mooby 03-12-2012, 05:48 PM First of all I'm trying to find this funny like everyone else but don't. All I'm saying is if your right, and you call it, you should be acknowledged for it or bring it up if other people don't remember it. I Want you all to point out what you all have called correctly. That way I'll know who should listen to, or why I should listen to your opinion more than other peoples. I have my source who is in the redskins building. But I dont see him that often, so really I get 1-3 good pieces of info out of him a year. Smootsmack is the only one here that I listen to (you can throw in DCtailgate too) because we might have similar sources. We are all wrong more than we are right. Especially me, but you shouldn't call out something important on this site and not get all credit or acknowledgement for it, because you should be acknowledged for it. Thats all.
I'm a little tired so I'm gonna make this short and sweet. I don't remember what you were right about nor do I particularly care for the specifics of the argument, but congratulations.
S/N: Do you ever see SS strut around the place thinking he's hot shit because he's the hand that feeds us all? Humility is a gift, learn to embrace it.
That Guy 03-12-2012, 05:50 PM Ok good, so come draft day I'll like out to see what you think we'll get. Simple as that. Because now your opinion or statement is one notch more important than some other peoples here. See what I'm getting at? No?
first, i was kidding (about the respect me part, you can search all my old draft stuff though if you really care). second, i haven't followed the draft very closely the last 4 years due to 80+ hour work weeks and being in awkward sandy places at times.
the best info is the ncaa stat site:
NCAA Football Statistics (http://web1.ncaa.org/mfb/mainpage.jsp)
nfldraftscout: (now owned by CBS)
Andrew Luck, Stanford, NFL Draft - CBSSports.com - NFLDraftScout.com (http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/draft/players/1631912)
and kffl for pro day and contract info:
NFL News and Rumors - Hot off the Wire Fantasy Football News (http://www.kffl.com/hotw/NFL?all=1)
walter's has pro day tables too:
WalterFootball.com: 2012 NFL Draft Pro Day Results - Wide Receivers (http://walterfootball.com/proday2012WR.php)
that said, you've got too much e-angst. people poke at you because you spend soo much time reacting to it and you try to hard to take credit for things that don't matter. if you want people to listen, be right or provide insight. but don't pound your chest if you're shooting 10% on accuracy. that just makes people think you're being silly.
BigHairedAristocrat 03-12-2012, 06:00 PM Oh yeah, good reminder, Jamal Brown will probably get axed next.
according to the salary cap info here, brown costs us 4.5MM if we keep him and 6MM if we cut him.... cutting him wouldnt help us out at all, unfortunately.
Ruhskins 03-12-2012, 06:13 PM So...Colston any cheaper than VJax?
That Guy 03-12-2012, 06:23 PM So...Colston any cheaper than VJax?
not really. I think meachem could be 3mill/year and the most likely candidate now...
diehardskin2982 03-12-2012, 06:35 PM don't need either just draft Juron Criner and Ryan Broyles in April!
CultBrennan59 03-12-2012, 06:42 PM first, i was kidding (about the respect me part, you can search all my old draft stuff though if you really care). second, i haven't followed the draft very closely the last 4 years due to 80+ hour work weeks and being in awkward sandy places at times.
the best info is the ncaa stat site:
NCAA Football Statistics (http://web1.ncaa.org/mfb/mainpage.jsp)
nfldraftscout: (now owned by CBS)
Andrew Luck, Stanford, NFL Draft - CBSSports.com - NFLDraftScout.com (http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/draft/players/1631912)
and kffl for pro day and contract info:
NFL News and Rumors - Hot off the Wire Fantasy Football News (http://www.kffl.com/hotw/NFL?all=1)
walter's has pro day tables too:
WalterFootball.com: 2012 NFL Draft Pro Day Results - Wide Receivers (http://walterfootball.com/proday2012WR.php)
that said, you've got too much e-angst. people poke at you because you spend soo much time reacting to it and you try to hard to take credit for things that don't matter. if you want people to listen, be right or provide insight. but don't pound your chest if you're shooting 10% on accuracy. that just makes people think you're being silly.
Good stuff.
PFT, Rotoworld, Google searches of what ever the play is you're looking for, twitter of any person who has a slightest bit of a connection to the redskins, those are good places to start and get the nfl info I get.
TheMalcolmConnection 03-12-2012, 07:34 PM http://www.tinygif.com/data/media/11/stewie-turn.gif
LOL, YES. An old favorite.
SmootSmack 03-12-2012, 07:39 PM It was long overdue for a return
Dirtbag59 03-12-2012, 07:42 PM Oh yeah, good reminder, Jamal Brown will probably get axed next.
Ermmm mein führer. Jammal Brown......
...........Jammal Brown's release fee exceeds his current cap number. We cannot release him without incurring a penalty
*Removes glasses slowly*
Anyone who thinks D-Hall isn't an elite corner please leave the room now.
Seriously someone needs to make a video regarding this recent incident.