12-30-2004, 01:13 PM
i agree daseal, and if we want the same type of pass ability i feel we need to bring in a qb coach, and a receivers coach. We had a qb coach for Mark Rypkien the year we won the superbowl that worked on his timing and footwork. That year Mark had the best foot work in the NFL. we need to the same for Ramsey. If u didn't know Ramsey is said to be just as smart as Manning, infact I do believe he trains with manning family in New Orleans during the offseason. I also think we should try to get a wr coach like the guy who went to the dolphins from the cardinals, he made Boldin, and Boston into threats with their footwork, he could do the same for our recievers.
Ramsey should train with one of the recievers in the offseason to develop a chemistry
12-30-2004, 02:43 PM
Ramsey does not need to develop chemistry with a receiver. That will have to come later.
He needs two things before "chemistry" will even matter a little bit.
First, he needs reliable protection. He does not have it now and without some major improvement on the part of the incumbents on the OL or some very judicious acquisitions on the OL, he will not have it next year. Chemistry with one of your WRs does not matter one bit when you are flat on your ass or staring at a monster coming at you unblocked.
Second, Ramsey still needs to demonstrate that he understands what he is supposed to do with the ball in various situations. He is better than he was in pre season where he looked like a deer in the headlights. He is better than he was in his first game or two as a starter when he looked like The Rain Man out there. But, he is not anywhere near the level of "mastery" of this offense. First comes "mastery" of what to do when and then comes "chemistry" with a WR.
Please don't tell me that Ramsey has it all going on. He doesn't, yet. Against a mediocre Dallas defense on Sunday he generated a total of 112 yards of offense in the first three quarters of play - including 2 INTs. Against a top flight defense that would be a "bad day at the office"; against a mediocre defense that was a "pants wetting".
12-30-2004, 03:06 PM
One INT wasn't on Ramsey, his receiver handed it to Dallas's DB. Don't you feel that the yardage comes a lot from playcalling, Sports? I mean, he can only do what he's told. He completed a high percentage of his passes, they just didn't give him many yards.
12-30-2004, 03:19 PM
Of course the playcalling affects his yardage. No one can argue with that if they have half of their brain engaged. However, here is what we won't be able to know:
Is the playcalling what it is because Gibbs is afraid to have Ramsey do anything more complicated than dinking and dunking the ball? You know Gibbs would never say that about one of his players - neither would any other good coach. But at the same time, I have trouble believing that Gibbs is calling plays he knows won't come up with big yardage just because he hasn't figured out that they won't work. MAYBE that is all that he has confidence in Ramsey to do right now.
Please remember about a week after Gibbs was hired and he and the new staff were poring over films and everyone thought that he had a magic wand he would wave over the players to make them all better than they ever were before. Gibbs said that after looking at the film of last year, he was surprised that some of the people who were starting were the ones who were starting. He said that there were some starters who needed to get better and some positions that needed upgrading.
Then the first thing he did was to go and get another QB - admittedly, the wrong one - and when you put those things together it is POSSIBLE that he thinks Ramsey still has a ton of stuff to learn and a long way to develop.
Ramsey was just plain stinkin' awful in the pre-season. If he had been an undrafted free agent and played like that they would have put a stamp on his ass and mailed him to Mongolia. After taking over as the starter, he had some terrible games and then began to show improvement. But remember what level he started from; improvement does not yet mean he is a competent journeyman NFL QB. He still has to get better to reach that level.
If he continues to develop his brain - not his arm - we may see him in a position to use the physical attributes that got him drafted first by the Skins. If he doesn't, you'll see him on the bench or in this kind of dink/dunk offense where he completes most of his pases and does not make "the disastrous mistake" that he has shown he can make with regularity in a wide-open system.
Ramsey should improve dramatically next year with an improved line in front of him and another offseason learning the system. If he doesn't then it's time to move on after next year, but I have a feeling we'll be very happy with him as our starter.