07-07-2011, 10:24 PM
I found this and thought to share because it sounds promising... Talk of CBA resolution this week at Redskins Park (
incarceratedbob **NFL BREAKING NEWS**Source: NFLPA (Former Players Assoc reps) have started alerting teammates 2get ready 2come back. NFL back in (1 Week)
incarceratedbob ESPN / NFL Network will break story next week "NFL IS BACK" late as usual.. Relax fans football is coming back (FA approx in 2weeks)
It's about halfway down the page. Others have said they follow him (incarceratedbob)on twitter and he seems to be accurate.
07-07-2011, 10:42 PM
I found this and thought to share because it sounds promising... Talk of CBA resolution this week at Redskins Park (
It's about halfway down the page. Others have said they follow him (incarceratedbob)on twitter and he seems to be accurate.
What, what?! Bring on free agency!
07-07-2011, 10:43 PM
Incarcerated Bob's an interesting dude. I remember him ranting and raving when we got Bin Laden saying this was old news, that we killed him in 2005..but I digress,
For those who believe Incarcerated Bob is a credible source | Sports Blog Net: A Sports Blog Network - blog about baseball, football, basketball, hockey and everything else. (
07-07-2011, 11:37 PM
The name "incarceratedbob" alone tells you that he is someone you should trust.
07-07-2011, 11:39 PM
Just about done for the day, think progress was made but not sure how much
07-08-2011, 07:58 AM
Aside from any lost revenue as a result of this protracted lockout, these are the guys who will suffer the most where the game itself is concerned. With limited time to impress the coaches and comprehend a complicated system true talents in some cases will not have enough time to be put on display.
Don’t expect too much from Redskins’ rookies too soon - The Insider - The Washington Post (
07-08-2011, 09:55 AM
Aside from any lost revenue as a result of this protracted lockout, these are the guys who will suffer the most where the game itself is concerned. With limited time to impress the coaches and comprehend a complicated system true talents in some cases will not have enough time to be put on display.
Don’t expect too much from Redskins’ rookies too soon - The Insider - The Washington Post (
I would add to this that the quality of football is going to suffer as well, especially with teams that will have new coaches and a significant amount of new players (rookies, FA, etc., etc.).
Alvin Walton
07-08-2011, 09:58 AM
Not to mention that none of these rookies are signed yet.
It's going to be an insane couple of weeks once this deal gets done.
I'm sure every team has a plan and is ready to dive in head first. There's probably going to be a lot of 16 hour days going on around the league to get free agents, drafted, & undrafted rookies signed.