Longtimefan 02-04-2011, 07:31 AM This article expresses the viewpoint that many have already shared here. "You've got to know when to hold them, know when to fold them" and most of all, know when to walk away.
PostLeadership: Redskins' Snyder: Reputation management in a digital age - Jena McGregor (http://views.washingtonpost.com/leadership/post_leadership/2011/02/redskins-snyder-reputation-management-digital-age.html?hpid=smartliving)
Interesting comments.....
Monksdown 02-04-2011, 08:04 AM I take Snyder's side on this one. And i can honestly say that other than firing Cerrato twice, i haven't agreed with him on much. The article, while accurate was inflamatory and tasted a little too much of yellow journalism. I mean, yes he cut down trees that didn't belong to him and were protected. But did he go 'agent orange' on them?
And i personally think that depicting a jew with devil horns is one of the most despicable things i've seen in print in a long time. For that alone, 2 million plus fees is appropriate. That's just my opinion. I like that he will give it to homeless organizations if he wins.
I understand that the author didn't place the devil horns on the picture himself, that it was probably done by someone ignorant of the history tied to the that insult for jewish people. The buck stops at the editor, and i will never read their material again. And i don't want a publication that puts that garbage out in our town.
Longtimefan 02-04-2011, 08:06 AM D.C. Sports Bog - Brett Haber on Daniel Snyder (http://voices.washingtonpost.com/dcsportsbog/2011/02/brett_haber_on_daniel_snyder.html)
Monksdown 02-04-2011, 08:13 AM Brett Haber blows.
saden1 02-04-2011, 09:23 AM I take Snyder's side on this one. And i can honestly say that other than firing Cerrato twice, i haven't agreed with him on much. The article, while accurate was inflamatory and tasted a little too much of yellow journalism. I mean, yes he cut down trees that didn't belong to him and were protected. But did he go 'agent orange' on them?
And i personally think that depicting a jew with devil horns is one of the most despicable things i've seen in print in a long time. For that alone, 2 million plus fees is appropriate. That's just my opinion. I like that he will give it to homeless organizations if he wins.
I understand that the author didn't place the devil horns on the picture himself, that it was probably done by someone ignorant of the history tied to the that insult for jewish people. The buck stops at the editor, and i will never read their material again. And i don't want a publication that puts that garbage out in our town.
I don't understand how it can be like yellow journalism if it's accurate. The man gave you what has transpired during Snyder's tenure and even sourced his article with links.
What country does your ass think you live in to think you're entitled to 2 million dollars for an unfaltering picture of you? You're silly.
Snyder is a cunt, it' doesn't matter whether he is Jewish or not and no one gives a shit what he is. If you're offended by the picture of him I sympathies but the shit he has done is truly despicable. Snyder is a despicable loathsome man and it's all his own doing. I am officially done buying Redskins product and supporting that little weasel.
Monksdown 02-04-2011, 09:37 AM I don't understand how it can be like yellow journalism if it's accurate. The man gave you what has transpired during Snyder's tenure and even sourced his article with links.
What country does your ass think you live in to think you're entitled to 2 million dollars for an unfaltering picture of you? You're silly.
Snyder is a cunt, it' doesn't matter whether he is Jewish or not and no one gives a shit what he is. If you're offended by the picture of him I sympathies but the shit he has done is truly despicable. Snyder is a despicable loathsome man and it's all his own doing. I am officially done buying Redskins product and supporting that little weasel.
Did he release an illegal chemical agent on the trees across the street from his house? That is a gross exaggeration. And that's why that writer is writing for the Washington City paper. The what?! Yeah, i didn't know about it either.
I support Dan Snyder more because of his lawsuit, not less. i didn't care what he was until someone put devil horns on him. I understand your anger though.
NC_Skins 02-04-2011, 10:00 AM And i personally think that depicting a jew with devil horns is one of the most despicable things i've seen in print in a long time. For that alone, 2 million plus fees is appropriate. That's just my opinion. I like that he will give it to homeless organizations if he wins.
I understand that the author didn't place the devil horns on the picture himself, that it was probably done by someone ignorant of the history tied to the that insult for jewish people. The buck stops at the editor, and i will never read their material again. And i don't want a publication that puts that garbage out in our town.
I hate ignorant people and ignorant posts, and this takes the cake in my opinion. That article said absolutely nothing of his Jewish heritage, nor did that picture have anything to do with his religion. It's akin to Jessie Jackson pulling the ole race card when shit doesn't fit his agenda.
From the article below.
And oh, by the way, the cover artist and the editor who approved it are both Jewish.
So what were you saying again? Are you currently on the payroll of Dan Snyder? It sounds very much like you are.
Brett Haber blows.
SO does anybody supporting Dan Snyder.
Monksdown 02-04-2011, 10:05 AM I would love to be on Dan Snyder's payroll. Who's the City paper again? You are so fully invested in the hate the owner train, that you can't even see the train stops as they fly by. He likes money, himself, the redskins, and his wife. he also likes his view of the river. He likes to clean shop when moves into a new business. I like everything about that.
Monksdown 02-04-2011, 10:07 AM [QUOTE=NC_Skins;782290]I hate ignorant people and ignorant posts, and this takes the cake in my opinion. QUOTE]
With your 53 posts, you are the expert on ignorant posts? Noob, i know the crowd around here is really tightly packed. But don't forget that there is an edge to the crowd.
skinsguy 02-04-2011, 10:07 AM You do realize since we're probably going into a lockout year with no free agency that this is the only thing we have to entertain us Redskins fans! Gotta hand it do Dan the man, he never disappoints! :)