Keeper League question

08-13-2011, 05:31 AM
Do any of you guys have experience in keeper leagues? The reason I'm asking is that a league I'm in is switching to one this year, with the understanding that last year's draft picks can be kept. The commissioner's keeper rules are that you can keep 2 or 3 players from the previous year- if you keep a 3rd player, you lose your first round pick.

I'm wondering if I'm in the wrong asking for a vote regarding the keeper setup. The commissioner allows anyone from the previous year to be kept, including last year's first and second round picks. I did some research and it seems most keeper leagues have a restriction of anyone from the first 2 rounds (sometimes first 3). Am I wrong to assume that second and third tier players are going to be bumped up into the first round if there isn't a 1st/2nd round restriction?

I also had an issue with the lack of a draft pick penalty round. From the research I did, most keeper leagues had at least a 1 round penalty for any player you kept last year (from his previous draft round). His argument for no penalty was to keep the league "as simple as possible" for the first year of our keeper league. My rebuttal was asking him if subtracting 1 from a numeric value (aka round) was too complex for everyone.

The commissioner has been painting me as some kind of rebel rouser, trying to disrupt the league "fun." His view point is that keeper rules are an executive decision and that "everything shouldn't be up for a vote." My argument is that keeper rules are indeed a league issue, especially when I think his setup makes absolutely no sense. While I do understand that all keeper leagues have different rules, multiple publications showed definite similarities/standards that foster a sensible way to run a keeper league. Do I have a legitimate argument? Or am I relying too much on internet research?

Sorry for the wall of text... any input is appreciated. I'm new to the whole keeper thing and personal experience would give me perspective.

08-13-2011, 07:59 AM
Any keeper league I've been in, whether baseball or football, has required the sacrifice of the pick used to originally acquire the player you're keeping.

So if you keep Brandon Lloyd and you drafted him with a 12th rounder, you lose your 12th rounder in the draft. If you drafted Chris Johnson in the 1st and you keep him, you lose your 1st rounder.

It's not hard to implement at all, especially if you use Yahoo. The commish just needs to enter 24 - 36 players in and assign them to the rounds - it's easy.

I'd walk from that league if things don't change. Those rules he's got suck balls.

08-13-2011, 02:04 PM
Thanks Schneed. I actually should have clarified... When I said 1st/2nd round restriction, I meant that I found that many keepers said that anyone drafted in those rounds the previous year could not be "kept" the following season. Currently, he doesn't place any restrictions so like your league you could keep a Chris Johnson. I just thought this makes it the top few rounds of the draft incredibly diluted... but since your league runs it similarly, I may be in the wrong.

08-27-2011, 12:22 PM
Any keeper league I've been in, whether baseball or football, has required the sacrifice of the pick used to originally acquire the player you're keeping.

So if you keep Brandon Lloyd and you drafted him with a 12th rounder, you lose your 12th rounder in the draft. If you drafted Chris Johnson in the 1st and you keep him, you lose your 1st rounder.

I'd walk from that league if things don't change. Those rules he's got suck balls.

I've got a question for Schneed, if you check back, and a comment.

I like the idea of this type of keeper league. Leagues I've been in, in the past, simply gave you a choice of how many players to keep. Let's say 5-10. If you only kept 5, then you would have a pick in the 1st round (effectively the 6th) of the upcoming draft. If you kept 10, then you didn't pick until round 11.

Now for the style of KL you are describing, is Brandon Lloyd a 12th rounder from now to his retirement, or is it only in the year after you drafted him? Have you ever had a league that ranked players (i.e. If they are in the top 10 overall, you have to give up a 1st rounder for them, if they are from 30-... you give up a 3rd)?

Now as too my comments. I disagree with your commish about league vote. How I draft, and what FA's I pick up at the end of the year are based on whether the league is a Keeper L. or not. If it's a KL, and my season is shot, I will look at young players in case 1 or 2 is ready to break out. I think it sucks for a league to switch to a Keeper league just before a draft.

I am looking for 6 owners for a brand new keeper league on follow the link, and here's the password: giantstime

Yeah, I'm a Giants' fan, but I ask my league owners before I make changes, and encourage their input at all times. I recently joined a league that was supposed to have 16 teams. The day after I joined as the 14th team, the league manager closed the league, and set the draft for the next day. I hadn't even had a chance to rank 1 player, so I got who I got. Then he changed the setting league vote on trades, to commish veto, and allowed 3 bad trades (oddly he was on the down side of each trade, but they were awful trades). Then he made a whole bunch of FA pickups, and changed the setting for how many you could make in a year (was originally 10). That's not how I run my league.

It is a 16 team league with IDP no team defense.

08-27-2011, 12:36 PM
Thanks Schneed. I actually should have clarified... When I said 1st/2nd round restriction, I meant that I found that many keepers said that anyone drafted in those rounds the previous year could not be "kept" the following season. Currently, he doesn't place any restrictions so like your league you could keep a Chris Johnson. I just thought this makes it the top few rounds of the draft incredibly diluted... but since your league runs it similarly, I may be in the wrong.

Ah, now I understand what you are saying. I've never seen a league like that, but I can see a certain amount of sense to what you are saying. I don't like a league where you just keep 2 or 3 players, because it simply locks up the superstars, and doesn't allow you to build a team. If you allow for more keepers, you can keep a solid vet, but also keep some younger players to build on.

More importantly though the decision to become a KL has to be made when everyone is starting from scratch, not after a season is up, and a couple owners decide they don't want to give up their favorite players. I'm willing to work my way up in a KL, but not under those circumstances.

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