SFREDSKIN 01-21-2012, 03:14 PM He is probably looking at former Redskins secondary that get to the playoffs after they leave the Skins and is saying "That could be me!"
He's probably one of the ones Carlos mentions:
San Francisco 49ers cornerback Carlos Rogers is one win away from the Super Bowl — and seemingly ages removed from an up-and-down stint in Washington.
Rogers, whose 49ers face the New York Giants in Sunday’s NFC championship game, told The Post’s Barry Svrluga that he’s happy to be free of the day-to-day drama that defined his tenure with the Redskins.
“People say I wasn’t happy,” Rogers said. “It’s just because I spoke out. But it was the truth. It was the truth. And I’m gone. So what is it now? It’s still stuff going on. I know the guys on the team, so many guys is ready to leave. So many guys.”
SirClintonPortis 01-21-2012, 04:01 PM Carlos Rogers should become a hockey fan and then learn how to "capgeek himself" properly before throwing a hissy fit about money. Champ wasn't happy here either, but we were able to make a blockbuster trade before he would have walked.
Mechanix544 01-21-2012, 07:09 PM I have heard 3 interviews from Carlos Rogers, and have read alot more of his comments. That idiot has to be the most moronic, uneducated retard that I have ever heard speak or try to utter a complete sentence. Hilarious listening to him speak. Guys a GENIUS!!!!
BaltimoreSkins 01-21-2012, 11:06 PM He's probably one of the ones Carlos mentions:
San Francisco 49ers cornerback Carlos Rogers is one win away from the Super Bowl — and seemingly ages removed from an up-and-down stint in Washington.
Rogers, whose 49ers face the New York Giants in Sunday’s NFC championship game, told The Post’s Barry Svrluga that he’s happy to be free of the day-to-day drama that defined his tenure with the Redskins.
“People say I wasn’t happy,” Rogers said. “It’s just because I spoke out. But it was the truth. It was the truth. And I’m gone. So what is it now? It’s still stuff going on. I know the guys on the team, so many guys is ready to leave. So many guys.”
I hate to say it, but I think this is one of the major problems with this team. They have been struggling for so long there is general apathy as the season progresses, you can see it in the play. I would love to see a house clearing of many of the vets, but that won't happen.
SFREDSKIN 01-21-2012, 11:10 PM I hate to say it, but I think this is one of the major problems with this team. They have been struggling for so long there is general apathy as the season progresses, you can see it in the play. I would love to see a house clearing of many of the vets, but that won't happen.
There aren't many left. Moss, Landry, McIntosh and some will be gone next season.
Ruhskins 01-21-2012, 11:29 PM He's probably one of the ones Carlos mentions:
San Francisco 49ers cornerback Carlos Rogers is one win away from the Super Bowl and seemingly ages removed from an up-and-down stint in Washington.
Rogers, whose 49ers face the New York Giants in Sundays NFC championship game, told The Posts Barry Svrluga that hes happy to be free of the day-to-day drama that defined his tenure with the Redskins.
People say I wasnt happy, Rogers said. Its just because I spoke out. But it was the truth. It was the truth. And Im gone. So what is it now? Its still stuff going on. I know the guys on the team, so many guys is ready to leave. So many guys.
Someone shoukd ask him if speaking the truth caused him to drop all those INTs that hit him in the f'ing hands
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NC_Skins 01-21-2012, 11:41 PM I hate to say it, but I think this is one of the major problems with this team. They have been struggling for so long there is general apathy as the season progresses, you can see it in the play. I would love to see a house clearing of many of the vets, but that won't happen.
I think only 15 people still remain from the team that Shanahan inherited. More are sure to be cut or let walk this off-season.
redskin29633 01-23-2012, 01:12 PM There aren't many left. Moss, Landry, McIntosh and some will be gone next season.
McIntosh probably at the top of the list labeled "will not return in 2012." Near the end of one late season game, Doc Walker reported from the sideline that McIntosh was done as a Redskin. Beginning to look like Landry may not be far behind him as he exits Redskin Park. On the other hand, I think Moss will return for another season!
Son Of Man 01-23-2012, 01:36 PM I see Landry staying with the team next year. Haslett will talk him into it.
Ruhskins 01-23-2012, 02:49 PM I see Landry staying with the team next year. Haslett will talk him into it.
Yeah but is it going to be a another year of "let's hope he stays healthy"?