CRedskinsRule 06-03-2011, 08:19 AM So I am not Ray Lewis' biggest fan. Not so much due to what happened 10 years ago, but because I tend to think he's a showboater, even for the amount of talent he has, and that the media tend to fawn over him on the field. Many times, I have watched a replay where the announcers are talking of Ray Lewis, even though it's clear that he wasn't the prime reason for the Raven's D stopping the play. It's just a personal bias, I really can't stand the guy. And then when he commented on crime rising, well, it was just another notch in my mind.
ALL THAT SAID, his pledge and openness to this boy (http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_corner/post/Ray-Lewis-vows-to-help-10-year-old-survivor-of-t?urn=nfl-wp2343) will open my mind towards him immensely. He deserves major props for entering into Leshaun Armstrong's life, and he may in the end make a huge difference to a child whose life was probably headed for certain tragedy.
I wish him and Leshaun the best possible outcome, and hope that Leshaun moves forward from his awful tragedy. [also never heard the comment before that Ray Lewis' mom couldn't afford to keep him also gives me more sympathy toward Lewis as well]
Anyway, BIG props to Lewis, and the other NFL players who are offering to help with this boys counseling payments
Ray is a genuinely good dude. Big props to him for this. Huge props.
Longtimefan 06-03-2011, 08:33 AM In a time when athletes consistently make headlines for doing bad things, it's always good to see and hear a Ray Lewis type story. To see him and others who chose to join in, reach out that way nothing short of caring.
I feel so sorry for the young man's mother and the remains of his family. It's going to be difficult for him to cope with the events of what happened for the rest of his life. Bless you Ray Lewis.
mredskins 06-03-2011, 09:21 AM this is just another example of why you really shouldn't say you love or hate a certain player. We only know them as players not who they are in real life.
I love Cooley as a player and seems like a fun guy but do I real know he is not a complete ass in real life?
Honestly maybe due to my age but I am not that star struck with athletes anymore when I was teenager they were god to me, now they are just another rich dude who I cheer for but don't go out of my way for. I would honestly feel stupid to ask a player for a autograph at this point in my life.
Jontrem 06-03-2011, 10:09 AM I guess we will never know the whole story of what happened outside the club in ATL but I have to say that since that time, he has done more good than almost any other player in the league and has become someone you can point to as an example of how to act.
I guess we will never know the whole story of what happened outside the club in ATL but I have to say that since that time, he has done more good than almost any other player in the league and has become someone you can point to as an example of how to act.
I've always viewed it as a few things, wrong place wrong time, he was running with the wrong crowd, and a simple case of him being young and stupid. Since then he got his act together and as you say has done a lot of positive things.
Defensewins 06-03-2011, 12:22 PM All humans make mistakes. We all do. Ray made mistakes in his past and he has been a great citizen since. He deserves credit for that. His leadership on the field is second to none. As a player and a MLB, he is one of the best I have ever seen. It may seem to some he is over rated or whatever, I think he is that good. I think Brian Urlacher is more over rated than Ray Lewis in that Ray brings his lunch pale every game, every play. I have seen Urlacher play poorly from time to time. But Urlacher is a great MLB as well, but not as good as Ray. Ray was a SB MVP, however he was the fifth LB drafted in his draft class. Many thought he was too small to be an NFL MLB. HA!
So much for the dumb labels players get coming out of college. The heart they play with on the field is as or more important than measurables like height, weight, speed. Some NFL scouts will never get it.
All humans make mistakes. We all do. Ray made mistakes in his past and he has been a great citizen since. He deserves credit for that. His leadership on the field is second to none. As a player and a MLB, he is one of the best I have ever seen. It may seem to some he is over rated or whatever, I think he is that good. I think Brian Urlacher is more over rated than Ray Lewis in that Ray brings his lunch pale every game, every play. I have seen Urlacher play poorly from time to time. But Urlacher is a great MLB as well, but not as good as Ray. Ray was a SB MVP, however he was the fifth LB drafted in his draft class. Many thought he was too small to be an NFL MLB. HA!
So much for the dumb labels players get coming out of college. The heart they play with on the field is as or more important than measurables like height, weight, speed. Some NFL scouts will never get it.
I've got no problem with the praise Ray Lewis gets on the field. I'm with you he's a baller, one of the best of all time no doubt. Especially when you consider how long he's been doing this.
Lotus 06-03-2011, 12:56 PM Lewis once again making good news. Way to go Ray Ray.
GTripp0012 06-03-2011, 01:47 PM Ray Lewis has remained relevant as a football player a lot longer than I thought he would. It looked like he was in decline six or seven years ago. He probably was. But despite that, he's still a London Fletcher level player for the Ravens all these years later, and still the emotional leader of a remarkably consistent defense. And almost outlasted the career of Ed Reed.