01-11-2012, 05:19 PM
Might as well posted this.
Carry about the same weight.
:lol: have your beliefs, I have mine. I'm not ashamed of my Christian faith. But, this is a football message board. I agree to keep my beliefs to myself as long as you do the same.
01-11-2012, 05:22 PM
01-11-2012, 05:27 PM
You need to add Mike Brown to that list. He is the son of the great Paul Brown after all, and no doubt has had his share of football knowledge passed on to him.
Sorry, I ignored your screed above this posting but now you have descended to the level of Lysenkoism. [Google is your friend if you don't know what Lysenkoism is or who Lysenko was...]
No one inherits football knowledge just by being around someone who coached/played football. If that were true, Kyle Shanahan and Brian Schottenheimer would be a whole lot better as offensive coordinators than they have shown themselves to be.
The fact that Jerry Jones played on a national championship football team 50 years ago means that he brings something to his decsionmaking and analysis that other owners cannot bring to their decisionmaking and analysis. That does not mean that he is better than they are; that does not mean he will not make plenty of mistaken judgments; what it does mean is that he knows things they do not know because they never did what he did. If you cannot see that difference clearly, then there is no point in trying to use logic in a discussion with you.
Jerry Jones appears to make decisions that are not totally analytical; he seems to let his ego and his glands take over his decisionmaking processes more than once in a while. That has been a significant problem for the Cowboys' organization in the last decade or so.
As to Jones only being successful when Jimmy Johnson or Bill Parcells was on the scene - - BTW, do not forget that Barry Switzer has a Super Bowl Ring from the Cowboys too - - who was it that decided to bring Johnson and Parcells to Dallas?
01-11-2012, 06:22 PM
No one inherits football knowledge just by being around someone who coached/played football. If that were true, Kyle Shanahan and Brian Schottenheimer would be a whole lot better as offensive coordinators than they have shown themselves to be.
I didn't imply that he just magically inherited this knowledge. I'm willing to bet my life on the fact that Mike Brown watched game film with his dad, went to practices, watched other coaches, and that is where he got his football knowledge over the course of his life. So let's not put Mike Brown and Jerry Jones even on the same level when it comes to football knowledge. I imagine that Mike Brown has forgotten more about football, than Jerry will ever know. So does this knowledge make him a great owner/GM? Hell no. One of the most knowledgeable people in the league was Al Davis and he was a horrible owner/GM the past decade.
I think you are selling Kyle and Brian short on your assumptions. No offense, but they know more about football than me and you will ever know. (even us combined)
Jerry's college football experience 50 years ago is irrelevant. The fact still remains is most of his life, he was doing something else besides football, so him trying to come in and make football decisions is mind boggling and stupid. Do I think he's a idiot? Of course not. I think Jerry's absorbed a ton of information over the course of 1998, but that still doesn't mean he's qualified to be a GM either.
01-11-2012, 06:55 PM
:lol: have your beliefs, I have mine. I'm not ashamed of my Christian faith. But, this is a football message board. I agree to keep my beliefs to myself as long as you do the same.
True enough. I should have left out the potshot at christianity. I'll save it for Off-Topic sections. :FIREdevil
01-11-2012, 11:40 PM
I didn't imply that he just magically inherited this knowledge. I'm willing to bet my life on the fact that Mike Brown watched game film with his dad, went to practices, watched other coaches, and that is where he got his football knowledge over the course of his life. So let's not put Mike Brown and Jerry Jones even on the same level when it comes to football knowledge. I imagine that Mike Brown has forgotten more about football, than Jerry will ever know. So does this knowledge make him a great owner/GM? Hell no. One of the most knowledgeable people in the league was Al Davis and he was a horrible owner/GM the past decade.
I think you are selling Kyle and Brian short on your assumptions. No offense, but they know more about football than me and you will ever know. (even us combined)
Jerry's college football experience 50 years ago is irrelevant. The fact still remains is most of his life, he was doing something else besides football, so him trying to come in and make football decisions is mind boggling and stupid. Do I think he's a idiot? Of course not. I think Jerry's absorbed a ton of information over the course of 1998, but that still doesn't mean he's qualified to be a GM either.
By your logic, the Shula kids should have been GREAT coaches because we KNOW that they spent time with Dad watching film and being part of the team and all that apprenticeship stuff. You only surmise that Mike Brown did that and thereby learned about football.
Both Shula kids failed as coaches despite their heritage, their immersion in the game etc. One does not necessarily absorb knowledge and comptence just by being around knowledgeable and competent folks. If it were so, there would be only brilliant people coming out of universities.
Look, you can dislike Jerry Jones all you want because he owns the Cowboys and he has upstaged Danny Boy on more than one front over the years. I will even agree with you that his decisions as GM for the Cowboys have been spotty at best. But to say he is a know-nothing makes little sense.
01-11-2012, 11:46 PM
Is it Mike or Dave Shula that's Cam's QB coach now?
01-12-2012, 05:04 AM
Is it Mike or Dave Shula that's Cam's QB coach now?
beat me to it.
01-12-2012, 05:11 AM
No one inherits football knowledge just by being around someone who coached/played football. If that were true, Kyle Shanahan and Brian Schottenheimer would be a whole lot better as offensive coordinators than they have shown themselves to be.
Why aren't they good?KS ..did fine in Houston and BS had the Jets in the AFC chanpionship game the last 2 years ,also I think there is a guy in Alabama....named Sabin who has'nt done to bad.
Noone says you are born with it but by coming from a family where it is their bread and butter pick up a hell of a lot more then Joe fan.