01-07-2005, 11:41 AM
Theres no way Smoot right now is a better corner than Springs, therefore he doesn't deserve Springs money.
I think Smoot can and will get at least Springs money - because of his age as much as anything else. He's younger, and more likely to be earning his money at the end of his contract than Springs. Face it, aside from Darrell Green, CB isn't a position that has a lot of longetivity.
As for Ade Jimoh, I think he's just happy the Redskins continue to spell his name right on the back of a jersey.
Are the $10 and $14 million numbers just being thrown around, or are those leaked figures?
01-07-2005, 11:58 AM
I still think the main reason he wants so much isnt because he is worth that much, but becuase he was ripped off the first four years of his contract. I think he only made like two million over four years and now he needs to recoup that. He has been a cheap player for us so far.
I know we're talking in the context of NFL player salaries here, but really boys and girls, how many of you would feel 'ripped off' if you got $2M in the last for years? Hell I don't think I've made 1/2 Mil in the whole time I've worked! The root of the whole problem here is free agency. As long as there are fool owners (like the Daniel) willing to pay outlandish sums of money to already overpaid players, this whole scenario escalates in value from one year to the next. 5 years from now it wouldn't surprise me if we're talking about $50M signing bonuses and $300M contracts.
01-07-2005, 12:01 PM
Yeah I agree! I think the pay of professional atheletes is getting way out of hand! I wouldn't doubt that in the near future, you'll hear about atheletes getting paid a billion dollars to play. If I had the atheletic ability right now to play pro ball, I would love to be making $500,000 a season right now! hahaha I'm not used to much!
The latest on Smoot from the WP:
The return of cornerback Fred Smoot appears unlikely, however, unless he accepts a signing bonus of no more than $11 million. According to sources, the club has a backup plan to promote defensive back Walt Harris -- who started 15 games in 2003 for the Indianapolis Colts -- if Smoot departs.
"If Fred's here or not here, that's a decision Fred made, not people here," said defensive coordinator Greg Blache. "We'd love to have Fred back, but if he's not back we're going to line up a defense and we're going to compete."