01-15-2012, 01:11 AM
I dunno Matty, I think their offense is struggling due to the limitations of Tebow. I think they've had to tailor their offense around his skill set which is why you see them running the option. It's like the Miami Dolphins running the wildcat formation. Sure it worked for a New York minute, then it all caught up to them the following year.
You have to remember that he did not start the season and it was not until the 2nd qtr of the year they started Tebow. Who knows what will happen over the next year.
I dunno Matty, I think their offense is struggling due to the limitations of Tebow. I think they've had to tailor their offense around his skill set which is why you see them running the option. It's like the Miami Dolphins running the wildcat formation. Sure it worked for a New York minute, then it all caught up to them the following year.
He's a 2nd year QB, gotta give the guy a chance.
Who would have thought back in August Denver would have been even playing tonight?
01-15-2012, 01:20 AM
You have to remember that he did not start the season and it was not until the 2nd qtr of the year they started Tebow. Who knows what will happen over the next year.
We don't. My guess...DCs figure out how to stop a gimmicky offense like they usually do and Tebow is forced to try and succeed in a more traditional manner...I'm not terribly confident he can do so. But he will get his chance. I do think he has earned it now.
I bear tit is best.
01-15-2012, 01:20 AM
Manning is one of, if not the, greatest regular season QB's of all time. Brady is one of the best post season QB's of all time. Brady had better all around coaching than manning, because statistically, their defense's and offenses may have had some similar years statisically, but when it came to X's and O's Belichik was better than Dungy as a defensive coordinator. Also brady's teams were more balanced offense, defense, special teams, than mannings teams. I remember one year Indy had like the 2-3 ranked offense in the league and the 29-32 ranked defense, and they were out of the playoffs game one. Brady's had better all around position guys than manning. If you gave manning welker, moss, gaffney, and stallworth I guarantee you he would put up 50+ TD's.
Like people have mentioned, NE without Brady went 11-5. Indy without manning went 2-14. You can not ignore that. NE has a better organization base and system than Indy does. It's that simple. NE was willing to spend some seasons to get Brady better weapons, where as the colts were drafting unknowns or getting defenseman or not signing any good receivers for manning.
I've always looked at it like this;
What if manning was on NE and Brady was in Indy? What if Brady was on the 0-16 Lions? What about Manning? I feel like Manning is a win better than Brady. I also feel like If Manning was on NE, with Belichiek, that they would have won one more super bowl than Brady.
But honestly, right now, I would take Rodgers over both of them.
and Tom Brady's a douche.
01-15-2012, 01:24 AM
I've done the research on this crap before arguing with Brady nuts, and they points allowed defense was much much better.
Not so much a Brady nut as much as I can appreciate and acknowledge greatness. My personal favorite qb of all time is Marino, but I would still put Brady above him all time when it came to ranking them without personal bias or favortism involved. Brady haters on the other hand always amaze me.
01-15-2012, 01:41 AM
Here's the funny thing though. The 49ers have been an after thought in the Bay Area for the last 10 years. Hell, not even KNBR would talk about them, they'd still cover and pontificate about the Giants months after their season has ended smack dab in the middle of the NFL season. You use to see 49er jerseys everywhere, until most of those fair weather fans jumped ship to the Raiders once they became the hot team, now you hardly see any 49er jerseys. But after this weekend, it's going to be the 1980's all over again. Fair weather fans will tuck away their Raider Jerseys and put on their 49er jerseys. I have no escape becase my fiance is a die-hard 49er fan, so I've softened on them a bit.
It has already started here.. weeks ago.. all the old heads that were SF bandwagoneers are showing up in the DC area
01-15-2012, 01:53 AM
Little fun fact for you all. The redskins have played the super bowl champion for the past 5 years.
2010 Packers
2009 Saints
2008 Steelers
2007 Giants
2006 Colts
So Patriots, 49ers, Giants..very good chance it's one of them. (I hate NE)
01-15-2012, 02:31 AM
I think Brady and Manning are both great QBs. Personally, I could not for certainty say that one is better than the other. In the end, Brady will end up with the better career, given that Manning's may be over. If we want to talk about advantage, I'm surprised that no one has mentioned Bill Belichick. He has been the constant in Brady's career and the main reason the Patriots are so dominant (even without Brady).
01-15-2012, 02:35 AM
Bill B is a big reason for Tom's success.