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Giantone 08-30-2011, 03:44 PM Please don't take this the wrong way, but I want to ask you a question? I am done debating on Vick and Prison and all that, but i have seen some of your posts about Vick, and i really get the assumption that you wouldn't feel as negatively about Vick if he had only killed a human being.
Not trying to judge dude at all, but I've talked to alot of these Michael Vick haters at my new job, and the consensus among them, is being that Animals now hold surperior rights to a human being (you know the animal bill of rights and constitution and all that), If Vick would have killed a person, be it in murder or drunk driving, he would have gotten off lighter in the eyes of the fans.
If M.Vick had done to a human what he did to a dog he would be on death row.Also wether you like it or not some pet owners honestly feel their pet is their family and in some cases they are.If you're all Vicked out cool then don't respond but he is a sadistic dog killer and you just don't wake up one monrning a say "oh gee wiz ...maybe I should'nt do that".He apologized becuae he got caught.Remember these were dogs of his that had lost so he drowed them ....animals that could not fight back, oh yeah give him 100 mil and say good job.:soapbox:
GusFrerotte 08-30-2011, 06:09 PM Very dumb, it is almost as bad as us with AH. To give the guy a contract this huge that is really based on what 6 games of great play last year is extremely risky to say the least. He choked come playoff time and reverted back to old ATL Vick with his mediocre passing game. Hasn't he thrown for more picks than Sexy Rexy this preseason?
NC_Skins 08-30-2011, 06:32 PM Let Vick live, his been through alot.
He's only been through a lot because he's brought it on himself. The hell with that notion. He deserves (and is justified) any scrutiny he gets.
mlmpetert 08-30-2011, 09:04 PM Let Vick live, his been through alot.
That thing is next to him is super banging...he probably hit that too, lucky bastard
That's my new mantra. Lvl brah, lvl
firstdown 08-30-2011, 09:33 PM He was set to make 16 mil this year so its really a 24 mil guaranted because that 16 mil would have gone directly against the cap anyways. After that no telling how much of that money he will ever see. I really don't care because he was going to be an Eagle this year no matter what. So now if he does not live up to the contract then it a plus to us.
Landry44 08-30-2011, 11:59 PM Good for him. I'm happy for Vick. I don't think he deserve that type of money because he only played six great games and didn't do all that well in the playoff. However, I'm happy that he was able to get his life together after making such a stupid mistake.
Landry44 08-31-2011, 12:11 AM If M.Vick had done to a human what he did to a dog he would be on death row.Also wether you like it or not some pet owners honestly feel their pet is their family and in some cases they are.If you're all Vicked out cool then don't respond but he is a sadistic dog killer and you just don't wake up one monrning a say "oh gee wiz ...maybe I should'nt do that".He apologized becuae he got caught.Remember these were dogs of his that had lost so he drowed them ....animals that could not fight back, oh yeah give him 100 mil and say good job.:soapbox:
He didn't kill a human. He killed some animals. There sane person that could compare the two. As far as I'm concern what he did farmers do every single day. What he did is no different than people shooting defenseless animals, stuffing them, and hanging them out on their walls for decoration. Where is your outrage about that? I suggest you, pet owners, and non pet owners get the f**k over it. The man has paid his debt to society. He has turn his life around. Let him live in peace.
Giantone 08-31-2011, 04:17 AM He didn't kill a human. He killed some animals. There sane person that could compare the two. As far as I'm concern what he did farmers do every single day. What he did is no different than people shooting defenseless animals, stuffing them, and hanging them out on their walls for decoration. Where is your outrage about that? I suggest you, pet owners, and non pet owners get the f**k over it. The man has paid his debt to society. He has turn his life around. Let him live in peace.You really don'r understand the difference between hunting and
and "farming" to torture and murder, that's pretty ignorant.He's a "DOG KILLER" .....not a hunter ,and not a farmer.
irish 08-31-2011, 07:36 AM He didn't kill a human. He killed some animals. There sane person that could compare the two. As far as I'm concern what he did farmers do every single day. What he did is no different than people shooting defenseless animals, stuffing them, and hanging them out on their walls for decoration. Where is your outrage about that? I suggest you, pet owners, and non pet owners get the f**k over it. The man has paid his debt to society. He has turn his life around. Let him live in peace.
I think when you say farmers you really mean commercial feed lots. Anyone who has ever seen the inhumane conditions cows are made to endure in commercial feed lots (I have seen them in Nebraska) and has even a slight sense of compassion couldnt help but reconsider whether they should keep eating beef. That is as much a torture to cows as anything Vick did to his dogs.
On the $ side, there is no way Vick is worth that kind of $. He had a few good games and as usual tanked in the playoffs. Vick will never take a team all the way.
CrustyRedskin 08-31-2011, 08:00 AM I hope the iggles suffer for thier offseson activities, cant believe they havnt learned anything from watching CHainsaw Dan run the Skins. BTY i feel that AlvinWAltons thread is Pulitzer worthy, im just saying but if i had a vote............