44ever 10-05-2011, 06:55 PM If your contention is that receivers aren't finding separation, therefore not giving Rex a open target to throw to, wouldn't you then feel more comfortable with a more athletic QB who can improvise with his legs?
Great point!
mooby 10-05-2011, 06:59 PM If your contention is that receivers aren't finding separation, therefore not giving Rex a open target to throw to, wouldn't you then feel more comfortable with a more athletic QB who can improvise with his legs?
We're not talking about Michael Vick here. John Beck is slightly more mobile than Grossman. He's not a dual threat though.
Tony Romo is 10 times the QB Rex Grossman is bro lets be real
so his stats this year, and how he played against us, as opposed to how Rex played against them, which isone of most ppls points against Rex.. reflect ur statement accurately?
like I said, by most Beck arguments, he should be getting the.nod over romo too...
not my opinion, but those.Beck fans seem to be going by this.logic....
lol, until Rex bombs a fee times... leave him alone.
firstdown 10-05-2011, 07:11 PM If your contention is that receivers aren't finding separation, therefore not giving Rex a open target to throw to, wouldn't you then feel more comfortable with a more athletic QB who can improvise with his legs?
So far Beck has not shown me he is the man to make the plays. In 5 yrs he has 5 starts with 1 td 3 ints and he looked like shit in preseason when he was trying to become the starter. Not sure Rex is that much better but he has been to a SB and has experience.
wilsowilso 10-05-2011, 07:11 PM We're not talking about Michael Vick here. John Beck is slightly more mobile than Grossman. He's not a dual threat though.
Seriously. John Beck is an average mobile QB in today's NFL. If that.
fanarchist 10-05-2011, 07:12 PM We're not talking about Michael Vick here. John Beck is slightly more mobile than Grossman. He's not a dual threat though.
I in no way eluded to him being Vick-like, or made a remotely similar comparison. It's quite literal really. "More athletic", which he is. How slender, or vast the margin is clearly open to interpretation. But obviously even a detractor is willing to admit he's "more mobile", which I'd say is a check in the box for Beck.
44ever 10-05-2011, 07:46 PM I in no way eluded to him being Vick-like, or made a remotely similar comparison. It's quite literal really. "More athletic", which he is. How slender, or vast the margin is clearly open to interpretation. But obviously even a detractor is willing to admit he's "more mobile", which I'd say is a check in the box for Beck.
I agreed with you earlier but I was thinking more along the lines of opening up more throwing lanes. I also agree Grossman does not have to be Vick like to accomplish that.
A QB with even average mobility can make a 2D passing game so much more simply by angle of attack. So I think your point on mobility is valid in many ways.
#56fanatic 10-06-2011, 08:24 AM Reading all this crap about changing QB's, you'd think we were 1-3. People are ridiculous, and Redskins fans just cant be happy. You all are pointing to the last quarter of the Dallas game, and the Rams game. Armstrong being out is not allowing us to stretch the field, which in turn isn't freeing up some of those middle routes we were use to seeing the first couple of games. that is one reason the passing game has taken a bit of a hit the last two games.
INT's - how many has he thrown 5?? How many of those are off recievers hands that should have been caught?? 3 or 4. ONly really bad one I can remember was the one vs the Rams. Two fumbles, one was at the end of the game where he was trying to make a play running outside the pocket and got hit from behind. That happes a TON in the NFL, to any QB and most QB;s that get caught from behind.
Its ridiculous to have these discussions. Two wins are related to Rex being able to make big plays and win the games. Giants and Cardinals. No one is talking about that. Everyone is bitching and moaning because of what Rex's reputation is and honestly its a bit overplayed. Rex has been playing pretty good when you get down to it. Taking what he is given, not forcing too many balls (as he has in the past), checking down and throwing balls away.
WE ARE 3-1 FOR F*CK SAKE. how bout we act like it
irish 10-06-2011, 08:56 AM Reading all this crap about changing QB's, you'd think we were 1-3. People are ridiculous, and Redskins fans just cant be happy. You all are pointing to the last quarter of the Dallas game, and the Rams game. Armstrong being out is not allowing us to stretch the field, which in turn isn't freeing up some of those middle routes we were use to seeing the first couple of games. that is one reason the passing game has taken a bit of a hit the last two games.
INT's - how many has he thrown 5?? How many of those are off recievers hands that should have been caught?? 3 or 4. ONly really bad one I can remember was the one vs the Rams. Two fumbles, one was at the end of the game where he was trying to make a play running outside the pocket and got hit from behind. That happes a TON in the NFL, to any QB and most QB;s that get caught from behind.
Its ridiculous to have these discussions. Two wins are related to Rex being able to make big plays and win the games. Giants and Cardinals. No one is talking about that. Everyone is bitching and moaning because of what Rex's reputation is and honestly its a bit overplayed. Rex has been playing pretty good when you get down to it. Taking what he is given, not forcing too many balls (as he has in the past), checking down and throwing balls away.
WE ARE 3-1 FOR F*CK SAKE. how bout we act like it
Its so rare that the Skins are 3-1 and actually looking good that Skins fans dont know how to act.
44ever 10-06-2011, 11:16 AM Redskins bye week: A look at the offense - The Insider - The Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/football-insider/post/redskins-bye-week-a-look-at-the-offense/2011/10/04/gIQAcyZZML_blog.html)
Skins QB Rex Grossman: Can He Handle the Toughest Job in Washington? | Bleacher Report (http://bleacherreport.com/articles/785691-skins-qb-rex-grossm-has-toughest-job-in-washington-can-he-handle-the-pressure)