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mlmpetert 08-31-2011, 09:45 AM I think when you say farmers you really mean commercial feed lots. Anyone who has ever seen the inhumane conditions cows are made to endure in commercial feed lots (I have seen them in Nebraska) and has even a slight sense of compassion couldnt help but reconsider whether they should keep eating beef. That is as much a torture to cows as anything Vick did to his dogs.
On the $ side, there is no way Vick is worth that kind of $. He had a few good games and as usual tanked in the playoffs. Vick will never take a team all the way.
Yeah i saw a documentary on pig "farmers" once. Some of the most inhuman things ive ever seen or heard of in that program, much more inhumane then anything that happened at bad newz. And pigs are generally considered smarter than dogs, so it is likely they would object to their treatment more so then dogs.
I think something people refuse to acknowledge when it comes to certain kinds of animals is that there is a difference between pet animals and non-pet animals. The dogs Vick had wernt pets, they were sporting dogs. They wernt treated like Rover or my dog Freckles on the weekdays and then fought on the weekends, they were raised entirely different then a household pet. Similar to the pig documentary I saw, the pigs that were raised at the meat mill are raised differently than a pot belly pig your crazy neighbor may have.
I don’t think what Vick did was right whatsoever; however, I think people need to distinguish the environmental differences between a household pet and a animal raised for sport or slaughter. Fighting your girlfriend’s Maltese against your neighbor’s Yorkie is different than fighting pitbulls breed and raised for sport. Both wrong, albeit different. It’s a emotional issue that’s difficult for some to grasp. Either way im not going to say anything more on this, I just think its important that people consider theres a difference.
freddyg12 08-31-2011, 09:52 AM Lest we forget that the NFL is an entertainment industry. Vick, love him or hate him, is a dynamic player who attracts viewers for and against him. A game with Vick in it, is a game that more people will watch, which in turns drives ratings, memorabilia sales, jersey sales, attendance, etc. His Q-factor is worth the $100M and Jeff Lurie knows this as well as anyone, as does Goodell, who certainly went out of his way to give Vick a leg up back into the league.
The NFL is a business, and Vick is a money maker regardless of whether he wins you the game. He earned his contract... maybe not purely based on "field-performance" but he earned it no doubt.
Best post of this thread, but I would slightly disagree w/your last paragraph, he had a hell of a year last year. At the end he showed his flaws, but he still had a great year. I think he peaked, but the signing makes sense for a few reasons, including what you mention in 1st paragraph.
Chico23231 08-31-2011, 10:02 AM LVL with his 100 million...LVL
Monkeydad 08-31-2011, 10:52 AM According to Mike and Mike this morning, Vick owes $19 million from his bankruptcy.
40% of his earnings over $10 million automatically go to creditors. He owes $6 million to the Falcons too. IF he plays 5 years, he'll have his debts related to the bankruptcy paid off.
Of the $100 million, only $40 million is guaranteed. Cut that in half after taxes. $20 million earned...$19 million owed and will be paid by court order...haha.
He BETTER stay healthy for his sake, or he'll be in the poor house, or back in prison for not repaying debts.
He's dug his own financial grave. No sympathy. Atlanta gave him a $120 million contract and he had to file bankruptcy?
Instead of "celebrating a redemption story", I'm not going to be naive enough to think someone who (not a complete list I'm sure), was stopped in an airport for drugs, flipped off fans in the stands, murdered living creatures in an illegal gambling ring and apparently doesn't pay his debts is suddenly an upstanding citizen who suddenly has no blemishes in his personality and lifestyle after sitting in jail. You can bet he still has contact with his old circle of friends and followers and has temptations to slip back into his old lifestyle. What will having income again do to him? Sure, he's doing the mandated speaking tours on being nice to animals and having his agents and consultants write some noble sounding lines to spew in front of the cameras, but we can not seriously expect someone tied up in so many degenerate activities and with such a polarizing personality to suddenly do a complete 180. He may not be running or even showing up to dogfights, but who knows...is he having his friends just send him i-Phone videos so he can watch? Is he texting his bets in now, while appearing to be at a safe distance from the South's dogfights up here in PA? I'm not accusing him without basis, just wondering if he's honestly gone from a drug-using, animal-killing thug to a saint in a few short years. I'd like to believe he's a better person, but none of us know his personal life...just the PR side that the Eagles, media and the NFL want us to see.
We'll see if he can behave for the rest of his life. If he does, I'll be the first to praise him. However, I'm just not ready to celebrate and congratulate someone who did so much wrong while other players like Drew Brees and even lesser-noticed players like Lorenzo Alexander are genuinely good people doing great things in their community WITHOUT being forced by courts to do so, go generally unspoken about. Instead of fabricating some great "redemption story" about someone we want to be a role model but has been the polar opposite in every way, why don't we talk about and reward those who do what's right on their first try?
freddyg12 08-31-2011, 10:59 AM According to Mike and Mike this morning, Vick owes $19 million from his bankruptcy.
40% of his earnings over $10 million automatically go to creditors. He owes $6 million to the Falcons too. IF he plays 5 years, he'll have his debts related to the bankruptcy paid off.
Of the $100 million, only $40 million is guaranteed. Cut that in half after taxes. $20 million earned...$19 million owed and will be paid by court order...haha.
He BETTER stay healthy for his sake, or he'll be in the poor house, or back in prison for not repaying debts.
He's dug his own financial grave. No sympathy.
He's back w/Nike though & even if his agent his half assed at getting deals for him, he'll make some good money w/endorsements. He'll never be that big time Q rating guy like Jordan, but he should be able to set himself up pretty well.
firstdown 08-31-2011, 12:55 PM According to Mike and Mike this morning, Vick owes $19 million from his bankruptcy.
40% of his earnings over $10 million automatically go to creditors. He owes $6 million to the Falcons too. IF he plays 5 years, he'll have his debts related to the bankruptcy paid off.
Of the $100 million, only $40 million is guaranteed. Cut that in half after taxes. $20 million earned...$19 million owed and will be paid by court order...haha.
He BETTER stay healthy for his sake, or he'll be in the poor house, or back in prison for not repaying debts.
He's dug his own financial grave. No sympathy. Atlanta gave him a $120 million contract and he had to file bankruptcy?
Instead of "celebrating a redemption story", I'm not going to be naive enough to think someone who (not a complete list I'm sure), was stopped in an airport for drugs, flipped off fans in the stands, murdered living creatures in an illegal gambling ring and apparently doesn't pay his debts is suddenly an upstanding citizen who suddenly has no blemishes in his personality and lifestyle after sitting in jail. You can bet he still has contact with his old circle of friends and followers and has temptations to slip back into his old lifestyle. What will having income again do to him? Sure, he's doing the mandated speaking tours on being nice to animals and having his agents and consultants write some noble sounding lines to spew in front of the cameras, but we can not seriously expect someone tied up in so many degenerate activities and with such a polarizing personality to suddenly do a complete 180. He may not be running or even showing up to dogfights, but who knows...is he having his friends just send him i-Phone videos so he can watch? Is he texting his bets in now, while appearing to be at a safe distance from the South's dogfights up here in PA? I'm not accusing him without basis, just wondering if he's honestly gone from a drug-using, animal-killing thug to a saint in a few short years. I'd like to believe he's a better person, but none of us know his personal life...just the PR side that the Eagles, media and the NFL want us to see.
We'll see if he can behave for the rest of his life. If he does, I'll be the first to praise him. However, I'm just not ready to celebrate and congratulate someone who did so much wrong while other players like Drew Brees and even lesser-noticed players like Lorenzo Alexander are genuinely good people doing great things in their community WITHOUT being forced by courts to do so, go generally unspoken about. Instead of fabricating some great "redemption story" about someone we want to be a role model but has been the polar opposite in every way, why don't we talk about and reward those who do what's right on their first try?
If I'm correct if he owes 19 mil then he did not go bankrupt because if he did he would not owe all that money.
over the mountain 08-31-2011, 01:19 PM people are entitled to hate vick for what he did, regardless of whether he did his time or seems to have gotten his life back together. people have a right to have an opinion one way or the other.
i dont see how someone who hates vick for killing dogs means they value a dogs life more than a humans. i hate vick for what he did, id boo and curse him given the chance. i think vick did enough time in jail, the sentence was fair imo, doesnt mean i cant hate the guy for what he did. doesnt mean vick will care one iota for how some skins fan or anyone feels about him. besides, he knowingly gives girls herpes, not cool either.
im pretty sure i stopped posting on here for awhile in a vick discussion a year or so ago b/c of peoples reactions on this subject.
kali3 08-31-2011, 01:42 PM He's back w/Nike though & even if his agent his half assed at getting deals for him, he'll make some good money w/endorsements. He'll never be that big time Q rating guy like Jordan, but he should be able to set himself up pretty well.
I'm absolutley shocked that Nike would sign him. There's a heck of a lot more dog lovers out there than Eagles fans. I cant see how this doesnt hurt a company like Nike more than help them.
Unless of course Vick's deal with Nike is a Jersey Shore Abercrombie and Fitch thing were the sponsor is paying Vick NOT to wear their logos!
It's one thing for him to get minor local endorsement deals in the Philly area (Philly fans would most likely root for Osama bin Laden if he could have a 110 QB rating for them) its quite another for a convicted dog killer to get a national sponsorship deal.
warriorzpath 08-31-2011, 02:41 PM It won't last the whole season, but the eagles may win some early games because the officials may be giving them the jordanlike calls- because of the whole dream team thing. The game against the browns, they were given two calls from the refs that went their way. An off. pass interference penalty in favor of asomugha that nullified a big pass play. And another on a roughing the qb penalty that nullified vicks interception.
Landry44 09-01-2011, 12:15 AM You really don'r understand the difference between hunting and
and "farming" to torture and murder, that's pretty ignorant.He's a "DOG KILLER" .....not a hunter ,and not a farmer. Hunters shoot innocent animals that can't defend themselves just to hang them up as trophies. Farmers kill animals for financial gains. At the end of the day those animals are dead. It really matter why or how they were killed. The point is Mike Vick served his time and he has a right to move on with his life. You should try moving on with yours.