01-31-2005, 09:48 AM
If history is any indicator, we'll have some idea that Smoot is on his way out when we start to hear/read stories by local journalists saying that Smoot was a "problem in the clubhouse" or was "not open to coaching" or "stubborn" or things like that. The Redskins FO/PR Dept has a history of leaking those kinds of things about players just prior to them "leaving town". The most blatant example of that was Brian Mitchell.
So, keep your eyes open and your ears tuned...
If history is any indicator, we'll have some idea that Smoot is on his way out when we start to hear/read stories by local journalists saying that Smoot was a "problem in the clubhouse" or was "not open to coaching" or "stubborn" or things like that. The Redskins FO/PR Dept has a history of leaking those kinds of things about players just prior to them "leaving town". The most blatant example of that was Brian Mitchell.
So, keep your eyes open and your ears tuned...