02-27-2011, 09:16 PM
Stephen Paea 49 reps? NT anyone?
Video: Paea breaks combine bench-press record with 49 reps - Shutdown Corner - NFL - Yahoo! Sports (
02-27-2011, 09:21 PM
Holy crap!
49 reps is beyond ridiculous!!!!!!!
Draft that guy.
02-27-2011, 09:30 PM
Just as a comparison, Rabach did the bench press in his basement to see how he stacked up to these kids. He did 6 and a half.
02-27-2011, 09:34 PM
Paea is a can't miss, day one starter. Let's forget all about the free agent NT's this guy just jumped to the top of my wish list.
02-27-2011, 09:42 PM
Paea is a can't miss, day one starter. Let's forget all about the free agent NT's this guy just jumped to the top of my wish list.
I get him before I get Farley or whatever his name is.
02-27-2011, 09:54 PM
A taste of Mallett:
NFL Videos: Mallett interview (
He just seems not very charming or a great orator or anything, but he threw the ball around really well today.
02-27-2011, 10:25 PM Blogs » Blog Archive Mallett, Locker receive high marks from analysts « (
02-27-2011, 10:40 PM
Just as a comparison, Rabach did the bench press in his basement to see how he stacked up to these kids. He did 6 and a half.
I heard it was 6 halves. Which I guess would equal 3 reps if we are being kind.
02-27-2011, 11:39 PM
Paea is a can't miss, day one starter. Let's forget all about the free agent NT's this guy just jumped to the top of my wish list.
Why? Because he can bench press a lot? 49 reps @ 225 is silly strong to be sure, but that doesn't make him a can't miss, day one starter.
You say he just jumped to the top of your wish list. Be honest- was he even anywhere near your list before today? He's not even 300 lbs and probably the 4th or 5th DT out available.
02-27-2011, 11:46 PM
The no one asked me combine QB notes:
1st group:
Speed Out x3 (Left/Right) -5 step no hitch and throw: 3 big-2 quick open hips/rocker step throw:Locker (L) 3 good ones (R) 3 good ones
Mallett (L) 3 good ones (R) 2 good ones
Dalton (R) 3 good ones
Kaep (R) 2 good ones
Jerrod Johnson (R) 2 good ones
Slants x3 (Left) 3 quick and throwMallett 3 very good ones
Locker 2 good ones
Dalton 3 good ones
Go Route 7 step w/ hitch 3 big 4 quick-small 1 hitch
Kaep +2 launched 1 on a line
Locker +3 (completed all the 3) but didn't uncork any underthrew one and threw a perfect one
Mallett +3 didn't complete any IIRC but freakin launched all 3 of his
Dalton +3 completed all 3
QB #4 (Enderle?)= 2 good ones
Group 2:
Speed Out x3 (Left/Right) -5 step no hitch and throw: 3 big-2 quick open hips/rocker step throw:
Stanzi (R) 3 good ones (L) 3 good ones -throwing to a spot not worried about the completions
Ponder (R) 1good one (L) 2 good ones*
Newton (R) 1 good one*
Portis (R) 3 good ones (L) 3 completions**
Tyrod (R) 3 good ones but was throwing very under control
*Ponder and Newton were hitching (taking an extra step or waiting) at the top of their drops and it threw off their rhythm.
I think the wanted to complete the pass rather then just throw it to the spot and were waiting on there WRs where as Stanzi just ripped it on time on target if the WR was there or not.
Newton seemed very deliberate in his drop like he was thinking about it, which is probably b/c he is thinking about it: executing a 5 step drop rhythm throw is new to him.
**Portis drop back was off rhythm but his throws were on time his footwork reminded me of Cutler bad footwork good throw.
Poster Corner (Right side) 3 big 4 quick-small hitch and throw
Stanzi 3 good ones
Newton 2 good ones
Portis 3 good ones
Tyrod 2 good ones
Tolzien(sp?) 3 good ones