Snyder Camp Upset!!

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02-03-2011, 06:06 PM
He'll never change. Seems every year he "learns from his mistakes" and tries to show a softer, gentler, and removed Dan. But each year, same 'ol, same 'ol.

Remember when he dated Tom Cruise?

Yeah after yesterday theres no way he ever changes in my mind. I mean think about having all that money at such a young age and actually MAKING it or earning it yourself. He probably thinks hes a God.

02-03-2011, 06:07 PM
yeah, I heard he sent Tom a flat screen & a note that said "you'll need this because you'll never watch a game from my box seats again!"


02-03-2011, 06:12 PM
You mean they broke up? :silly:

I heard their heads where to big for each other to take.

02-03-2011, 06:20 PM
If ANYBODY thinks that idiot has changed, then you are 100% wrong.

Feinstein On The Brink (

This details an account Feinstein had with Snyder after he took over the team. This story tells you everything you need to know about Dan Snyder. He's not changed, and probably never will. How he acted that day is exactly how he's acting now. Let's hope as Redskins fans he's changed on how he operates the football side. If he fails there, I imagine I (and many others) won't be a fan much longer.

Snyder called me at some point during this period to tell me that I shouldn’t criticize him because (I’m not making this up) he gave a lot of money to Children’s Hospital. I told him I certainly would never criticize him or anyone for giving money to charity but that wasn’t the issue. He continued on, getting angry, demanding to know where the hell I came off criticizing someone who was so charitable. I told him I’d be willing to bet him a lot of money—that I’d give to charity—that I gave a higher percentage of my income to charity than he did and it was STILL a moot point; that if someone didn’t like what I wrote how much I gave to charity didn’t matter.

End of conversation.

A few years later I was sitting in a restaurant in Potomac (Maryland) not far from where I live and also not far from where Snyder lives. I was with my ex-wife, sitting in the back when the restaurant manager came over looking a little flustered.

“John, Dan Snyder is in here having dinner,” he said.

I shrugged. “And?” I said.

“He saw you sitting here. He says he wants to buy you a bottle of wine.”

I really didn’t want to play this game but there was no choice. If I turned the wine down I’d look un-gracious. So, I said to the manager, “Tell Mr. Snyder thanks and I’d like to buy his table dessert.”

When we got up to leave, I stopped at the table. Snyder was with his wife and Bennett Zeier and his wife—Zeier was running his radio stations at the time although, like most Snyder employees, he left soon after.

“Dan, thanks for the wine,” I said, shaking hands. “That was very gracious of you. I asked Enzo to add your desserts to my tab.” I turned to Mary and said, “I don’t think you’ve met my wife…”

Snyder ignored Mary and said to me, “yeah, I really enjoyed buying wine for someone who has been s----- on me for seven years.”

“Hey Dan, if you’ve got any issues with me, I’d be happy to buy you lunch and discuss them. But I don’t think now is the time.”

“No, you wouldn’t would you? You don’t like it when the tables are turned do you?”

“What tables are turned? Look, here’s my number, call me anytime you want.” I grabbed some paper from my pocket and wrote down my phone numbers. Before I could hand Snyder the numbers, he had turned on Mary.

“How does your husband sleep at night, huh?” he sneered. “Doesn’t he have a conscience? How does he sleep?”

“Actually he sleeps fine,” Mary said.

At that moment, Zeier, clearly embarrassed, jumped in and asked me about a mutual friend of ours, Rob Ades. He introduced me to the two wives who were pretty much cowering under the table.

Snyder plowed through the pleasantries. “You have no RIGHT to criticize me,” he said, pointing a finger. “I don’t know who you think you are…”

I held up my hand. Enough was enough. “Dan, there are my numbers. Call me. We’ll discuss this in a non-social setting.”

“I don’t call the media,” he shouted. “Why don’t YOU call me?”

“Because Dan, I don’t have a problem. You do.”

I walked away with Snyder still shouting something at my back. At the front of the restaurant Enzo was waiting with a bottle of wine. “Tell Mr. Snyder to keep it,” I said.

I never heard from him.

So now he’s finally thrown his pal Cerrato overboard and reeled in Allen with Shanahan probably to follow. If nothing else the next chapter should be entertaining to watch. In the meantime, I’m still sleeping fine.

02-03-2011, 06:21 PM
Apparently, the article ripped his wife's comments out of context and presented her as a "shill" for Danny in the most cynical manner when her primary purpose was actually promoting some "Fit For You 5k" event.

02-03-2011, 06:36 PM
Check out the replys to Fienstien


Mr. Feinstein, glad you stuck to your guns. It is somewhat ironic but I am currently reading "Next Man Up" and the contrast between Dan Snyder & Steve Bisciotti is quike frankly shocking. Being a New York Giant fan the combination of Cerrato & Snyder in charge has brought me great comfort over the years. One of the best lines Wellington Mara ever uttered and I believe he was talking about Jerry Jones but it could have easily applied to Dan Synder as well is “It's nice to see arrogance humbled,”
Friday, December 18, 2009 10:26:00 AM


Anyone who signs on to work for Dan Snyder sells is soul to the Devil! The pay is good, the conditions are bad and they know that they will be fired before the end of their contracts.

Dan Snyder, Al Davis and Jerry Jones are all the same. Men who do not know half as much as they think they do. Snyder and Jones each believe that success in one business can be easily translated to The National Football League. Jones to his credit has had a modicum of success although rekativly little since the departure/ouster of Jimmy Johnson, while Snyder has only been successful at failure. Sadly Al Davis is just a aging bafoon.

If Mike Shanahan takes the Redskins job and Danny boys money I'l lose a great deal of respect for him. If the saying is "money can't buy happiness" he will certainly be going to the right place.
Friday, December 18, 2009 11:48:00 AM


Peter Gammons said it years ago: when a team is at the bottom, the problem is at the top.
Friday, December 18, 2009 12:34:00 PM


Jim Zorn is an incredibly good man. It really pains me to see him have this experience, his first as a coach, in Washington. For people like Zorn, a couple of million dollars as a buyout to sit on a beach doesn't mean anything. He wants to work, lead and teach. Steve Largent was very outspoken earlier this year about the situation, it would be good to hear his opinions when Zorn's fate is sealed.
Saturday, December 19, 2009 12:18:00 AM


Good coaches and general managers don't take orders from anyone. Shanahan is that type of guy and he's smart and tough. He won't last with Snyder six months. Too bad too because the Redskins have had a long history of excellence.
Don't classify Al Davis with Snyder. Al does know football and proved it by the Raiders trips to the super bowl. He's just gotten too old and fought a long battle with a very sick wife. Ed, USNA 61
Saturday, December 19, 2009 1:49:00 PM


Ed: You're right about both Al Davis and Shanahan. The Davis situation has been awful for the league. His personal issues with Rozelle have carried over and what was once defiance is now a sad old man trying to hang on and he is killing the Raiders. Someone needs to stage an intervention there before it is too late. If he wasn't such a jerk; you could feel sorry for him. I feel
bad for Raiders fans of that once proud (and now beyond pitiful) franchise.
Sunday, December 20, 2009 1:30:00 PM

02-03-2011, 06:54 PM
I don't have time to read through 150 posts to see if this has been posted yet, but this is funny:

Gene Weingarten - Memo to Dan Snyder: Thank you for your stewardship of the Redskins (

That's probably the first Weingarten article that I've liked since I can remember.

02-03-2011, 06:55 PM
yeah, I heard he sent Tom a flat screen & a note that said "you'll need this because you'll never watch a game from my box seats again!"

and a note that said "I DON'T LIKE VANILLA


02-03-2011, 06:59 PM
Apparently, the article ripped his wife's comments out of context and presented her as a "shill" for Danny in the most cynical manner when her primary purpose was actually promoting some "Fit For You 5k" event.

These events are often a double billing.. promote something, talk about everything else with media, etc

02-03-2011, 07:01 PM
If ANYBODY thinks that idiot has changed, then you are 100% wrong.

Feinstein On The Brink (

This details an account Feinstein had with Snyder after he took over the team. This story tells you everything you need to know about Dan Snyder. He's not changed, and probably never will. How he acted that day is exactly how he's acting now. Let's hope as Redskins fans he's changed on how he operates the football side. If he fails there, I imagine I (and many others) won't be a fan much longer.

Yep, still an insecure douche. Remember to thank Bruce Allen for alumni day and the HD board. Snyder the miser would not have done any of that shit if he running the show by himself.

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