03-09-2011, 07:33 PM
Does Vinny ever own up to any of his mistakes??
I was reminded of your post when I read this:
D.C. Sports Bog - The best Vinny Cerrato radio call (http://voices.washingtonpost.com/dcsportsbog/2011/03/the_best_vinny_cerrato_radio_c.html)
Alvin Walton
03-09-2011, 08:28 PM
Ya know.......in 2016 when we are reflecting back on our two most recent super bowl wins we will be laughing about the Vinster and how he became a lighting rod that forced a proper rebuild of our beloved Redskins that propelled us back to the promised land.
03-09-2011, 08:41 PM
VC should never ever be heard on the radio or tv. He's just sounds like a really stupid person. He should be a scout or something and that's it. He sat there and trashed Zorn yet didn't take ownership of the hire.
03-09-2011, 11:21 PM
By the way can anyone give me a ball park figure of how much Cerrato made during his 10 years here in DC? I heard somewhere that the average salary for a GM in the NFL is something like $600,000.
Whatever the salary, it all went up his nose.
03-09-2011, 11:37 PM
Whatever the salary, it all went up his nose.
This is the Vinny Cerrato thread, not the Charlie Sheen thread.
03-09-2011, 11:49 PM
This is the Vinny Cerrato thread, not the Charlie Sheen thread.
Exactly. While both are proven to have been heavy cocaine users in the past (Vinny with his draft history and Charlie Sheen with well you know) the fact remains that the Charlie Sheen thread involves #winning. A concept that is completely lost on fallen Lord Vinny.
03-10-2011, 12:58 AM
I would be surprised if he ever worked for an NFL team again. I could see him in college recruiting or TV/Radio but I can't ever see another NFL team hiring him.
Given his track record in terms of drafting and managing the draft picks for the Redskins over almost a decade, I doubt that ESPN will be retaining his services as a commentator during the NFL Draft coverage any time soon.
Now maybe Comedy Central might take him on if Comedy Central decided to do a total spoof of the NFL Draft...
03-10-2011, 08:17 AM
The bolded part would have never happened with Williams as head coach.
Gibbs Leaves Future Open - washingtonpost.com (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/01/07/AR2008010703548.html)
I assure you, that Gibbs and Williams were on the same page when it came to Jason Campbell. You want to know why Gregg Williams didn't get the job really? It's because Vinny and Snyder wanted JC the unquestioned starter because of all that was invested in him, and hence some of the clashes with Williams/Cerrato and why other coaches declined the job.
There is a insider on another forum and here was what he had to say about the situation.
I always knew that Vinny and Dan had to press the JC starting issue for a QB minded coach to come in and name JC the unquestioned starter without reviewing tape or seeing any of them in practice. Notice Shanny didn't do this.
Dude you are spot on. This is the most telling story right there. When i was still a member at extreme-skins, this was the general consensus there too. Snyder and Cerrato wanted JC to be the unquestioned starter no matter what, and all of their coach interviewees wanted guys to challenge for the position. Jim Fassell for sure did, as he straight up said it in interviews that he did not think Jason Campbell was an NFL Starter. Williams would have went with Collins, no brainer there. Zorn was the only guy who said "ok, you can pick my players for me, i will have no say in the roster"...a spineless move but maybe he felt he could win with them, i dunno.
03-10-2011, 09:50 AM
Thats a GREAT point. Cerrato throwing out all of this crap about Zorn's ego, when the main reason he got rid of GW was because he knew that GW wouldn't let him run the show unchallenged (3 Pass Catchers *cough*) and on the flip side brought in Zorn because he thought he could control him. Same holds true apparently for why he didn't bring in Fassel. Cerrato was so egotistical that rather then hire a real head coach that might threaten his authority he promoted an offensive coordinator that wasn't even close to ready to run a football team.
The yes man, wanted his own yes man.
On top of that he's terrible with the media and his one real accomplishment in the world of football aside from stealing a couple mil from Redskin fans is that he "convinced" kids in the 80's to attend Notre freaking Dame. Which back then was about as difficult as convincing little kids to eat candy.
Greg Williams deserved to be the head coach here. 3 out of the 4 years he was here, he fielded top 10 defenses with a little above average talent. Vinny is a weak thin skinned clown and you were dead on as to why he wasn't hired. Vinny remembered what happened to him the last time a strong willed coach was hired. Williams went on to win a SB with New Orleans while Vinny's fate was sealed with the Zorn hire.
In the interest of historical accuracy, GW did not win the SB as a head coach, nor has he served that post with another team..........