Dirtbag59 02-03-2011, 01:58 PM Goodell LIED TO ME!!!!@@*&#(@&#*(@&( MotHeR F&#*(*R!!!!! HE ASSured M3 DaT FUns weRe eXXXXXcited bout 18 game Season. Yet smart pe0ple R tell me dat 27% eQUAlz N0T Guud!
AP poll: Lukewarm support for 18-game season - ESPN (http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=6086002)
An Associated Press-Knowledge Networks poll released Thursday shows only lukewarm backing at best for a switch from 16 to 18 regular-season games, one of the NFL's key -- and easiest-to-understand -- proposals in its labor negotiations with the players' union.
Of everyone surveyed, 27 percent strongly favor or somewhat favor adding two regular-season games and dropping two preseason games. When the group is narrowed to those identifying themselves as NFL fans, support for the change rises to a total of 45 percent -- yet only 18 percent who strongly favor it.
mlmpetert 02-03-2011, 02:38 PM One thing that has been great about the Steelers being in the Superbowl is their against the gain style gets a lot of air time. I think James Harrison is now my favorite non-Redskin and I agree with him and the whole Steelers organization on a lot of stuff. I am against a 18 game season, like Dan Rooney and almost all the players and im also against the crackdown on hard hits James Harrison and a lot of the players. Hopefully having very well respected players and ownership/management that are also very vocal will help solve some of these problems in the new CBA.
James Harrison fires away on 18-game season, fines, penalties | ProFootballTalk (http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/02/03/james-harrison-fires-away-on-18-game-season-fines-penalties/)
Also I wouldn’t say im anti-Steelers guy but im definitely not a pro stealers guy, im just pretty neutral towards them as a team to roote for or against.
freddyg12 02-03-2011, 02:39 PM An 18 game season is the NFL equivalent of a tax hike. When governments can't come to consensus on programs or budgets to cut, the easiest way to balance the books is to increase taxes. I see the 18 game schedule in the same way, it is the easiest 'out' for both sides, while the fans will be paying for it.
I know part of the logic is reducing the preseason, but that is such a bogus argument. Starters usually don't play anymore than 6 quarters in preseason as it is. Preseason games are largely about evaluating new players. You take those games away, coaches will still have to evaluate those guys, whether that's in full contact scrimmages w/other teams or practice. Preseason games don't cause injuries, playing football does.
Dirtbag59 02-03-2011, 02:52 PM An 18 game season is the NFL equivalent of a tax hike. When governments can't come to consensus on programs or budgets to cut, the easiest way to balance the books is to increase taxes. I see the 18 game schedule in the same way, it is the easiest 'out' for both sides, while the fans will be paying for it.
I know part of the logic is reducing the preseason, but that is such a bogus argument. Starters usually don't play anymore than 6 quarters in preseason as it is. Preseason games are largely about evaluating new players. You take those games away, coaches will still have to evaluate those guys, whether that's in full contact scrimmages w/other teams or practice. Preseason games don't cause injuries, playing football does.
Plus in those 6 Quarters of football the starters are playing at a level that I would describe as self-preservation. The difference in intensity between the pre-season and regular season is laughable. If I had to quantify it I would say that 1 quarter of regular season football equals 4 quarters of preseason football.
Speaking of which, remember when Haynesworth played every snap against the Cards in the final preseason game? Good times.
Lotus 02-03-2011, 03:52 PM An 18 game season is the NFL equivalent of a tax hike. When governments can't come to consensus on programs or budgets to cut, the easiest way to balance the books is to increase taxes. I see the 18 game schedule in the same way, it is the easiest 'out' for both sides, while the fans will be paying for it.
I know part of the logic is reducing the preseason, but that is such a bogus argument. Starters usually don't play anymore than 6 quarters in preseason as it is. Preseason games are largely about evaluating new players. You take those games away, coaches will still have to evaluate those guys, whether that's in full contact scrimmages w/other teams or practice. Preseason games don't cause injuries, playing football does.
Yes. There is no law that the league must play 20 games. If they wanted to reduce the preseason, they could cut preseason games to 2 and still keep the 16 games schedule.
acidsmurfman 02-03-2011, 04:50 PM how about just add another round to the playoffs, give each division winner a bye week and have a true wildcard weekend
ArtMonkDrillz 02-03-2011, 05:08 PM Yes. There is no law that the league must play 20 games. If they wanted to reduce the preseason, they could cut preseason games to 2 and still keep the 16 games schedule.Agreed. Also, I think one of the biggest problems that fans, especially season ticket holders, have with the preseason is that we still have to pay full price for such a watered down product. I bet that if the NFL set some kind of a mandate that said teams could only charge, say, 50% of the regular season ticket price for preseason games less people would have a problem with them.
Obviously I see why the owners would never go for this idea, but that doesn't mean it's wrong.
skinsguy 02-03-2011, 05:10 PM Agreed. Also, I think one of the biggest problems that fans, especially season ticket holders, have with the preseason is that we still have to pay full price for such a watered down product. I bet that if the NFL set some kind of a mandate that said teams could only charge, say, 50% of the regular season ticket price for preseason games less people would have a problem with them.
Obviously I see why the owners would never go for this idea, but that doesn't mean it's wrong.
I thought pre-season games were cheaper all along.
Which reminds me. I got a call from the Redskins today saying that I am in line to purchase season tickets.
SkinzWin 02-03-2011, 08:55 PM I thought pre-season games were cheaper all along.
Which reminds me. I got a call from the Redskins today saying that I am in line to purchase season tickets.
Probably nose bleeds anyway. That's what happened to me. I went to a Nationals game two years ago and ran into two women on the metro who happened to be selling club level season tickets. Why I never bought them is beyond me. When the Skins office calls your number its usually bad ones from people I've talked to.
sportscurmudgeon 02-04-2011, 12:10 AM I thought pre-season games were cheaper all along.
Which reminds me. I got a call from the Redskins today saying that I am in line to purchase season tickets.
How can that be? The Redskins have sold out their last 30 bazillion games in a row and had 100,000,000 people on the waiting list for tix for the last two decades.
Must be your lucky day. Go buy a lottery ticket...
BTW, I have been called at least a half dozen times since Christmas regarding the purchase of season tickets for next year - - and parking for each game too plus I got a package in the mail identifying my "personal expediter" on the Skins' staff whom I could call any time to make my purchase.
Now hear this. I NEVER sought to have my name put on the mythical season ticket waiting list. They are calling folks on "mail lists" that they have assembled from demographic data in the area.
So much for sell-outs and thousands of folks on the waiting list to get tickets...
Oh, and exhibition games are the same price per game per seat as regular season games...