Longtimefan 02-02-2011, 08:55 AM This article published by the DC City Paper last November obviously hasn't gone over well with the Snyder camp.
The Cranky Redskins Fan's Guide to Dan Snyder - Washington City Paper (http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&sqi=2&ved=0CBMQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.washingtoncitypaper.com%2Fart icles%2F40063%2Fthe-cranky-redskins-fans-guide-to-dan-snyder%2F&ei=-1BJTfjnG8zngQeO44kv&usg=AFQjCNGPE_w4LffrGqfT5S9TPviPmGB_5g&sig2=b17AgRsta2nU3A5_M_E0aA)
Snyder wants to see the author removed.
Redskins owner Dan Snyder seeks dismissal of City Paper writer (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/02/01/AR2011020105889.html?hpid=moreheadlines)
724Skinsfan 02-02-2011, 09:26 AM Well, sure it seems bad when you lump it all together like that...
wilsowilso 02-02-2011, 09:27 AM Montgomery Burns.
SmootSmack 02-02-2011, 09:34 AM There are plenty of half-truths and lies in McKenna's article but Snyder would have been better off just letting it pass. When it comes to the Redskins, particularly Snyder, fans don't really care so much about much else but why aren't they winning.
SolidSnake84 02-02-2011, 09:44 AM I, like some others, feel like Snyder has done his part this season to try and change the culture and change his image.
BUT, it's not going to be overnight. He has been pretty much a dickhead for his entire time of ownership, went out of his way to alienate fans with the horrible censorship in 2008, and has basically given himself a horrible reputation. Those kind of changes will take time for people to soak it in.
I have my doubts too about Snyder, but i really think he is intent on changing for the good. But i do worry if he will go back to his old ways if this season is a dissappointment again...Firing coaches, etc, crazy player signings....etc.
Longtimefan 02-02-2011, 09:51 AM There are plenty of half-truths and lies in McKenna's article but Snyder would have been better off just letting it pass. When it comes to the Redskins, particularly Snyder, fans don't really care so much about much else but why aren't they winning.
That could also explain why the Snyder people are so upset. Some people get confused between the projected Snyder image, and the real one which has never really been known. The article was published a few days after the infamous Chad Dukes rant on 10.7 the fan.
Chad Dukes Rant On the Redskins 59-28 Loss « 106.7 The Fan – DC Sportsradio (http://1067thefandc.cbslocal.com/2010/11/16/chad-dukes-rant-on-the-redskins-59-28-loss/)
skinsguy 02-02-2011, 09:52 AM I look at it like this, Snyder has had to learn how it is to be an owner of an NFL franchise. It's taken him years to finally start "trying" the right things to turn the team around.
I honestly believe in my heart that I saw a change in Snyder when Gibbs came back. Somehow, I think it took having a guy like Gibbs, someone that Daniel Snyder admired and respected, to get him to realize that he needed the right guys around him to make this team successful. Of course, the proof is still yet to be decided if that's true, but I think this is a different Daniel Snyder than the young rich CEO who had taken over the team in the late 90's.
BringBackJoeT 02-02-2011, 10:14 AM I look at it like this, Snyder has had to learn how it is to be an owner of an NFL franchise. It's taken him years to finally start "trying" the right things to turn the team around.
I honestly believe in my heart that I saw a change in Snyder when Gibbs came back. Somehow, I think it took having a guy like Gibbs, someone that Daniel Snyder admired and respected, to get him to realize that he needed the right guys around him to make this team successful. Of course, the proof is still yet to be decided if that's true, but I think this is a different Daniel Snyder than the young rich CEO who had taken over the team in the late 90's.
I don't know, SG . . . I think Snyder's body of work in the few years immediately following, and perhaps even during, the Gibbs II era showed that he hadn't quite "gotten it" yet.
With regard to the article, there was no news broken by it; it was a deliberate hatchet job, pure and simple. The City Paper has run a number of truly informative cover stories over the years, and this wasn't one of them. That being said, I'm actually curious to see, if a lawsuit is in fact filed, exactly what was inaccurate within the story. There can't be any doubt that a lot of what was in this story is true, and I imagine it was the inventorying of those actually-true things in one place that probably upset Snyder as much as the inclusion of anything that was less than accurate. The simple fact is that he's made himself an easy target, whether he likes it or not. And yes, winning would take the heat off of him, but he's had a primary role in obstructing winning since he's been here.
rbanerjee23 02-02-2011, 10:18 AM I look at it like this, Snyder has had to learn how it is to be an owner of an NFL franchise. It's taken him years to finally start "trying" the right things to turn the team around.
I honestly believe in my heart that I saw a change in Snyder when Gibbs came back. Somehow, I think it took having a guy like Gibbs, someone that Daniel Snyder admired and respected, to get him to realize that he needed the right guys around him to make this team successful. Of course, the proof is still yet to be decided if that's true, but I think this is a different Daniel Snyder than the young rich CEO who had taken over the team in the late 90's.
I would hope that 10 years of constantly losing while giving outrageous sums of money to undeserving 'players' would inspire more than a 'difference'.
skinsguy 02-02-2011, 10:28 AM I would hope that 10 years of constantly losing while giving outrageous sums of money to undeserving 'players' would inspire more than a 'difference'.
But how much of that has happened recently, save for Albert Hanesworth (Cerrato), we can't really go by that argument anymore.