01-16-2012, 07:55 PM
Face it man, he was always a really good cover corner and 9th overall pick, he's playing to his potential just like Alex Smith and making INT's. Oh wait, Alex Smith is on a 1 year contract also. Get over the bitterness over Rogers, I will never get over the bitterness over Hall (despise his Ass). ;)
I always thought Carlos was a better CB than D-hall so not sure why you even bring D-hall up. I'm not bitter about Carlos, but I'm glad his sorry ass attitude is gone.
That's 100% BS. He got dicked over here by management. Plain and simple.
No, no he didn't. Let me share with you some info that another insider brought to the table over the past couple of years in regards to Carlos Rogers. Remember Willie Parker's comment about some of the guys were more concerned with clubbing than they were football? The number one guy at the top of the 3 ring circus was Carlos Rogers himself. Club going all throughout the week, get home at 4am with having to be at practice the following morning. This was not limited to the weekdays either because it was also a issue of him going out on Saturday nights doing the same thing knowing he had a game the next day.
Not only that, he really only had 1 good year since being drafted with the 9th pick back in 2005. He's almost had more INTs in this one year(6), than he's basically had in his six years as a Redskins. (8)
What does that tell you about Carlos Rogers? What does that tell you about the effort he's given to the Redskins? Why didn't he put that type of effort while playing here if he wanted to get paid? Also, why is it the only type of contract he was offered from any other team was a measly ONE year deal worth 4 mil. He talked during the off-season how he was one of the top FA CBs on the market, and yet he couldn't even fetch no more than that? LOL Carlos is playing his ass off because he is broke and wants to get paid. He's had financial problems since he's been in the league and is in need of the big payday.
Don't give me this bullshit that the front office screwed Carlos over. NO, Carlos screwed himself. Even after all the bullshit I've covered on this jackass, the Skins still offered him a multi-year contract, but it wasn't the baller money that Carlos was requesting. You see, he's looking Cromartie type of money, or D-hall type since that's the guy he targeted during the off-season with his rant about being paid.
I always thought Carlos was a better CB than D-hall so not sure why you even bring D-hall up. I'm not bitter about Carlos, but I'm glad his sorry ass attitude is gone.
That's 100% BS. He got dicked over here by management. Plain and simple.
No, no he didn't. Let me share with you some info that another insider brought to the table over the past couple of years in regards to Carlos Rogers. Remember Willie Parker's comment about some of the guys were more concerned with clubbing than they were football? The number one guy at the top of the 3 ring circus was Carlos Rogers himself. Club going all throughout the week, get home at 4am with having to be at practice the following morning. This was not limited to the weekdays either because it was also a issue of him going out on Saturday nights doing the same thing knowing he had a game the next day.
Not only that, he really only had 1 good year since being drafted with the 9th pick back in 2005. He's almost had more INTs in this one year(6), than he's basically had in his six years as a Redskins. (8)
What does that tell you about Carlos Rogers? What does that tell you about the effort he's given to the Redskins? Why didn't he put that type of effort while playing here if he wanted to get paid? Also, why is it the only type of contract he was offered from any other team was a measly ONE year deal worth 4 mil. He talked during the off-season how he was one of the top FA CBs on the market, and yet he couldn't even fetch no more than that? LOL Carlos is playing his ass off because he is broke and wants to get paid. He's had financial problems since he's been in the league and is in need of the big payday.
Don't give me this bullshit that the front office screwed Carlos over. NO, Carlos screwed himself. Even after all the bullshit I've covered on this jackass, the Skins still offered him a multi-year contract, but it wasn't the baller money that Carlos was requesting. You see, he's looking Cromartie type of money, or D-hall type since that's the guy he targeted during the off-season with his rant about being paid.