03-07-2012, 11:42 AM
Fair enough. However from what I'm seeing right now, the ideal scenario of Miami getting Manning and Cleveland getting Flynn has a decent chance of playing out. At that point the price of that 2nd pick drops significantly.
Ultimate Texans » Here’s why there’s no chance Peyton Manning will play for the Texans (
No. People are assuming the price will drop because demand will be low. The price is set according to the "Chart". I have been saying all along that the Rams will want to pit us against the Browns in order to drive that price up higher. Which is what they are trying to do and the Browns and Skins Balked. If it comes down I don't see it coming down much in regards to high draft picks. I imagine they will still want..
2012: 1st, 2nd
2013: 1st, 3rd or 4th.
The Skins didn't want to give up the 2nd round pick this year.
The chart is just a guideline, what teams are actually willing to pay determines the price.
03-07-2012, 11:45 AM
What is this about Manning having great skill players around him all his life? Were Garcon, Collie, Gonzalez, Clark really that skilled or did Manning make them so?
No...he made everyone on that list what they are. Even Wayne and Harrison drop a couple notches with almost any other QB.
03-07-2012, 11:48 AM
I agree that singing Manning would be partly because of he is basically a offensive coordinator on the field. I dont like Kyle at all, so the idea of Peyton taking over the offense, for both the physical and mental aspect, sounds good to me.
I think Manning picks the team he goes based off of the following order:
1) He retains as much or even more control of the offense as he did in recent years in Indy, perhaps additional say in personal as well.
2) Playoff caliber team in terms of talent
3) Team with a existing WCO and/or who predominantly uses zone blocking. His time is short, he doesnt want to waste it by waiting for an entire offense to learn a completely different scheme.
4) Willingness to sign his friends. Wayne, Garson, Saturday. Maybe a coach too?
5) Money. I think the amount he gets will be pretty close regardless of team so im not sure this really matters. Maybe he wants a lot of guarantee bucks.
1-check. reported MS would love for a QB like that again. (Elway)
2-check. MS reported the Skins were one last year.
3-check. we are a WCO with zone blocking.
4-check. we got the CAP space and need those positions. All.
4A- coach? whom? I thought all his immediate coaches have signed elswhere?
5-your probably correct but he did say he'd take a contract that was incentive based. But with demand from several teams will prbably bring about a nice paycheck with guarentee's.
03-07-2012, 11:51 AM
We're not getting Blackmon cause he'll be gone by #6. Royal and Garcon are just ho hum NFL wr's. I guess Manning will make them better. I'd take Grubbs. I just don't buy into this gas up Redskins One, off season show anymore. I'm just not investing in a 36 year Qb with a bad neck. All the fans will get excited and then the chemistry won't be there and it will be a let down all over again. This isn't fantasy football.
Why can't we just draft Cousins and start him day one?
??? I'm confused, who has a bad neck?
3 specialists have said PM is 100% healed and can take a hit. There is no bad neck. You could argue a QB with nerve damage but it appears he is recovering well from that too as seen on the video. So what QB are you refering to with a bad neck that the Skins are supposedly interested in?
03-07-2012, 11:51 AM
Manning to any team and they are 10 wins guaranteed
03-07-2012, 11:52 AM
The chart is just a guideline, what teams are actually willing to pay determines the price.
Plus it's already been reported that they're looking for similar comp as the Chargers in the Eli Manning trade. Two 1st a 3rd, a 5th, and a veteran (probably part of the reason the Skins are saying no to giving up a 2nd round pick). They are shooting for three 1st but without multiple high pick bidders like the Browns and Dolphins that goes out the window. Besides Allen and Shanahan have been great negotiators for quite a while now. They'll get a fair trade for that pick.
03-07-2012, 11:54 AM
Manning to any team and they are 10 wins guaranteed
How can you guarantee me this? Exactly
03-07-2012, 11:54 AM
My understanding of PM is that he is a rep hog in practices. I believe that's part of why Indy had no viable backup. If that is the case, and again it's not like I know it personally, then any qb that comes in isn't going to learn as much as he would behind an Orton for example. PM is an elite qb, maybe you learn something, but I think his presence tended to make the backup, and maybe even QB coach less focused, since they both knew PM was going to be directing everything.
Although the Colts didn't get that one would hope the back up QB is watching and trying to replicate even if it's after practice with the WR's or back up WR's. replicating PM in the film room and trying to be the best they can be in case they have to step in. Plus with PM's age you don't want to wear him out prior to Sun. so I'd imagine the back up would get some playing time.
edit: meaning practice time so PM can rest his arm and whatever else.
03-07-2012, 11:54 AM
Great post! I could not agree more.
Just look at my beloved Celtics they went a ll in for 3 years of competitiveness (1 champ) now they are a complete mess. Same will happen to the Skins expect I don't think bringing Manning will get us a championship just make us competitive.
I'll gladly take a championship in the next 3 years