irish 02-04-2011, 12:46 PM thanks, i forgot that detail.
No they werent, they were on a scenic easement (owned by the Natl Parks Service) between his property and the C&O Canal. He received permission from the NPS to cut down the trees but it was later determined the NPS did not follow proper procedures to grant that permit and questions arose about whether DS's position, connections, and $ improperly influenced the process. In the end, DS had a permit from the NPS to cut down those trees but that permit was improperly issued.
SirClintonPortis 02-04-2011, 12:47 PM First of all Indians are from India.
There is a significant Native American population that finds the name "Redskins" horribly offensive.
It's not up for debate. It's a stone cold fact.
Secondly, who do you know that would be cool with people thinking that they were the spawn of satan?
If you got the numberical evidence to shoot it down, it's all yours for the taking.
Lotus 02-04-2011, 12:50 PM http://web.archive.org/web/20070205064753/http://www.annenbergpublicpolicycenter.org/naes/2004_03_redskins_09-24_pr.pdf
If you got the numberical evidence to shoot it down, it's all yours for the taking.
In my classes I show a video which includes two Native Americans, both proudly wearing Redskins caps.
Monksdown 02-04-2011, 01:01 PM The burden of proof is on you that prove beyond a reasonable doubt that:
1. McKenna had INTENT to use an anti-Semitic caricature
2. That the devil with horns and goatee is always an anti-Semitic caricature.
You have done neither.
Also, the article did not even mention Snyder being a Jew, so the typical ignorant fan WOULD NOT HAVE KNOWN he was a Jew just by the article.
I was just testing whether you are dominated by emotion or reason, and emotion clearly wins and I wouldn't want you breaking the rules of logic to pursue "justice" aka emotional satisfaction in your world.
On a separate note, a fair share of Jews don't see it as anti-Semitic.
The devil made him do it? Snyder sees anti-Semitism, but few others agree - Washington Jewish Week - Online Edition - Rockville, MD (http://washingtonjewishweek.com/main.asp?SectionID=4&SubSectionID=4&ArticleID=14321)
I wouldn't argue that my reaction wasn't emotionally motivated. It certainly was. Furthermore, i'm ignorant as to the requirements to facilitate cause in a lawsuit. There is clearly no doubt to that effect.
I didn't like the article, i didn't like the picture, and i personally feel that Dan Snyder is as much a part of the Redskins, as all of us. What do i mean by that?
If you and i were at the same bar one night, and someone was relentlessly antogonizing you because of your 'skins hat. I would speak up for you. I feel compelled to speak up for OUR owner. He's not going anywhere, and it's our privelege to complain about him. But it's not our right to remove him. In the same way it's not my right to tell you not to be a fan.
Honestly, i'm tired of him not having a friend on this forum. I have always jumped on board with the haters because there is a plethora of ammo. But it's gotten to the point where he needs a friend in court, and Danny has become the underdog in regards to public sentiment. Rightfully so.
And i wanted to argue with assholes that feel like i do for the most part. So, i am putting my anchor down and supporting the unsupportable.
lol good luck man, the vultures are circling all over this place...
Personally mark me down as a member of the I don't give a shit camp.
skinsguy 02-04-2011, 01:09 PM lol good luck man, the vultures are circling all over this place...
Personally mark me down as a member of the I don't give a shit camp.
I'm joining that club right along with you Matty.
I'm joining that club right along with you Matty.
nice, who else wants to join the bandwagon of indifference?
Monksdown 02-04-2011, 01:15 PM Bandwagon of indifference sounds like an awesome 1990's Seattle Alt Rock band.
I'm on Satan's Train. Death metal plan probably. haha
irish 02-04-2011, 01:25 PM nice, who else wants to join the bandwagon of indifference?
As for this issue specifically, I couldnt care less.
In the big picture I think DS doesnt care whether people are for him & the skins, or against him & the skins, as long as there's passion either way because that means people still care. I think his biggest fear is that people stop giving a damn about him & his team because once they tune out knows it will be nearly impossible to tune them back in.
GMScud 02-04-2011, 01:44 PM nice, who else wants to join the bandwagon of indifference?
I with you, but my indifference isn't just on this matter, its becoming my overall attitude towards the Skins in general. I've grown weary of cheering for a mismanaged embarrassing circus of an organization year in and year out. My heart and soul is far less invested in the Skins than it was just 4-5 years ago.