freddyg12 04-15-2011, 09:38 AM Finally White QB's are getting discriminated against. What an exciting time to be white. Always wanted to be able to play the race car but my "Irish Race Card" has been expired since the end of the Industrial Revolution.
Take that Warren Moon. We're victims to...now....YEAH!
LOL! Dirt, yes it has been some time since NINA signs were in storefront windows! I still think the wonderlic could be culturally biased against celtic potato farmers.
freddyg12 04-15-2011, 09:39 AM Funny thing is if Warren Moon doesn't bust out the platinum race card in defense of Newton, then Dukes comments go unnoticed. Maybe a white supremacist or two with enough money for cable would be offended but outside of that virtually no one would have cared. Anyway just one of those cases where Dukes totally meant to say something else and it came out wrong. He's still alright in my book.
lol! What did Moon say about Newton? missed that
Jontrem 04-15-2011, 09:52 AM Skin color has got to stop mattering in this country. I am so sick of both racists and people who see racists everywhere. This comment should have gotten a collective shrug of the shoulders from everyone but today everyone is so freaking sensitive to every comment involving skin color that this somehow becomes a story.
GMScud 04-15-2011, 12:55 PM I don't think it's all that racist, but IMO the point here is the double standard we see so often in today's society with regard to race issues between blacks and whites.
More often than not, if a white guy is referred to by a black guy as "white boy" or a white guy does something athletic and you hear "not bad for a white guy," most people don't bat an eye. Just like Jamie Dukes can call Mallett a white street guy, and no one outside the blogosphere cares.
But if Rich Eisen had called Julio Jones a "black boy," or street, hood, ghetto, nappy headed, or some other term of that nature, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would be beating down his door.
Me personally, I don't really give a damn. Skin color has never really mattered to me. But the double standard annoys me.
Eknox 04-15-2011, 01:12 PM It's not racist when u hear him talk he does sound streetwise. Everyone's trying to condemn Jamie as a racist for that are you kidding me? He never even mentioned color. Racists are known to be very ignorant. I can see wrong choice of words. Jamie actually likes Mallett as a pro QB. So can we talk Football of move this crap to the good ole boy section?
Son Of Man 04-15-2011, 01:16 PM Asserting that this comment is somehow racist is, at minimum, a stretch. It appears to be a clumsily stated viewpoint of Mallet coming off as a little street (which some may view as uncommon given Mallet's skin color). The invocation of Eminem is corny, but far from ill intentioned.
BTW- There is definately a double standard on televison for racial toned comments (and gender related comments for that matter). It is a course correction (sometimes over correction) for the systematic mistreatment of those segments of the population. Black Americans were denied voting rights, basic civil liberties and discrimnated against in various other ways (didn't even mention slavery) - thus American society is hypersensitive to any comments that may invoke bad feelings or open old "wounds". Same goes for women who suffered through many the same hardships and still fight for equal pay and opportunities. Thus, the double standard for what comments are tolerated.
BTW- White males do not "have it easier" in America today. Our system is relatively fair across the board for males. However, if we take a total view of American history, we can hardly say the white males were somehow disadvantaged. (other than certain immigrant factions during the late 1800's and early to mid 1900's).
That being said, I disapprove of the race/gender card being thrown out when it is unwarranted. Regardless of who is doing the throwing.
GMScud 04-15-2011, 01:17 PM It's not racist when u hear him talk he does sound streetwise. Everyone's trying to condemn Jamie as a racist for that are you kidding me? He never even mentioned color. Racists are known to be very ignorant. I can see wrong choice of words. Jamie actually likes Mallett as a pro QB. So can we talk Football of move this crap to the good ole boy section?
I agree that this isn't worth making a big stink over, but to be fair, he did mention color. "Caucasian street guy" is what he called Mallett.
Eknox 04-15-2011, 01:17 PM I don't think it's all that racist, but IMO the point here is the double standard we see so often in today's society with regard to race issues between blacks and whites.
More often than not, if a white guy is referred to by a black guy as "white boy" or a white guy does something athletic and you hear "not bad for a white guy," most people don't bat an eye. Just like Jamie Dukes can call Mallett a white street guy, and no one outside the blogosphere cares.
But if Rich Eisen had called Julio Jones a "black boy," or street, hood, ghetto, nappy headed, or some other term of that nature, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would be beating down his door.
Me personally, I don't really give a damn. Skin color has never really mattered to me. But the double standard annoys me.
Wow so that's what u think of us? Sounds like it does matter to you.
You want than to lose his job? Will that make u feel better?
Player_HTTR 04-15-2011, 01:21 PM Ahh... who cares, the description seems pretty accurate. No different than saying a black guy off the streets is "a African-American street guy." If he said he was white devil cracker-ass wannabe, then there might be an issue. Even if the white guy race card credit limit went up a little with a black man in the White house, they need to stay in the wallet for something bigger than this.
GMScud 04-15-2011, 01:23 PM Wow so that's what u think of us? Sounds like it does matter to you.
You want than to lose his job? Will that make u feel better?
Re-read my post. I said I don't think it was particularly racist, and that skin color doesn't matter to me. I just simply pointed out a double-standard that without a doubt exists in society.