03-11-2011, 11:05 PM
These players make hundreds of millions more than those that first decertified and made valiant strides to get fair deals for all involved.
No, players don't make hundreds of millions of dollars. For every Peyton Manning, there are 10 Brandon Banks making squat (in the grand scheme of things) compared to the lavish contracts you hear about. Also, you have one owner (who doesn't do shit) getting paid 100-400 million a year on profits alone. Again, it's the players who ARE the product, not the stadium. Until the owners sacrifice their body and health, then that money should be going to the players.
These nflpa personnel, and particularly the non player demaurice smith, are a bunch of arrogant sob's who think that they are partners in a business when they are not, it is just not their legal position whether there are 1700 or 17000 members in their union.
You are right, they aren't partners in the business. They ARE the business. If they left and went to the UFL or formed another league, guess who would watch. The fans would. Why? Because that's where the talent (read..product) is that we currently pay for. So because Smith chooses not to be buddy buddy with the owners and kiss their ass, he's a arrogant SOB? Dude, have you a clue to any of the owners? Every last one of them are arrogant SOBs starting with the biggest one off all being our dumbass owner.
I make no comparisons to my position or job, these men have 4 BILLION dollars to partition among themselves for their health, livelihood, and fair compensation for being the best of the best and they don't see that as reasonable.
Hey, guess what? The owners have 5 billion to split with 32 people as compared to having to split 4 billion with 1696 people. Wonder who's coming out on top? You are making this too easy.
These men have a average of 4 years in the NFL to make enough money to sustain them for the rest of their life. Most aren't making the big bucks like Tom Brady. Most of these guys will sacrifice their future quality of life just to make this money. As you've noted as late with all the incidents coming up about old NFL players health from prolong concussions, and the NFL has left them high and dry.
I call bs. Not because I am ignorant nor because the owners have been "good faith actors", but because the players association has been full of b.s. since smith started spewing his lies and leading good players and good men astray like lost sheep.
Really? What lies are those? Care to point them out? To say the players association has been full of B.S. and putting the players at fault is beyond ignorant. Guess what. If the OWNERS hadn't opted out, there would still be a CBA and still football on the table. THIS IS ALL ON THE OWNERS. They made the claim that their profits have decreased YET aren't willing to show the books. OWNERS FAULT. Again, the players aren't the ones that opted out of this and to make it seem like the players are behind this is ignorance at it's fullest. I showed you where the NFL has been positioning themselves from the moment they signed the 2006 CBA to opt out 2 years later. They were planning this coup the moment they signed along with Gene Upshaw. This was in the works LONG before Smith was put in to lead the NFLPA. You are so blind, it's not even funny. Are you ones of these guys that watch Fox, CNN, or MSNBC and swallow everything they tell you as 100% truth?
(Ps nc skins I refrained from saying a particular statement towards you for your comment about people who disagree with your point of view towards corporations, but really f that opening statement.)
You can say what you want, but the fact remains that people are ignorant about the situation. I don't think you are ignorant just because you disagree with me, I think people are ignorant because they aren't seeing the reality of it (see my original post). How can the players be at fault when they aren't the ones that have caused this crisis, it was the owners by opting out of the CBA. We(including myself) are all ignorant about something or another so don't take it as a personal shot, it's not.
Let's do another recap on the situation here:
1) Owners opted out of this deal, NOT the players.
2) Owners have been positioning themselves for a lockout for years. (trying to exempt themselves from Monopoly rules via Supreme Court, brokering TV contracts with a lockout payment clause)
3) Owners refuse to show books claiming profit loss over the past years and wants the players to "trust them" on the numbers. (mind you, this profit loss could be from making 300 million one year to 299 million the following.)
No, players don't make hundreds of millions of dollars. For every Peyton Manning, there are 10 Brandon Banks making squat (in the grand scheme of things) compared to the lavish contracts you hear about. Also, you have one owner (who doesn't do shit) getting paid 100-400 million a year on profits alone. Again, it's the players who ARE the product, not the stadium. Until the owners sacrifice their body and health, then that money should be going to the players.
These nflpa personnel, and particularly the non player demaurice smith, are a bunch of arrogant sob's who think that they are partners in a business when they are not, it is just not their legal position whether there are 1700 or 17000 members in their union.
You are right, they aren't partners in the business. They ARE the business. If they left and went to the UFL or formed another league, guess who would watch. The fans would. Why? Because that's where the talent (read..product) is that we currently pay for. So because Smith chooses not to be buddy buddy with the owners and kiss their ass, he's a arrogant SOB? Dude, have you a clue to any of the owners? Every last one of them are arrogant SOBs starting with the biggest one off all being our dumbass owner.
I make no comparisons to my position or job, these men have 4 BILLION dollars to partition among themselves for their health, livelihood, and fair compensation for being the best of the best and they don't see that as reasonable.
Hey, guess what? The owners have 5 billion to split with 32 people as compared to having to split 4 billion with 1696 people. Wonder who's coming out on top? You are making this too easy.
These men have a average of 4 years in the NFL to make enough money to sustain them for the rest of their life. Most aren't making the big bucks like Tom Brady. Most of these guys will sacrifice their future quality of life just to make this money. As you've noted as late with all the incidents coming up about old NFL players health from prolong concussions, and the NFL has left them high and dry.
I call bs. Not because I am ignorant nor because the owners have been "good faith actors", but because the players association has been full of b.s. since smith started spewing his lies and leading good players and good men astray like lost sheep.
Really? What lies are those? Care to point them out? To say the players association has been full of B.S. and putting the players at fault is beyond ignorant. Guess what. If the OWNERS hadn't opted out, there would still be a CBA and still football on the table. THIS IS ALL ON THE OWNERS. They made the claim that their profits have decreased YET aren't willing to show the books. OWNERS FAULT. Again, the players aren't the ones that opted out of this and to make it seem like the players are behind this is ignorance at it's fullest. I showed you where the NFL has been positioning themselves from the moment they signed the 2006 CBA to opt out 2 years later. They were planning this coup the moment they signed along with Gene Upshaw. This was in the works LONG before Smith was put in to lead the NFLPA. You are so blind, it's not even funny. Are you ones of these guys that watch Fox, CNN, or MSNBC and swallow everything they tell you as 100% truth?
(Ps nc skins I refrained from saying a particular statement towards you for your comment about people who disagree with your point of view towards corporations, but really f that opening statement.)
You can say what you want, but the fact remains that people are ignorant about the situation. I don't think you are ignorant just because you disagree with me, I think people are ignorant because they aren't seeing the reality of it (see my original post). How can the players be at fault when they aren't the ones that have caused this crisis, it was the owners by opting out of the CBA. We(including myself) are all ignorant about something or another so don't take it as a personal shot, it's not.
Let's do another recap on the situation here:
1) Owners opted out of this deal, NOT the players.
2) Owners have been positioning themselves for a lockout for years. (trying to exempt themselves from Monopoly rules via Supreme Court, brokering TV contracts with a lockout payment clause)
3) Owners refuse to show books claiming profit loss over the past years and wants the players to "trust them" on the numbers. (mind you, this profit loss could be from making 300 million one year to 299 million the following.)