SBXVII 05-20-2011, 12:09 AM League launches effort to get players to focus on dollars, not percentages | ProFootballTalk (http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/05/19/league-launches-effort-to-get-players-to-focus-on-dollars-not-percentages/)
League finds no improper lockout contact | ProFootballTalk (http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/05/19/league-finds-no-improper-lockout-contact/)
SirClintonPortis 05-20-2011, 01:37 AM Right hypothetically they should be giving the third party access to information that they won't let the NFLPA see for themselves. From that the Third Party should determine weather or not the records are accurate and not a repeat of Mike Browns "General Manager Bonus" or the Eagles Owner $7 million salary being counted as a general expense.
Maybe I need to look into this more as I can't find an article that says either or, but what I'm hearing the third party would be able to see the details while the NFLPA would have to settle for the basic summary.
Maybe I'm reading it wrong but having information verified in accounting usually means seeing the source documents. Receipts, expense reports, etc.You won't know the nitty gritty until you learn the basics of accounting wholesale, like I have. I'm no expert, but I do have some sense of what they the players will and certain tricks that can change up the numbers a bit see.
There are two branches of accounting. Financial accouting (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_accountancy) is the branch of in which the accountants prepare statements for public viewing.
Then there is managerial accouting (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Management_accounting), which is intended to be viewed only within the company. What is in the managerial accounting books are what the players want to see.
I actually will doubt they'll see the actual receipts, just that the statements will match whatever is being claimed. However, since it's third party, there is at least some incentive to not fudge too much.
Dirtbag59 05-20-2011, 01:46 AM You won't know the nitty gritty until you learn the basics of accounting wholesale, like I have. I'm no expert, but I do have some sense of what they the players will and certain tricks that can change up the numbers a bit see.
There are two branches of accounting. Financial accouting (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_accountancy) is the branch of in which the accountants prepare statements for public viewing.
Then there is managerial accouting (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Management_accounting), which is intended to be viewed only within the company. What is in the managerial accounting books are what the players want to see.
I actually will doubt they'll see the actual receipts, just that the statements will match whatever is being claimed. However, since it's third party, there is at least some incentive to not fudge too much.
You do realize I was an Acccounting Major at one point right? :D And I'll have you know I got an A in both Survey and Financial Accounting, a B in Managerial but still. And I mean sure I took Survey after Financial to boost my GPA but thats NOT THE POINT HERE SCP. Don't make me go passive aggressive on you again because I'll do it. I swear.
NC_Skins 05-20-2011, 08:29 PM MLB, NBA, NHL unions file brief in lockout suit - ESPN (http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=6570486)
With the NHL owners supporting the NFL owners, you knew this was going to happen...lol
GMScud 05-21-2011, 01:03 PM One of my closest friends is a NY Jets fan and season ticket holder. Over the course of the next 6 months, the Jets will be taking $342/month out of his checking account. He'll get a refund if there's no season, but still, that's freaking ridiculous. The owners lockout the players, then proceed to rake the fans for ticket money?? How does that make any sense? Greedy SOB's.
NC_Skins 05-21-2011, 01:29 PM One of my closest friends is a NY Jets fan and season ticket holder. Over the course of the next 6 months, the Jets will be taking $342/month out of his checking account. He'll get a refund if there's no season, but still, that's freaking ridiculous. The owners lockout the players, then proceed to rake the fans for ticket money?? How does that make any sense? Greedy SOB's.
Because fans allow it. Now owners get to make interest off that money they are collecting from the fans. They say there is a sucker born every minute, and NFL fans prove that statement to be correct.
Giantone 05-21-2011, 03:20 PM Because fans allow it. Now owners get to make interest off that money they are collecting from the fans. They say there is a sucker born every minute, and NFL fans prove that statement to be correct.
....does that include you?
NC_Skins 05-21-2011, 03:41 PM ....does that include you?
Hell no....lol
1) not buying season tickets
2) not buying NFL ticket (dont even have direct TV)
3) not buying gear
So I'm doing my part. :P If I were a season ticket holder, I certainly would not pay them my invoice with a lockout in progress.
JoeRedskin 05-21-2011, 05:43 PM Hell no....lol
1) not buying season tickets
2) not buying NFL ticket (dont even have direct TV)
3) not buying gear
So I'm doing my part. :P If I were a season ticket holder, I certainly would not pay them my invoice with a lockout in progress.
Unfortunately, someone else probably would. They would just cancel your subscription and say "Fine, will the next wise investor please step forward!" [Please note: the invisible sarcasm font was on for "wise investor"].
CRedskinsRule 05-21-2011, 06:21 PM Hell no....lol
1) not buying season tickets
2) not buying NFL ticket (dont even have direct TV)
3) not buying gear
So I'm doing my part. :P If I were a season ticket holder, I certainly would not pay them my invoice with a lockout in progress.
Well, you probably didn't buy season tickets before. Did you have NFL Ticket before, or direct TV? So, mostly they are losing the revenue from any gear you might buy, specifically the net profit of anything you might buy.
I see Snyder and Jones trembling in their accounting shoes now :cheeky-sm