02-03-2011, 10:29 AM
Another jab at the Danny & how he's handling this in today's wash. post:
Gene Weingarten - Memo to Dan Snyder: Thank you for your stewardship of the Redskins (
$78 million dollar QB? Who's that? (Yes, I understand he's using a bit of poet "creativity".)
So, this is the ultimate plan to run Daniel Snyder out of town? Careful, he might consider moving the Redskins with him.
02-03-2011, 10:32 AM
Another jab at the Danny & how he's handling this in today's wash. post:
Gene Weingarten - Memo to Dan Snyder: Thank you for your stewardship of the Redskins (
Wow, if Danny Boy got his panties in a bunch over the prior article, he'll blow his frickin' stack when he sees this one lol
02-03-2011, 10:44 AM
Another jab at the Danny & how he's handling this in today's wash. post:
Gene Weingarten - Memo to Dan Snyder: Thank you for your stewardship of the Redskins (
Pretty harsh but fair.
02-03-2011, 10:46 AM
Wow, if Danny Boy got his panties in a bunch over the prior article, he'll blow his frickin' stack when he sees this one lol
This one is pretty clever, it's like the writer wanted to dis Snyder w/out actually getting into any details about the City mag. article or any specifics (other than the liberal use of '$78 mill qb'). From an NFC east team's perspective, it's sadly pretty accurate.
02-03-2011, 11:28 AM
The article which provoked the lawsuit is three months old. If he had to act, why did Snyder wait so long to do so?
I have trouble understanding how Snyder does not see that the no-comment high road would be the best road, especially since he's had three months to think it over. But now the can of worms has been opened.
I am not a great Snyder fan but I feel sorry for the way that his personal business will be put on public display in the coming months. Not too sorry, though, since he is, in a way, asking for it.
Why is SmootSmack putting this much time and effort into supporting Dan Snyder aka Montgomery Burns?
I read your post explaining what you thought was inaccurate about the City Paper article then and now and it was mostly insignificant IMO.
No disrespect as I feel you are an invaluable influence around here, but you are treading a fine line as a professional insider and MOD.
The current owner of the Washington Redskins has done some really sketchy stuff. Period.
SS isn't supporting him, he's just pointing out there is two sides to every story is all.
02-03-2011, 12:17 PM
Another jab at the Danny & how he's handling this in today's wash. post:
Gene Weingarten - Memo to Dan Snyder: Thank you for your stewardship of the Redskins (
When will Dan Snyder learn? THIS!
"I know you are taking some criticism today from carping media types. They seem to think that you are not only behaving like a petty, vindictive bully but also that you are being strategically stupid - by bringing a vast new audience to a three-month-old, otherwise-obscure alternative-media piece, which can be found here."
02-03-2011, 12:24 PM
Seriously, a university could run an entire course on Dan Snyder and how NOT to run your sports franchise and handle the press. It is clear Dan does not always learn from his mistakes. COME ON DAN! Figure it out!
over the mountain
02-03-2011, 12:39 PM
Mooby, I definitely agree. From a legal standpoint it may be legit on Snyder's part. But PR wise, he could take a major hit especially if he wins. The big guy bullying tge little guy, killing freedom of the press, etc. Not a smart decision in my opinion. Sometimes you just have to chin up and walk away.
Question for those who would know personally, is the devil caricature anti-semitic or just offensive?
my mom doesnt have jewish blood, she converted when she married my step dad, i went to hebrew school and sunday school, was bar mitzah'd on mt. messiah in israel.
If the article's subject matter was related to DS being jewish, then yes I would agree the horn thing would be an offensive reference to the history of jewish people being depicted as having horns but . . .
this article didnt mention his faith, it was about his past actions as owner of the skins which gives context to the devil horns, unibrow, goatee etc. IMO
what i find not offensive but unfortunate is DS's decision to use the bigotry card and solicit a condemnation from (forget the name) some jewish center in dc. he is probably a member there, donates money etc.
02-03-2011, 12:42 PM
Whaaaa! Somebody said something bad about me! What a baby...