over the mountain
10-16-2011, 09:03 AM
quick story, im sure this is in the skins eagles game threads from years back. we are getting absolutely stomped, me and my aofementioned very large friend leave with afew mins to go and full beers in our hands. ushers at exit gate say we cant leave with full beers so we proceeed to nurse them at the exit gate as we absolutley rip n curse every philly fan leavin the game. i mean rippin into em. finally my large irissh friend gets this girl to call him some indigant irish name, hes curses here like in a style that would make his dead irish pappy rpoud, problem is she is with 2 of they biggest ****s ive ever seen. i mean these guys were close 7 foot and not the fat **** types either. real athletic looking and looking to beat some ass.
so i step up next to my buddy and join the shit talk fest scared out of me beejessus knowing im the only guy not freakish big. so one of them towers of a philly fan spits on my boy and that gives me the in, i throw my beer down at his feet and spit back on him! cops come over and break it up, we had another altercation farther along in the parking lot but it didnt amount to much but man . . . .so happy they started to spit and not thrown down.
anyways, love philly fans at fed ex. really do. ive gone to every eagles game at home for the past so many years and just love em. so take it easy on em. they love a good game ribbing, they can give and take it so no need to just shit talk em.
ps - sorry gotta call out the gay ass skins fans in bmore. im going to get m coffee now with a skisn hoodie. every time without fail there will be some dude in non skins gear wearing some ****ing under armour parka who will go out of his way to say "cool jersey man" or "go skins". . . .how bout you rep your colors and not be a scared bitch? there are alot of skins fans who do wear their sit bt dang if every time i dont get some closet skins fan saying something. wear your colors man!
so i step up next to my buddy and join the shit talk fest scared out of me beejessus knowing im the only guy not freakish big. so one of them towers of a philly fan spits on my boy and that gives me the in, i throw my beer down at his feet and spit back on him! cops come over and break it up, we had another altercation farther along in the parking lot but it didnt amount to much but man . . . .so happy they started to spit and not thrown down.
anyways, love philly fans at fed ex. really do. ive gone to every eagles game at home for the past so many years and just love em. so take it easy on em. they love a good game ribbing, they can give and take it so no need to just shit talk em.
ps - sorry gotta call out the gay ass skins fans in bmore. im going to get m coffee now with a skisn hoodie. every time without fail there will be some dude in non skins gear wearing some ****ing under armour parka who will go out of his way to say "cool jersey man" or "go skins". . . .how bout you rep your colors and not be a scared bitch? there are alot of skins fans who do wear their sit bt dang if every time i dont get some closet skins fan saying something. wear your colors man!