JoeRedskin 12-02-2011, 01:29 PM Once again, I don't condone his actions, but I see his point. In the end he's just hurting himself and no one is going to be on his side. Although he'd be getting just as much criticism as he is right now.
He'd be getting just as much criticism as what?
SBXVII 12-02-2011, 01:43 PM I'd be pissed and I'd start looking for a new job. At the same time, I wouldn't tank on my current job.
First, b/c it's just wrong. I've been shafted many a time - passed over for less qualified more politically connected folks, and currently work next to the laziest excuse for an employee known to man (and I have worked with some lazy ass attorneys) who is paid the same as me even though she hasn't put in 40 hours since I have been here. Regardless, I work hard, I work long hours and give my best b/c, ultimately, it's my name and my reputation at stake. DJax doesnt get that. You've been shafted; true enough - sh** happens. Either rise above it or sink into it. DJax has chosen the later.
Second, it's just stupid. Someone once told me, the best way to get out of a job you hate is to do it well. Had DJax sucked it up, played hard and given it his all throughout the season, teams would be fighting to pay him lots of money. If he gets franchised, play hard next season too. It's a formula that got Walter Jones paid top dollar year in and year out in Seattle. Instead, by pouting and half-assing it, he will get low balled in free agency. Maybe someone pays him big ass money but I doubt it. He just hasn't shown up enough to deserve it.
Totally agree with you man. He's wrong. Now do me a favour.... look at you age and then look at his. I know you might not ever have done it, but thats my point there is a maturity level there and he doesn't have it yet. He's making more money then he ever has, he's a top talent on that team and he's pissed he is not getting paid like one. He's spoiled and thinks he should be paid better and probably should but he's going about it the wrong way. I'm not making excuses for him, I'm just saying I think we all know what he's doing and why.
Edit: On your last para.. ever been in a job where you were the one who the boss relied on? knew you'd stay late if asked, knew you'd get the job done if asked, knew you would never say no? after a while you start getting the feeling your being abused becasue all the other workers leave on time, don't have stay late, or do anything extra? It's always you they come to. DJax comes out and plays well and the team decides they can't afford to lose him so they tag him. Look at the Chargers WR as a prime example. But as you said there's no excuse for half arsing it. It's a team sport and he's letting other down due to his selfishness.
SBXVII 12-02-2011, 01:58 PM Oh and since there is no WK 13 Skins/Jets prediction thread I'll say it here...
Skins 24
Jets 17
Ruhskins 12-02-2011, 02:03 PM He'd be getting just as much criticism as what?
I was saying that if he was holding out, DJax would be getting criticized too. Come to think of it, probably not as much as he is right now. Although, I think the Eagles' fans are probably more pissed at the whole team situation right now than just DJax.
Ruhskins 12-02-2011, 02:07 PM I'd be pissed and I'd start looking for a new job. At the same time, I wouldn't tank on my current job.
Well the problem with the NFL is that players can't do that b/c of the contracts.
Ruhskins 12-02-2011, 02:12 PM Same shit, they both want to get paid. Carlos was pissed 3 years ago when fat **** and Hall were signed.
Given his performance last season, DJax would have been worth a big contract. Rogers last year was not worth a big contract and wanted to get one. There's a big difference there.
Given our fiscal responsibility, you can't fault the Redskins for not keeping Rogers. However, given the spending spree the Eagles went on last season, I would fault them for not locking up their #1 weapon.
I'm sure the Eagles thought they'd be making a Super Bowl run and this would have become a non-issue. But they are not winning, so now it is.
NC_Skins 12-02-2011, 02:15 PM NFL contracts should have "opt out" clauses that allow a player to become a FA at a particular time. If owners are allowed to cut players and void their contracts at will, then the players deserve that same right.
That said, Djax is doing nothing but hurting his value. Chances are he's too stupid to realize this.
JoeRedskin 12-02-2011, 02:40 PM Well the problem with the NFL is that players can't do that b/c of the contracts.
No, but he can bust his ass and force Philly to either (1) Franchise him and pay him top 5 WR money; or (2) Not franchise and pay big bucks to retain him.
The concept is the same. If money is what he wants, he gets it by busting his ass so that his next contract - whether it be a one year franchise tender or a big signing bonus UFA contract - to pay him the money he believes he deserves.
JoeRedskin 12-02-2011, 02:48 PM Totally agree with you man. He's wrong. Now do me a favour.... look at you age and then look at his. I know you might not ever have done it, but thats my point there is a maturity level there and he doesn't have it yet. He's making more money then he ever has, he's a top talent on that team and he's pissed he is not getting paid like one. He's spoiled and thinks he should be paid better and probably should but he's going about it the wrong way. I'm not making excuses for him, I'm just saying I think we all know what he's doing and why.
Edit: On your last para.. ever been in a job where you were the one who the boss relied on? knew you'd stay late if asked, knew you'd get the job done if asked, knew you would never say no? after a while you start getting the feeling your being abused becasue all the other workers leave on time, don't have stay late, or do anything extra? It's always you they come to. DJax comes out and plays well and the team decides they can't afford to lose him so they tag him. Look at the Chargers WR as a prime example. But as you said there's no excuse for half arsing it. It's a team sport and he's letting other down due to his selfishness.
Yup - and I got out of that job by busting my ass and doing more work in other divisions. Working harder and working better got me a lateral move to a brand new division with a raise.
But, your right, he's 25 and probably had the world handed to him at every turn b/c of his amazing physical attributes. Would I have acted different at 25 under the same circumstances? Maybe, maybe not. Unfortunately, he's going to learn a hard lesson at the cost of millions of dollars. Given his exceptional speed, and in all probability, he will land on his feet and make lots of money. I get the strange feeling, however, that, no matter what he makes, he won't be satisfied and will never be the WR he could be.
skinsfaninok 12-02-2011, 03:00 PM Bears give Bennett Extension 4 yr 18 M