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firstdown 02-28-2011, 01:01 AM I remember his first run as a skin against TB but other then that I cannot really remember any of his runs that you just say "WOW". I can remember some great blocks and some nice runs but nothing with the wow factor. I do remember him stumbling over his own two feet when he had a wide open hole. I love CP but its not like he was lighting up the field.
Bigreds77 02-28-2011, 07:10 AM gmanc711 Riggo was before your time? Larry Brown was not even before my time.Lucky you.
freddyg12 02-28-2011, 09:27 AM From CP's comments, he sounds as if he's sure he's done here. That may be because he thinks he'll get signed elsewhere. If he can't get much out there, which is likely scenario, it would make sense for him to stay in DC as a backup/3rd down back. Ordinarily I would say there's a slim chance of that, but Shanahan being here increases that possibility IMO.
I think it will be a very humbling market for CP. Even if he's signed elsewhere, will he be able to make the team? I wouldn't be too surprised if he's played his last nfl down, though I think he's got value in pass pro.
SolidSnake84 02-28-2011, 09:41 AM Portis right now reminds me alot of former boxers that i know, who can obviously keep in shape, and mentally they tell themselves that they can still fight. How many times have you heard guys say "I feel like I'm still 25", or "I'm in the best shape of my life"?
The fact is is that while they are still in shape, most of their skills have eroded, and they might still show you flashes of what they once were, but the reality is that their career is over.
Portis is a fine athlete, who is in shape, and mentally he tells himself that he can still go. It is a sad day because the athlete's mentality tells him that he can still play. The truth is, if he does indeed make a squad somewhere, how long until he is injured again? I think he may have 1 season left, if he can stay healthy and used in an extremely limited role..
44ever 02-28-2011, 10:26 AM CP departure would be a positive for the Skins. If it is the end of the run with the Skins, I say, Good luck CP and thank you.
The Early Lead - Report: Is release of Clinton Portis imminent? (http://voices.washingtonpost.com/early-lead/2011/02/report_is_release_of_clinton_p.html)
You do realize we still have the draft and free agency to improve the talent on the team, right?
freddyg12 02-28-2011, 11:17 AM Portis right now reminds me alot of former boxers that i know, who can obviously keep in shape, and mentally they tell themselves that they can still fight. How many times have you heard guys say "I feel like I'm still 25", or "I'm in the best shape of my life"?
The fact is is that while they are still in shape, most of their skills have eroded, and they might still show you flashes of what they once were, but the reality is that their career is over.
Portis is a fine athlete, who is in shape, and mentally he tells himself that he can still go. It is a sad day because the athlete's mentality tells him that he can still play. The truth is, if he does indeed make a squad somewhere, how long until he is injured again? I think he may have 1 season left, if he can stay healthy and used in an extremely limited role..
Spot on analogy. I also agree w/him playing one more year. I don't see it so much as him not being able to stay healthy, he may stay relatively healthy if he's a reserve. But after another year, will he still be as good w/his blocking? If not, no team will be willing to keep him. His time as a runner is pretty much done.
Monkeydad 02-28-2011, 11:56 AM You do realize we still have the draft and free agency to improve the talent on the team, right?
Well, we have only the draft for sure.
sportscurmudgeon 02-28-2011, 12:02 PM Sounds to me as if Shanahan/Allen have this headed in the right direction...
Sounds to me as if Shanahan/Allen have this headed in the right direction...
If Vinny were still at the Helm CP is holding a News Conference Via Twitter announcing his new 88 million dollar 4 year deal while displaying his 42 million dollar signing bonus check. This is howe the "Get better...Get younger" deal works.
CP has talent...Y
CP can still play......Y
CP is still worth multiple mill.....N
Get serious and come to a reasonable amount to play for....AND down the road we go!