TheMalcolmConnection 01-27-2005, 10:47 AM Like I said, just watch what you download. If it's free, the REASON it's free it because people include their bullshit software within it to offset the cost of developing the software. Not only that, I try my hardest to not browse to any porn sites ;). If you keep your Spyboy and SpywareBlaster updated, those programs prevent you getting spyware, and if you DO get it, SpywareBlaster prevents it from running.
The main way you get spyware is through "drive-by" downloads. If you have your security settings too low in Internet Explorer the programs will instantly install and the programs that do install, will install more and more programs until your computer slows to a crawl.
Basically what I'm saying is, if you're going to browse, watch where you go, and if you're going to download free programs, do some research before you do because more often than not, SOMEONE will have an opinion about whether or not it's loaded with spyware (the worst programs full of spyware are always P2P software). And make sure that you have some kind of protection installed and like I said, you'll never get it again.
I am in charge of 5 departments here and only 2 people out of the 100 that I supervise have gotten spyware since I told them these handy dandy hints.
Daseal 01-27-2005, 11:12 AM Malcolm - no offense, but those hints are somewhat obvious since that's how spyware is distributed. What I want to know is how to get the programs without the spyware =p
TheMalcolmConnection 01-27-2005, 12:44 PM Daseal, well you know what's going on, apparently the other people that asked me the questions did not know even though I explained it twice. What programs are you talking about, like the P2P programs? Pretty much every P2P program is going to come loaded with spyware. The only ones to use are WinMX and Soulseek, and both are very tempermental sometimes. If you really want to find "anything" on the Internet, the best way is to use mIRC. That's where it's ALL at, and because of Bill Clinton's Internet Privacy Act, those channels are private domains.
Basically it's like saying if a cop were to bust up in your house and you were doing many illegal activities, you could not be prosecuted because it was without warrant. Now I am not condoning any of this activity, I AM saying it's available.
cpayne5 01-27-2005, 12:46 PM Basically what I'm saying is, if you're going to browse, watch where you go, and if you're going to download free programs, do some research before you do because more often than not, SOMEONE will have an opinion about whether or not it's loaded with spyware (the worst programs full of spyware are always P2P software).
Or you can just read the EULAs.
cpayne5 01-27-2005, 12:52 PM Daseal, well you know what's going on, apparently the other people that asked me the questions did not know even though I explained it twice.
The only question you've been asked is 'what makes you the no-spyware king?'. So, saying the things you have twice comes at the fault of your own misunderstanding of what others have said.
Daseal 01-27-2005, 01:00 PM I agree IRC is a good route, not very efficient though. BitTorrent is where it's at.
TheMalcolmConnection 01-27-2005, 02:08 PM Hey, come on now, I'm not trying get anybody riled up. I'm just giving some advice!:) And if it is my misunderstanding, I do apologize.
Ranman1 03-07-2005, 05:22 PM Give this a try.
That Guy 03-07-2005, 07:12 PM spyware free p2p?
kazaalite, direct connect (like mIRC only no chatting, many many TB of files), exeemlite, soulseek, edonkey, azureus (bit torrent client), usenet, mIRC...
for torrent files, www.btefnet.net (TV shows), http://thepiratebay.org/frame.html (games, movies and other stuff) and torrentsearch.com (search for torrents, derr) actually give you real results...
i prefer adaware, but you really don't even need it if you keep patched (most exploits wait till a patch comess out then reverses engineer it, find what it fixed, and launch attacks on unpatched systems)...
That Guy 03-07-2005, 07:20 PM and as far as free programs without spyware... try sourceforge.net
TBs of free open source software that does everything from playing videos (media player classic) to advanced accounting and content management... and then there's linux, bsd, beOS, drdos, mozilla/firefox... etc etc etc...