SmootSmack 10-03-2011, 03:35 PM SS you shook your head and walked away. Back lol? It is ridiculous that this thread has 3-4 times more posts than the Studs thread.
In true SBF fashion I don't know when to shut up :)
The Studs thread and the Tony McGee thread need more love
irish 10-03-2011, 03:37 PM Couldn't have said it better. Shanahan did the right thing this past offseason, purge the team of the old culture, bring in a strong and deep surrounding cast that works with his system. It builds the foundation. Now he can go get the QB of the future who can come into a half decent situation.
Neither Rex nor Beck are going to win us a SB.
I dont think either can carry the team on his back and win a SB that way but I do think the Skins can win a SB with Rex as QB. Teams (TB and Balt come to mind) have won SBs with average or even below average QBs.
Dirtbag59 10-03-2011, 03:38 PM In true SBF fashion I don't know when to shut up :)
The Studs thread and the Tony McGee thread need more love
Compromise. Change the direction of this thread from Grossman-Beck to the Romo fallout?
swish41 Dirk Nowitzki
Dear tony romo. Don't worry abt all the critics. I heard that same garbage for a long time. Keep working hard and keep improving.
2 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply
Retweeted by @espn
FauxJohnMadden Faux John Madden
Quick someone break another one of Tony Romo's ribs so we have an excuse for his second half performance.
22 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply
Retweeted 100+ times
DanTheCannon Dan Cannon
For everybody blaming Tony Romo today. You need to be looking at the atrocious play calling in the second half.
2 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply
PeytonsHead Peyton's Head
BREAKING: Awaiting confirmation that the Waxahachie TX chemical plant fire near Dallas was caused by an errant Tony Romo pass.
57 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
ESPN_FirstTake ESPN First Take
Was yesterday the beginning of the end for Tony Romo?
4 hours ago
Chief X_Phackter 10-03-2011, 04:00 PM By that logic we should have kept McNabb and never replaced him with Rex in the first place.
You mean the numbers he put up 5 years ago as a rookie on a terrible Miami team?
You're dismissing the arguments relevant to the 2011 Redskins and their current offensive system.
Wrong, letting McNabb go and switching to Beck are two completely different scenarios. There is absolutely no correlation between the two.
And yes those are the only numbers there are on Beck...what else is there that shows what he is capable of other than preseason?
And finally I am not dismissing anything. I am simply saying it's a bad idea to switch QBs and that there is absolutely nothing out there that would elude to that being a good idea right now.
fanarchist 10-03-2011, 04:01 PM If you go back and watch Beck in the last preseason game, you have an argument for sticking with Grossman.
Man, we are 3-1 and people want to switch the QB. Amazing.
And watching the last 3 games I can build a strong case against "sticking with Rex". People seem to like bringing up that 4th and 3 corner route to Santana for a TD in the Cards game, using it as a microcosm for Rex's "gunslinger" attitude and the reason we were ultimately able to prevail. The way I see it, if Rex didn't throw those 2 early ints in the redzone, and we came away with 2 field goals instead, a field goal in that 4th and 3 scenario would have won you the game. Because of his lethargy in regards to decision making, and ball security, he put himself in a position where he was forced to try for the win in a circumstance that could have just as easily spelled disaster, and just as easily have been avoided. Granted he made the throw, and won the game. That I can't take away from him, but how many times have we seen the cards fall differently, and not in our favor. He operates ok within the confines of the system. When the line holds up, when the timing is on, when he can work off of play action, but mistakes even arise for him in those circumstances. He too often locks on to the first read in his progression which causes defenders to easily converge on the reciever, and also results in a slew of ints. He feels pressure where there is none which causes him to throw mistimed passes which again leads to more ints.
In the Dallas game. Yes he threw some good balls, but those balls tend to be to receivers who are sitting down, and running hitch routes into soft spots in cover 2 zone. Occationally he'll hit a guy running a drag, but mostly he's throwing to stationary targets. On the int to Sean Lee, he reads right, that was his first read, he sticks with that read too long, and comes back across the field to Fred Davis running a intermediate in. He is already in bracket coverage, and he doesn't recognize Sean Lee in middle zone floating in the direction of Davis. Rex releases the ball too late, and another int. That entire game he was anticipating pressure instead of keeping his gaze fixed downfield, and trying to make a play. That's ultimately what led to the fumble and the loss.
Much of the same in the Rams game. Only this time he threw 4 passes that could have led to easy ints. Luck was clearly on our side.
It's not a matter of the record for me. In all probability this team is not Superbowl bound this season. Rex's deficiencies will ultimately lead to losses this year. I want us to exhaust all options so there is no lingering doubt about the QB position in the offseason. We've seen what Rex can do, not just in these 7 games, but over the course of his career. His trends and inadequacies are the same as they were 5 years ago. Now I want to see what Beck can do.
Chief X_Phackter 10-03-2011, 04:12 PM I wonder if the Cowboys fans are having this same discussion after their QB actually cost them their game?
Chief X_Phackter 10-03-2011, 04:23 PM What exactly would that say to the locker room?
Head coach makes a firm decision and chooses his starter.
The team starts the season strong and exudes an excellent sense of community and commitment.
Work hard, play for the men next to you and when you earn your starting spot the coaches will back you up with the exact same dedication.
Shanahan walks into the locker room. Wearing his two Super Bowl rings.
"Hey guys we've decided to throw an absolute NFL nobody into the fire this week......just to see what happens. This other guy what's his name again..John. yeah this John Beck character over here... that's right that 30 year old guy right over there hiding in his locker..the one sucking his thumb right now..yeah that guy..he has UPSIDE according to some of the fans. What do we have to lose guys! It's not like we could go 4-1 or anything. Ok good talk. I'm off to go get sized for a new clown costume."
Let's be reality.
That is some funny shit...
Dirtbag59 10-03-2011, 04:37 PM Wrong, letting McNabb go and switching to Beck are two completely different scenarios. There is absolutely no correlation between the two.
If we go back to the switch last year I could easily say everything you're saying about Beck and more. "What has Rex done lately. McNabb has constantly taken his teams to the playoffs, he's a proven veteran. Rex hasn't started a full season since 2006 what makes you think he's going to be better then McNabb? McNabb is a 6 time pro bowler."
And yes those are the only numbers there are on Beck...what else is there that shows what he is capable of other than preseason?
There are no recent numbers outside of the preseason. However that only means so much. Enough QB's have taken off with sparse NFL resumes (ie only preseason starts and a game or two of clean up duty). Matt Schuab, Kurt Warner, Tom Brady, Matt Hasselbeck,
And finally I am not dismissing anything. I am simply saying it's a bad idea to switch QBs and that there is absolutely nothing out there that would elude to that being a good idea right now.
And ironically I'm not even demanding that Rex be pulled, but I would like to see the coaching staff strongly consider it and decide that if they're going to make the switch that the best time to do so would be the bye week where you could get more reps.
Still I don't care about 3-1 as evidence as to why we should keep Rex. If anyone cares about selling someone like me who's standing on the ledge talk about the third down conversions, the opening drive, the key drops by Hightower and Moss that could have changed the final part of the game. Either way this two turnovers a game trend has to improve. It has to. We cannot win games long term, especially in the playoffs turning the ball over twice a game.
CrustyRedskin 10-03-2011, 04:45 PM Dang it! and to think i waited all day to check this thread out!!
Chief X_Phackter 10-03-2011, 05:41 PM If we go back to the switch last year I could easily say everything you're saying about Beck and more. "What has Rex done lately. McNabb has constantly taken his teams to the playoffs, he's a proven veteran. Rex hasn't started a full season since 2006 what makes you think he's going to be better then McNabb? McNabb is a 6 time pro bowler."
There are no recent numbers outside of the preseason. However that only means so much. Enough QB's have taken off with sparse NFL resumes (ie only preseason starts and a game or two of clean up duty). Matt Schuab, Kurt Warner, Tom Brady, Matt Hasselbeck,
And ironically I'm not even demanding that Rex be pulled, but I would like to see the coaching staff strongly consider it and decide that if they're going to make the switch that the best time to do so would be the bye week where you could get more reps.
Still I don't care about 3-1 as evidence as to why we should keep Rex. If anyone cares about selling someone like me who's standing on the ledge talk about the third down conversions, the opening drive, the key drops by Hightower and Moss that could have changed the final part of the game. Either way this two turnovers a game trend has to improve. It has to. We cannot win games long term, especially in the playoffs turning the ball over twice a game.
I don't want to sell anything, I'm just thankful that you are not the one making the decision. It would be a bad one.
There may very well be a point in the season where it is time to go to Beck for whatever reason, but right now is not the time. I still think that barring an injury or Rex just completely coming unravelled and losing a game that we should win all by himself - he will be there all year.