Cerrato on Zorn

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03-10-2011, 11:02 AM
This is the Vinny Cerrato thread, not the Charlie Sheen thread.

Take special note to what the cat beside of him is saying.

vinny cerrato eyes - Google Search (http://www.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&biw=1152&bih=723&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=1&q=vinny+cerrato+eyes&aq=f&aqi=g1&aql=&oq=)

03-10-2011, 11:20 AM
Snyder selected Vinny Ceratto over Gregg Williams. What a strange time that was.
I remember being so pissed off when I read the article below, I immediately went on the warpath and posted my hate for VC and Snyder. Some of you guys told me to be patient and give VC a couple of years to run the team his way and show what he could do. I knew it was wrong then.
Typical of the VC era in DC, someone (vinny) leaked to the press that Williams was disrespectful to Gibbs in his interview. Williams confronted Vinny and DS and they both denied Williams was ever disrespectful to Gibbs. Pussy's!

WILLIAMS: After Four Years and Four Interviews, He's 'Released' - washingtonpost.com (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/01/26/AR2008012602356.html?sid=ST2008012602667)

I forgot about the whole "disrespected Gibbs" leak. It was a fiasco. I was pissed too. First, GW not getting the job, then Fassell getting the job (supposedly), then Zorn getting the job. Then the leak.

GW was the best choice for the job and didn't get it. I think Jim Schwartz was in the mix too, but I don't think he was offered, maybe b/c he wasn't going to accept it. Jim Schwartz is a good football coach.

03-11-2011, 10:35 AM
Thats a GREAT point. Cerrato throwing out all of this crap about Zorn's ego, when the main reason he got rid of GW was because he knew that GW wouldn't let him run the show unchallenged (3 Pass Catchers *cough*) and on the flip side brought in Zorn because he thought he could control him. Same holds true apparently for why he didn't bring in Fassel. Cerrato was so egotistical that rather then hire a real head coach that might threaten his authority he promoted an offensive coordinator that wasn't even close to ready to run a football team.

The yes man, wanted his own yes man.

On top of that he's terrible with the media and his one real accomplishment in the world of football aside from stealing a couple mil from Redskin fans is that he "convinced" kids in the 80's to attend Notre freaking Dame. Which back then was about as difficult as convincing little kids to eat candy.

“We tried to help him, and he wouldn’t listen,” Cerrato said of Zorn.

03-11-2011, 12:24 PM
That whole fan revolt stuff is pretty overplayed. Ultimately it was really that Cerrato and Fassel couldn't co-exist. Cerrato couldn't handle it.

Remember Fassel was very nearly our head coach in 2004, but then Gibbs came calling. And how are you going to turn him down?

Then in 2008, Fassel wanted Zorn and Rex Ryan as his coordinators. We couldn't get Ryan but we did get Zorn for Fassel. But then Snyder caved to the whole "let a football guy run the team" mentality (I guess that was the real fan revolt) and let Cerrato-who, like it or not, has plenty of football experience-run Fassel out of town (before he even got here).

Experience is the name we give our mistakes.

So yeah, Vinny is a freaking Sage!

03-14-2011, 09:08 AM
Vinny Cerrato and his life after the Redskins - The Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/vinny-cerrato-and-his-life-after-the-redskins/2011/03/10/ABUA69T_story.html)

03-14-2011, 09:15 AM
Amazing how this guy continues to haunt us. I could honestly care less about what Vinny is up to. F him.

03-14-2011, 10:21 AM
Amazing how this guy continues to haunt us. I could honestly care less about what Vinny is up to. F him.

Tell me about it. I'd rather argue with people over Owners vs Players than talk about Vinny. I think the media knows how much we can't stand him so they put him on just to be the antagonist to drum up ratings.

The one thing positive that Vinny brings to the Redskins is he unites us all. Redskins fans can't agree on anything (coaches, uniform, players, draft), but one thing we sure as hell all agree on is how awful Vinny was as a GM.

03-15-2011, 11:19 AM

03-15-2011, 02:18 PM
Tell me about it. I'd rather argue with people over Owners vs Players than talk about Vinny. I think the media knows how much we can't stand him so they put him on just to be the antagonist to drum up ratings.

The one thing positive that Vinny brings to the Redskins is he unites us all. Redskins fans can't agree on anything (coaches, uniform, players, draft), but one thing we sure as hell all agree on is how awful Vinny was as a GM.

True. Vinny still can generate some heated discussion for us. I am really curious as to what his relationship is today w/the danny, if anything. If they were supposedly friends, are they still?

I would like at some point for Vinny to discuss his time w/the skins more in-depth. For all his flaws, was his greatest flaw simply that he was a yes man for most of his time? I just wonder how decisions were really made, or at least how he percieved them to be made!

03-15-2011, 03:36 PM
Amazing how this guy continues to haunt us. I could honestly care less about what Vinny is up to. F him.

What he said!

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