07-31-2011, 07:17 PM
What a wonderfully brave thing to do, Brandon speaks out.
Miami Dolphins Video | Miami Dolphins (,AAAAPLps31k~,TJzr-TEF9ZDBr32E7bGQERjsyfeFVgGP&bclid=260803762001&bctid=1088582715001)
07-31-2011, 07:49 PM
What a wonderfully brave thing to do, Brandon speaks out.
Miami Dolphins Video | Miami Dolphins (,AAAAPLps31k~,TJzr-TEF9ZDBr32E7bGQERjsyfeFVgGP&bclid=260803762001&bctid=1088582715001)
You can tell this was an emotional thing for him to do. I'm glad he did it, and it gives me perspective on why some of the things have gone on in his life.
07-31-2011, 08:05 PM
Hey, Mods can we update the title of this thread if it's gonna be so visible. The title is old and...just weird seeing it.
07-31-2011, 10:49 PM
What a wonderfully brave thing to do, Brandon speaks out.
Miami Dolphins Video | Miami Dolphins (,AAAAPLps31k~,TJzr-TEF9ZDBr32E7bGQERjsyfeFVgGP&bclid=260803762001&bctid=1088582715001)
I can't connect to the page. What is he speaking out about?
07-31-2011, 10:52 PM
Brandon Marshall on diagnosis: ‘I’ll be the face of BPD’ - Shutdown Corner - NFL*Blog - Yahoo! Sports (
07-31-2011, 10:52 PM
I can't connect to the page. What is he speaking out about?
08-01-2011, 08:43 AM
It's obvious he's got some major issues. Whether he's bipolar or not, constantly putting your hands on a women is just weak and he got his ass stabbed for it.