02-14-2012, 03:15 PM
I hope your optimism is correct but history tells me you are wrong.
New history is made every day. How many teams have won 2 SB's in the manner the Giants did? Against the same team, in similar situations (Giants struggling regular season, barely making the playoffs, Pats cruising through regular season, Giants win SB on strength of good defense and two min drill resulting in td (along with one amazing catch made in each seperate two min drill by a guy who fills a depth role.)
02-14-2012, 03:17 PM
OMG seriously I am done. Pretty black and white what you said.
#1 I said CONTENDER.
#2 with PM we will be a CONTENDER
#3 we only lost our games by less then 7 points or atleast most of them
#4 with out him I think next year we could be a CONTENDER
#5 with PM I think SB.
Happy. If you want to hear me say I think we are a SB team then yes with him I think we could be. RGIII... no. PM .... yes. RGIII.... no. PM.... yes. IF HEALTHY.
02-14-2012, 03:22 PM
New history is made every day. How many teams have won 2 SB's in the manner the Giants did? Against the same team, in similar situations (Giants struggling regular season, barely making the playoffs, Pats cruising through regular season, Giants win SB on strength of good defense and two min drill resulting in td (along with one amazing catch made in each seperate two min drill by a guy who fills a depth role.)
You guys probably play the lottery and scratch off tickets every day too.
"Yeah yeah there was this guy in here two weeks ah maybe three just a regular guy you know and he got one of those Pot O Gold scratch off's and and he won $1000 bucks, that so can be me too!"
Yet 700 other people between 2 or three weeks ago since that guy won has lost at the Pot O Gold scratch off ticket.
This why some guys get so mad on Sunday when the real Redskins show up and stink the place up. "But but in my mind they are Super Bowl Contenders."
02-14-2012, 03:27 PM
#1 I said CONTENDER.
#2 with PM we will be a CONTENDER
#3 we only lost our games by less then 7 points or atleast most of them
#4 with out him I think next year we could be a CONTENDER
#5 with PM I think SB.
Happy. If you want to hear me say I think we are a SB team then yes with him I think we could be. RGIII... no. PM .... yes. RGIII.... no. PM.... yes. IF HEALTHY.
Dude you are dreaming. PM or no PM this team ain't seeing the SB next year and maybe not the playoffs.
And the lost by only 7 points argument is so old, it means squat really. That is a stat disillusion folks hold onto like their pacifier when they are upset and can not understand why this team blows.
02-14-2012, 03:29 PM
Quite honestly I think how upset you are about this is blinding the situation. You really think new history will never be made? In the NFL? Where 5 new teams have made the playoffs every year for like 15 years? Come on man. Anything's possible.
02-14-2012, 03:31 PM
Peyton will be great for our community as a volunteer and as a leader.
02-14-2012, 03:34 PM
Quite honestly I think how upset you are about this is blinding the situation. You really think new history will never be made? In the NFL? Where 5 new teams have made the playoffs every year for like 15 years? Come on man. Anything's possible.
I am not upset I think after watching the Skins for the past 31 years I have become jaded especially the last 20 years.
You are right anything is possible. They have a better chance of winning the Super Bowl then say the LA Clippers but reality and history tells me they are not getting there at least anytime soon.
02-14-2012, 03:44 PM
I am not upset I think after watching the Skins for the past 31 years I have become jaded especially the last 20 years.
You are right anything is possible. They have a better chance of winning the Super Bowl then say the LA Clippers but reality and history tells me they are not getting there at least anytime soon.
Well of course they have a better chance of making the SB than the Clippers, the Clippers are an NBA team. :D
Joke aside, don't sleep on the Clippers. If they can get their act together with Griffin, Paul, and Butler, they can make some noise in the playoffs.
How about we just say they have a better chance of making the SB than the Colts of this previous season.
02-14-2012, 03:49 PM
Dude you are dreaming. PM or no PM this team ain't seeing the SB next year and maybe not the playoffs.
And the lost by only 7 points argument is so old, it means squat really. That is a stat disillusion folks hold onto like their pacifier when they are upset and can not understand why this team blows.
This team blows because we have had sorry a$$ QBs that can't score. But when you are losing 4 to 6 games by 7-8 pts. it is frustrating, because that is a small margin of victory. All people are saying here is that a healthy Manning with some additions (that would occur since we don't have to trade the farm to move up) would make this a winning team.