wilsowilso 02-03-2011, 02:50 AM Why is SmootSmack putting this much time and effort into supporting Dan Snyder aka Montgomery Burns?
I read your post explaining what you thought was inaccurate about the City Paper article then and now and it was mostly insignificant IMO.
No disrespect as I feel you are an invaluable influence around here, but you are treading a fine line as a professional insider and MOD.
The current owner of the Washington Redskins has done some really sketchy stuff. Period.
SmootSmack 02-03-2011, 08:22 AM Why is SmootSmack putting this much time and effort into supporting Dan Snyder aka Montgomery Burns?
I read your post explaining what you thought was inaccurate about the City Paper article then and now and it was mostly insignificant IMO.
No disrespect as I feel you are an invaluable influence around here, but you are treading a fine line as a professional insider and MOD.
The current owner of the Washington Redskins has done some really sketchy stuff. Period.
What fine line am I treading exactly? And I only cited some things because I was trying to make a general point, not do a line item refutal.
Also, I've also tried to make the point here (and previously) that my maun issue with the piece is that the frivolous stuff and the stuff that isn't true, in my opinion, takes away from the legit stuff and the focus of criticism on Snyder should be on what's accurate.
I don't know Snyder, I have no association with him or the team so my opinion is my opinion. It's not clouded by any "insiderness"
mooby 02-03-2011, 08:51 AM This lawsuit is probably just a big mistake. If Snyder hadn't sued, everybody and their mothers would have forgotten about the article. I mean who reads the City Paper anyway? I've barely heard of it before this came along. Sure the article was mean and everything, and I'm guessing and might be wrong on this, but who reads the City Paper? Even if the article did cause a stir when it came out everybody has long since forgotten about it by now, and by suing them Snyder is just serving a reminder that he's still thin-skinned after all this time. Nobody is going to be the winner in this one.
Longtimefan 02-03-2011, 09:07 AM Redskins owner Dan Snyder's face-off with City Paper gets uglier (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/02/02/AR2011020206136.html?hpid=topnews)
SmootSmack 02-03-2011, 09:13 AM Mooby, I definitely agree. From a legal standpoint it may be legit on Snyder's part. But PR wise, he could take a major hit especially if he wins. The big guy bullying tge little guy, killing freedom of the press, etc. Not a smart decision in my opinion. Sometimes you just have to chin up and walk away.
Question for those who would know personally, is the devil caricature anti-semitic or just offensive?
skinsfan69 02-03-2011, 09:41 AM When Abe Pollin employed Wes Unseld year after year after year as his head coach/general manager and the team repeatedly failed to make the playoffs and had a piss poor scouting dept and no presence in Europe, and Unseld even said I probably don't deserve this job; everyone was all "wow, Pollin is such a loyal guy good for him" Snyder employs Cerrato and it's all "racquetball butt buddies" Why? Because people just dont care in DC as much about the Wizards as they do the Redskins. I have Wizards season tix, I have been to hundreds more Wizards games than any other team. I don't carevabout them half as much as I do the Skins.
Two TOTALLY different situations. Unseld helped bring a championship and winning basketball to this city. He was a GREAT NBA center at 6'7. There was a respect factor there and that's why Polin got somewhat of a pass. Polin considered Unseld like family, just like Snyder thinks of Joe Gibbs. Cerrato was hated from the start, when he was hiding out in a Dulles airport hotel room trying to get in Redskin Park while John Cooke and Casserly were still there. Plus his not wanting veterans around. I could go on and on about why people hate Vinny. What did he do for anyone to like him? People DO care here about the Wizards, and if they can get a couple more strong draft picks to go along with Wall, they will come very close to being the main draw here. DC will always be a Redskin town cause of the rich tradition, but with a new generation of fans seeing nothing but losing, and a shitty game day experience at Fed Ex, the Redskins certainly are not what they use to be.
Longtimefan 02-03-2011, 09:58 AM Mooby, I definitely agree. From a legal standpoint it may be legit on Snyder's part. But PR wise, he could take a major hit especially if he wins. The big guy bullying tge little guy, killing freedom of the press, etc. Not a smart decision in my opinion. Sometimes you just have to chin up and walk away.
Question for those who would know personally, is the devil caricature anti-semitic or just offensive?
None of this will do anything to salvage the reputation of an owner that has been consistently vilified since assuming ownership of the Redskins. I agree with Mooby, the only winner here is whomever stands to benefit from any litigated compensation in the event there is a damage award ruling favoring the owner. The results won't do much to sway the overwhelmingly negative opinion shared by so many in the Redskin community, if anything, it may only serve to magnify the negativity.
skinsfan69 02-03-2011, 10:02 AM Wow, take a moment to read Donovan's letter to the Washington City Paper ownership. Snyder and company really think it's them vs. the world. These guys are so out of touch with reality and so far up their own rears to realize they are only propagating more negative perception, spin, articles, opinion etc. by sending that letter. They are creating the exact thing they think they are preventing by a potential lawsuit.
It is so ironic it is sad.
This is the one thing that I do not like about the guy. He NEVER says anything. He hides behind Gibbs, he hides behind Vinny, he hides behind his lawyers. I'm not saying he has to come out and talk whenever someone bashes him. But the real negative stuff that gives the team real bad press, he should come out and talk about it. Instead, he gets Donavan to talk for him. Be a man about it and if it really bothers you enough to sue then respond. Instead, just like he did when the bad press came out about suing season ticket holders, he pushes Donavan out there.
SmootSmack 02-03-2011, 10:03 AM Two TOTALLY different situations. Unseld helped bring a championship and winning basketball to this city. He was a GREAT NBA center at 6'7. There was a respect factor there and that's why Polin got somewhat of a pass. Polin considered Unseld like family, just like Snyder thinks of Joe Gibbs. Cerrato was hated from the start, when he was hiding out in a Dulles airport hotel room trying to get in Redskin Park while John Cooke and Casserly were still there. Plus his not wanting veterans around. I could go on and on about why people hate Vinny. What did he do for anyone to like him? People DO care here about the Wizards, and if they can get a couple more strong draft picks to go along with Wall, they will come very close to being the main draw here. DC will always be a Redskin town cause of the rich tradition, but with a new generation of fans seeing nothing but losing, and a shitty game day experience at Fed Ex, the Redskins certainly are what they use to be.
Well what Unseld did as a player shouldn't have anything to do with him being a general manager. But whatever, beyond that we can just agree to disagree. I'm done with this topic. I've said what I have to say (and apparently crossed some sort of line) and I'm ready to move on
freddyg12 02-03-2011, 10:19 AM Another jab at the Danny & how he's handling this in today's wash. post:
Gene Weingarten - Memo to Dan Snyder: Thank you for your stewardship of the Redskins (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/02/02/AR2011020205483.html?hpid=topnews)