01-27-2005, 08:02 PM
Yep...I agree and again lets give him at least three years....
We're all expecting big things next season and I believe we'll see a big difference.
01-27-2005, 09:22 PM
I know it seems like its so far away, but I just can't imagine what would happen and WILL happen when we make it back to the Big Game. I propose all Warpathers either A) have an enormous party in DC or B) everyone go to the Super Bowl that can afford it.
01-27-2005, 09:25 PM
I know it seems like its so far away, but I just can't imagine what would happen and WILL happen when we make it back to the Big Game. I propose all Warpathers either A) have an enormous party in DC or B) everyone go to the Super Bowl that can afford it.
I dont know if everyone combined could afford Superbowl tickets LOL. Seriously though, they are upwards of 2-3 grand. If we make it to the Championship game one year, I'll defintley hit that up, its expensive, but affordable. I cant even begin to think of how I would be when we get to that type of a game.
01-28-2005, 01:16 AM
One thing for sure.....if the Skins make it to the big game (and of course win....) I'm recording it and putting it on dvd!....locking it up in a safe place! Well...after I watch it a couple hundred thousand times!
It's hilarious how this quote has been blown so out of proportion by the media. Hilarious but not surprising.
01-28-2005, 11:04 AM
In it way, it exposes just how ignorant the media can be. I haven't figured out yet why they have such a negative agenda toward Gibbs. Maybe Gibbs is too clean cut of a guy??
01-28-2005, 11:48 AM
He won't retire before his contract is up nor will he be fired. I think he'll be here for the full 5 years, then maybe sign a 1 or 2 year extension, or give the job the Gregg Williams.
01-28-2005, 12:16 PM
i was listening to the Sports Reporters on 980 the day it happened (those guys crack me up...helps me get thru my commute from Falls Church to Gaithersburg), and Tony Kornheiser was saying how he took it to mean that Gibbs wouldn't be around long...when he consulted Liz Clarke, WP reporter that was at the conference, she told him not to look into it, as it was said tongue in cheek.
the media tries to create controversy everywhere, and this is one more instance. you could clearly tell from the replay that he was trying to lighten the mood...
The media would LOVE it if Gibbs couldn't turn things around and retired early. The media loves to see Danny boy fall flat on his face and this would be no different.
01-28-2005, 06:13 PM
I would absolutely love it if what Bozzy said comes to pass! Assuming that Gibbs can work his magic once more, I would not mind him being here past the 5 year contract. Isn't Gibbs also President of player operations or something like that? I wonder when he retires from coaching, would he give that up as well? It would be nice for him to be a part of the decision making after he's done....very smart guy!