06-24-2011, 03:10 PM
This is kind of cool. On this day in 1922, the American Pro Football Association became the NFL
History Story » Flashback: 1922 NFL Owners Meeting (
06-24-2011, 05:00 PM
This is kind of cool. On this day in 1922, the American Pro Football Association became the NFL
History Story » Flashback: 1922 NFL Owners Meeting (
It's really found a way to predate even me :laughing2
At the meeting applications for membership were acted upon which included the City of Deluth Minnesota. After unraveling all the many complexities, legend has it that the Deluth Eskimos were the original team now known as the Washington Redskins.
Sports Legend Revealed: Were the Washington Redskins once the Duluth Eskimos? - ( _blog%2F2011%2F03%2Fsports-legend-revealed-were-the-washington-redskins-once-the-duluth-eskimos.html&ei=NecETrS8Buna0QHv9r3uBQ&usg=AFQjCNGpJ53WPLIsEv7etCawH97XkN994Q&sig2=Vhpuk5BlmsCQ4iYeAaxWOw)