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SmootSmack 06-09-2011, 09:54 AM I think this article came out after Haslett did a radio interview. Sure, he repeated some stuff he'd said earlier, but it was a recent interview.
Yup...that said, I wish there some legitimate new news
Slingin Sammy 33 06-09-2011, 09:56 AM Eventually the POS will start to consider his legacy. A PoS doesn't care about legacy, only self-interest (getting paid). Unfortunately, we still need to pay AH upwards of 5M/yr. as long as he does the very bare minimum (which includes in-game naps).
I would love to ruin AH, but with his mind-set we don't have the leverage to do it. He will continue to be a major distraction and a locker room cancer, forcing coaches/players, etc. to address his nonsense rather than focusing on building a play-off caliber team.
Like Matty said, get whatever we can for him (even if it's below market value) and trade him to an NFL wasteland.
skinsfan69 06-09-2011, 11:44 AM You all realize that the Skins are going to suck donkey whenever football resumes. Don't you?
I say keep the mega douche bag and make him suffer. We don't need to worry about the last roster spot anyways and we can officially put all kinds of fear into any free agents that are thinking about taking the money and running.
Let him rot until he comes to the realization that he can't get what he wants and begs to get out no matter what our terms.
I think 80% of the people here will disagree with you but I'm not one of them. Let him sit on a bad team and rot on the bench. If he gives back some $ then he can leave. He's probably going to get himself in trouble anyway and get suspended, like he did the last few weeks of the season.
skinsfan69 06-09-2011, 11:46 AM Yeah make him suffer by paying him to sit on the bench and do nothing. :doh:
I'm sure if you were to ask Phillip Daniel or London Fletcher, they would ask for this guy to be shipped out of DC ASAP.
Honestly... who cares what they think? Daniels should've been cut 3 years ago. Fletch is a great leader, team guy and is a solid player, but I just don't understand why we're keeping him at this point.
Ruhskins 06-09-2011, 12:01 PM Honestly... who cares what they think? Daniels should've been cut 3 years ago. Fletch is a great leader, team guy and is a solid player, but I just don't understand why we're keeping him at this point.
Well Fletcher is the leader of this team, and I think Daniels is a respected veteran. My point had nothing to do with their abilities as players, but more of them being the voice of the team. I could have easily thrown Cooley's name in my post. Fans can sit here and be idealistic about wanting for Haynesworth to rot on the bench, be taught a lesson, blah, blah, blah, blah. But I'm sure players are sick of talking to the media about it (which will continue to happen until he is gone) and having a player being paid to do nothing.
Everyone just needs to get over this guy and move on.
SirClintonPortis 06-09-2011, 01:56 PM Well Fletcher is the leader of this team, and I think Daniels is a respected veteran. My point had nothing to do with their abilities as players, but more of them being the voice of the team. I could have easily thrown Cooley's name in my post. Fans can sit here and be idealistic about wanting for Haynesworth to rot on the bench, be taught a lesson, blah, blah, blah, blah. But I'm sure players are sick of talking to the media about it (which will continue to happen until he is gone) and having a player being paid to do nothing.
Everyone just needs to get over this guy and move on.
Basically, Haynesworth the employee being paid $100/hr and doing nothing while a lot of other guys are doing work and being paid $30/hr. Everyone ****ing hates him, from management(Haslett and Shanahan) down to his fellow employees. And yet fans care more about their own personal vendettas than their football team. The 3-4 is NOT going away, and thus Haynesworth will soon be more worthless than a pick for Mr. Irrelevant. Give him a real punishment: being out of football. No 3-4 team is going to want him. Schwartz has no need for him. Teams like the Colts don't want him because he's so ****ing selfish. He's like the Jeff George of DTs.
hail_2_da_skins 06-09-2011, 02:17 PM In any other business, the guy would be fired if he refused to follow management's instructions. That's called insubordination. The team should have the right to release a guy like this and have the ability to fine the player for conduct detrimental to the team. This seems to be a problem for most of the team sports. I wish the Redskins could just release Fat Albert. He is cancer on this team. I think he is a bigger problem than the Donovan McNabb fiasco.
hail_2_da_skins 06-09-2011, 02:25 PM What has Fat Albert been doing during the lockout? Has he participated in player workouts? Has he been working out independently? Is he out of shape and gaining weight?
Hey, hey, hey ...
KI Skins Fan 06-09-2011, 08:20 PM If the Skins, anticipating that Haynesworth will be suspended by the NFL once a labor agreement is reached, would rather punish him than than to give him what he wants by cutting him at this time, that's fine by me. It serves him right.
If they plan to trade him to Timbuktu for next to nothing in return, that is also fine by me.
It is not fine by me if their plans include allowing him to ever again set foot in the Redskins' locker room. First of all, he's practically worthless to them in their 3-4 Defense because he refuses to play it, so there is no reason to waste a roster spot on him. Secondly, since the Redskins are fast becoming a younger team, I think the coaches should try to avoid the possibility that contact with Haynesworth might pollute the minds of their young players.
freddyg12 06-10-2011, 09:50 AM If the Skins, anticipating that Haynesworth will be suspended by the NFL once a labor agreement is reached, would rather punish him than than to give him what he wants by cutting him at this time, that's fine by me. It serves him right.
If they plan to trade him to Timbuktu for next to nothing in return, that is also fine by me.
It is not fine by me if their plans include allowing him to ever again set foot in the Redskins' locker room. First of all, he's practically worthless to them in their 3-4 Defense because he refuses to play it, so there is no reason to waste a roster spot on him. Secondly, since the Redskins are fast becoming a younger team, I think the coaches should try to avoid the possibility that contact with Haynesworth might pollute the minds of their young players.
Maybe they'll work out a deal w/his agent; we won't fine him if he doesn't report provided that you can find a suitable trading partner w/in x days.