Yeah, any fans who are anti Kyle better suck it up. Mike isn't gonna fire his kid and Snyder coveted him for years so he's got a long leash as well. The players (other than McNabb) hold Kyle in high regard so let's see what the offense looks like this year.
And at least for now....that's good enough for me as well.
06-26-2011, 11:27 AM
I listen because I hate listening to radio stations sometimes and pretty much because I love sports. He lost credibility with me when they first started he couldn't stand Jason Campbell, two weeks later he was signed to be on their show each week and all of a sudden Dukes loved him. Then he talked all that O-line first shitty QB next mess only to now switch gears. It's always Danny this, and you gotta believe that things wont work blah blickity blah. I'm tempted to call but usually when Bernard from Beltsville goes on it's so they can disagree and hang up on me only to go on a quick rant before commercial.
Can't do it. That's why I stick with Bill and Danny or Wise.
i feel you, i used to like dukes and lavar but now they just make shit up all the time, it's really pretty awful these days. thank god for pandora.
as for kyle running the o big f-ing deal, as it's been said already mike is still the head coach. this is such a non issue it's borderline retarded, if this lock out doesn't end in the next month i can't even imagine what crap everyone will be nit picking by then, like wether or not chris colley doing pottery is making him drop more passes, this f-ing lockout is horeshit!!!!!!