Clark really that skilled or did Manning make them so?
No...he made everyone on that list what they are. Even Wayne and Harrison drop a couple notches with almost any other QB.
I think you have to take each player case by case. I think sometimes in a rush to say the most obvious thing quickly (and before it becomes too obvious), it's easy to reinforce looking at the Colts as this well oiled machine instead of this group of individuals who might someday have a 2-14 season.
Dallas Clark? Dallas Clark wouldn't have been a great player on another team? Can we start there? Dallas Clark is a pretty darn good NFL player. Same with Anthony Gonzalez: his career is where it is now because he can't stay healthy, not because he was overdrafted.
Pierre Garcon? I mean, Peyton Manning didn't make Pierre Garcon a consistent NFL receiver. Garcon doesn't catch the ball consistently. He actually had his best season overall in terms of making the catch with Curtis Painter at quarterback. I'm sure this doesn't reflect on Painter as the next Manning, it's just that we can say that Pierre Garcon wasn't very good as a member of the Colts.
That leaves Collie, who was fantastic with Manning, and awful with Collins and Painter. Fortunately, Peyton Manning accomplished enough with the Colts where he won't be remembered as "that guy who gave Austin Collie a career." And frankly, I'm not all that swayed by the argument that Manning is great -- not because he wins or throws for 40,000 yards and 40 TDs regularly -- but because Austin Collie had fantasy value playing with him.
SBXVII 03-07-2012, 02:39 PM Report: Redskins will make “aggressive effort” to sign Manning | ProFootballTalk (http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/03/07/report-redskins-will-make-aggressive-effort-to-sign-manning/)
12thMan 03-07-2012, 02:45 PM Healthy or not I don't think there was a chance they were going to bring him back. They made it clear when they hired a new GM and head coach that they were cleaning house and moving on. Plus you don't draft a guy like Luck and sit him for 2-3 years.
Cause and effect: Manning's injury precipitated related events. A healthy Manning and the Colts are probably close to being a playoff team.
Anyway...it is what it is at this point.
SmootSmack 03-07-2012, 02:48 PM Report: Redskins will make “aggressive effort” to sign Manning | ProFootballTalk (http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/03/07/report-redskins-will-make-aggressive-effort-to-sign-manning/)
Let's see if we can't get this story linked a 5th time in this thread
MonkFan4Life 03-07-2012, 03:01 PM Why not 18?
That Guy 03-07-2012, 03:01 PM if pft says it, it must be true!
Chico23231 03-07-2012, 03:02 PM Let's see if we can't get this story linked a 5th time in this thread
mlmpetert 03-07-2012, 03:03 PM 1-check. reported MS would love for a QB like that again. (Elway)
2-check. MS reported the Skins were one last year.
3-check. we are a WCO with zone blocking.
4-check. we got the CAP space and need those positions. All.
4A- coach? whom? I thought all his immediate coaches have signed elswhere?
5-your probably correct but he did say he'd take a contract that was incentive based. But with demand from several teams will prbably bring about a nice paycheck with guarentee's.
When i was typing those things out i was thinking to myself that the Redskins fit the bill on all of them.
Number 1 is debatable though, as both Shanahans seem to be micro managing control freaks and McNabb was forced to do some things he didnt want to. When people debate Manning vs Brady the biggest argument for Manning is his always his "intangibles" or coach on the field stuff. If he isnt giving the absolute freedom to do things exactly how he wants to hes just a 36 year old QB on a new team.
I dont think anyone would be stupid enough to try to get Manning to do things any differently then he has in the past. Thats part of why i like the idea of Manning; Kyle would instantly become Peyton's assistant.
I have no idea who would be the coach if any. But as good as Manning is im pretty sure he has had a really good support system around him, probably one he helped develop. It may have been needed less in the later years but you got to get everyone in sync and on the same page.
When he goes to another team and has to teach everyone how to do things his way, build chemistry w the offense, recover and go through growing pains after being out a year i think he will be smart enough to bring over a few authority figures to implement his system his way. Not sure if anyone would get replaced, maybe personal guys or assistant type guys. Maybe just FA vet camp bodies.