Longtimefan 02-02-2011, 10:30 AM [quote] I honestly believe in my heart that I saw a change in Snyder when Gibbs came back. Somehow, I think it took having a guy like Gibbs, someone that Daniel Snyder admired and respected, to get him to realize that he needed the right guys around him to make this team successful. Of course, the proof is still yet to be decided if that's true, but I think this is a different Daniel Snyder than the young rich CEO who had taken over the team in the late 90's.
This is what fans were both saying and experiencing just two years ago. Also from the City Paper. I witnessed a fan having to trash one of the plates the author describes.
Why Dan Snyder is checking Redskins fans for seditious materials. - Washington City Paper (http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=5&sqi=2&ved=0CDEQFjAE&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.washingtoncitypaper.com%2Fart icles%2F37987%2Fwhy-dan-snyder-is-checking-redskins-fans-for-seditious-materials&ei=9mNJTcGTLMXflgfg6tk_&usg=AFQjCNHdzT3LoBesuxaEQlQ-ZZJ8Ba4-Eg&sig2=O22ntVa7nADZE2FpYagpaA)
freddyg12 02-02-2011, 10:37 AM There are plenty of half-truths and lies in McKenna's article but Snyder would have been better off just letting it pass. When it comes to the Redskins, particularly Snyder, fans don't really care so much about much else but why aren't they winning.
I would say your statement is correct if applied ONLY to fans that watch on tv. That can't be said for people that are paying to go to games. What can't be denied by DS is that this article points out the chronology of his moves to make $. Nothing wrong w/making $, but from charging to watch practice to suing ticketholders, he's created an image problem for himself that exacerbates the fans anger & disappointment they feel from losing all these years. Snyder IMO is in jeopardy of losing a LOT more ticket holders in the next couple years if things don't change. He may lose a lot even if things change.
skinsguy 02-02-2011, 10:42 AM [quote] I honestly believe in my heart that I saw a change in Snyder when Gibbs came back. Somehow, I think it took having a guy like Gibbs, someone that Daniel Snyder admired and respected, to get him to realize that he needed the right guys around him to make this team successful. Of course, the proof is still yet to be decided if that's true, but I think this is a different Daniel Snyder than the young rich CEO who had taken over the team in the late 90's.
This is what fans were both saying and experiencing just two years ago. Also from the City Paper. I witnessed a fan having to trash one of the plates the author describes.
Why Dan Snyder is checking Redskins fans for seditious materials. - Washington City Paper (http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=5&sqi=2&ved=0CDEQFjAE&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.washingtoncitypaper.com%2Fart icles%2F37987%2Fwhy-dan-snyder-is-checking-redskins-fans-for-seditious-materials&ei=9mNJTcGTLMXflgfg6tk_&usg=AFQjCNHdzT3LoBesuxaEQlQ-ZZJ8Ba4-Eg&sig2=O22ntVa7nADZE2FpYagpaA)
And, what has Snyder done since then? Gotten rid of Vinny Cerrato, hired a football guy as GM (Bruce Allen), hired a Super Bowl winning Coach in Mike Shanahan, and has let them do whatever they think they can do to turn the team around. Hey, I'm not necessarily taking up for the guy, I'm just saying that I think fans needs to step back and look at everything, not just the wrong.
skinsguy 02-02-2011, 10:50 AM I would say your statement is correct if applied ONLY to fans that watch on tv. That can't be said for people that are paying to go to games. What can't be denied by DS is that this article points out the chronology of his moves to make $. Nothing wrong w/making $, but from charging to watch practice to suing ticketholders, he's created an image problem for himself that exacerbates the fans anger & disappointment they feel from losing all these years. Snyder IMO is in jeopardy of losing a LOT more ticket holders in the next couple years if things don't change. He may lose a lot even if things change.
You know, I'd like to believe that, but something tells me whoever he loses in regards to season ticket-holders would be replaced by others wanting season tickets. Even if half of those fans don't show up (because of a losing season) I'm sure he's still making his green.
The only way to run Snyder out of town would be doing what this article and what the fans (wearing the anti-Dan shirts) are doing in order to hurt his reputation. But apparently it hasn't had much affect on the guy. So, to me, it's pretty much just futile attempts to get him to sell the team. I just think none of that stuff is going to work.
Monkeydad 02-02-2011, 10:50 AM :doh: Quality off-season thread. :doh:
Really, Mr. Snyder should just ignore the childish idiots who wrote the article, especially the "illustrator".
But, I do see him having a reason to feel disrespected, because he was.
You could compile a list of "failings" for EVERY NFL owner if you go in with a bias against/hatred for the person. There are a lot of lies/mistakes in that piece of crap, I mean work.
I don't doubt there's a huge waiting list for season tickets. Nepotism...that happens EVERY WHERE in the league. I think there are a lot of statements in there based on rumors and hearsay also.
But, the media as a whole is a toilet these days, so we shouldn't be shocked a steaming pile like this would be approved for release, but I do think he's justified in being angry about it. However, that's likely what they were looking for, because they'll get attention they can't get on their abilities and (lack of) talents. Dare we say, they were trolling?
Sure, there's a lot to bash him for and he's made some HORRIBLE mistakes over the last decade, but if you've been watching him with a fair mind, he has learned a lot and really changed how he runs things. In most businesses, the owner needs to have control over every aspect of the business. The NFL is a business, but the football decisions need to be made by personnel with football experience rather than the owner, who like Snyder, is more often a businessman instead of a football genius. Many owners take time to, or never learn to delegate the football decisions. (Jerry Jones, Al Davis, Bud Adams...)
Dan Snyder seems to have finally learned that he's not the best person to make these on-field calls and in the last year especially, he's proven that. Vinny is gone and the GM and coach are now calling the shots, as they should be.
Longtimefan 02-02-2011, 11:02 AM [quote=Longtimefan;781821]
And, what has Snyder done since then? Gotten rid of Vinny Cerrato, hired a football guy as GM (Bruce Allen), hired a Super Bowl winning Coach in Mike Shanahan, and has let them do whatever they think they can do to turn the team around. Hey, I'm not necessarily taking up for the guy, I'm just saying that I think fans needs to step back and look at everything, not just the wrong.
Like other business "gurus," Snyder operates the Redskins under the mistaken assumption that success is something that can be bought. As far as I can tell, the Snyder Doctrine is some bizarre concoction of liberal amounts of reactionary decision-making, a strong concentration on the short term, and a heavy supply of poorly structured incentives. His favorite answer to solving complex problems is simply to throw more money at them.
Investors who have been around the block once or twice should start to see a few problems developing here.
To me, Dan Snyder is precisely the type of guy Benjamin Graham had in mind when he said "Wall Street people learn nothing and forget everything."
Son Of Man 02-02-2011, 11:10 AM I know that I am in the minority, but I like Dan Snyder sand hopes he owns the team for decades to come. I honestly believe that, despite his littany of mistakes, his intentions are in the right place and he will facillitate bringing a couple of Lombardi trophies to the B&G.
BTW- I would pressure the paper to fire the guy too. What's the use of being wealthy if you don't flex your power sometimes?
freddyg12 02-02-2011, 11:12 AM You know, I'd like to believe that, but something tells me whoever he loses in regards to season ticket-holders would be replaced by others wanting season tickets. Even if half of those fans don't show up (because of a losing season) I'm sure he's still making his green.
The only way to run Snyder out of town would be doing what this article and what the fans (wearing the anti-Dan shirts) are doing in order to hurt his reputation. But apparently it hasn't had much affect on the guy. So, to me, it's pretty much just futile attempts to get him to sell the team. I just think none of that stuff is going to work.
The article makes what I think is a valid point about this "waiting list" for season tickets. The whole thing is a marketing sham. There was a list for years, I really don't believe there's much of one now. I know that there's a big difference between the high end boxes & avg. seats. Supposedly they will concede that boxes are easy to get, if you have $.
But the marketing they've been doing for tickets doesn't look it's simply aimed at selling boxes, it's to the avg. fan. I entered a free ticket drawing online & the next day got a call from a friendly woman from redskins ticket office saying that seats were available.
Your logic I think is the same logic that DS has relied upon; that there is always someone to fill the seats. Well in this economy, that hasn't been the case. In one case on monday night we saw that there were plenty of people filling the seats, just so happened that they were in black & gold.
When I look at Snyder's ownership tenure, from a biz standpoint I see a product that is living off it's brand name, not its substance. At some point consumers associate the brand name negatively, that's what's been happening the last few years. I know that winning will change a lot, but Snyder's problem is that he has exhausted all his political capital w/the fan base to the extent that he now HAS to win.
Monkeydad 02-02-2011, 11:13 AM [quote=Longtimefan;781821]
And, what has Snyder done since then? Gotten rid of Vinny Cerrato, hired a football guy as GM (Bruce Allen), hired a Super Bowl winning Coach in Mike Shanahan, and has let them do whatever they think they can do to turn the team around. Hey, I'm not necessarily taking up for the guy, I'm just saying that I think fans needs to step back and look at everything, not just the wrong.
Well said.
SmootSmack 02-02-2011, 11:28 AM I know that I am in the minority, but I like Dan Snyder sand hopes he owns the team for decades to come. I honestly believe that, despite his littany of mistakes, his intentions are in the right place and he will facillitate bringing a couple of Lombardi trophies to the B&G.
BTW- I would pressure the paper to fire the guy too. What's the use of being wealthy if you don't flex your power sometimes?
LOL. That's awesome!