01-28-2011, 05:19 PM
I don't get that whole shitty beer is trendy deal.
A local tavern near me that has a lot of great stuff on tap recently tweeted that they now have Genny Cream Ale. I'm like really? Why?
Hipsters here in richmond drink the PBR...i date this hipster chick for a little while. she drank PBR it and wasnt a deal breaker, but didnt help...I was like, why smoke the schwag when the Sour Diesel or Northern Lights is an easy option.
01-28-2011, 05:20 PM
cromartie got confused when he heard there were "labor" talks
Yeah if you're looking for come cheap stuff to pound down all night, I get that
01-28-2011, 06:16 PM
I don't get that whole shitty beer is trendy deal.
A local tavern near me that has a lot of great stuff on tap recently tweeted that they now have Genny Cream Ale. I'm like really? Why?
My father in law buys the worst beer: PBR, Natty Light, Busch. I mean it was fine when I was in college and just wanted to get hammered. But he's staying with us right now and it sucks when he comes home with like a 12 pack and is like "hey I got us some beer!" And I'm like you know what "I'll just drink water while I watch the game"
01-28-2011, 06:48 PM
I foresee Goodell putting a ban on players' use of Twitter and social media sites...period.
The NBA has banned the use of it while they're "working", but it really seems to be more of a problem with NFL players (and Will Hill).
It could be justified. Any other person can not just publicly blast their coworkers and company without getting in trouble, the NFL is a business too.
We're fortunate this crap wasn't available when Riggo played, or Michael Westbrook.
Well . . . , maybe. But Cromartie's use of it isn't what would inspire Goodell to ban it. I think he'd just as soon let Cromartie and any other would-be union leadership bashers to spout off.
As others have said, Cromartie's rant is unacceptable as a cyberspace-delivered one. Ironically, he's the one who called out Hasselbeck for not confronting him face-to-face.
01-28-2011, 06:51 PM
I don't get that whole shitty beer is trendy deal.
A local tavern near me that has a lot of great stuff on tap recently tweeted that they now have Genny Cream Ale. I'm like really? Why?
Did not know it still existed.
01-28-2011, 08:00 PM
I just read this link, good journalism - there's a lot more to it than just some harsh words between two guys. I give props to Lewis & Dockett, they obviously grasp the situation & don't want one ignorant player's words to somehow become the public voice of the players. This could actually turn out to be something we look back at as the CBA negotiations unfold, or fold?
By the NFL being the image conscious league that it is, it will not sit idly by without taking notice of the inflammatory remarks that have been posted on twitter accounts by some NFL players. It's not likely a resolution has been determined as we speak but, it's safe to say there will be some serious discussion forthcoming.
With Twitter's Arrival, NFL Loses Control of Image Game - ( 80102404.html&ei=DE9DTYCWFIW0lQfn15El&usg=AFQjCNGeN8QLuilVFmQv_WeBXNlUnPu1ug&sig2=EIgWhuKN0lkPbWzmL_U8OQ)
01-29-2011, 10:20 AM
Cromartie is the biggest ass-hat in the entire league. Just pay your child support and shut your pie-hole. LOL.
01-29-2011, 11:16 AM
Cromartie is the biggest ass-hat in the entire league. Just pay your child support and shut your pie-hole. LOL.
This: From a Yahoo!! poster who calls himself "Big Daddy"
Cromartie is such a clown...perfect example of why athletes should just concentrate on playing sports and refrain from communicating whenever possible.
The 53rd guy on any NFL roster makes at least $350,000 annually and this fool is trying to get sympathy. He's just worried about going to jail because if there is a lockout he won't be able to pay all his baby mommas their support.
9 kids with 8 different women and he can't even remember the children's names...just shut up Antonio and work on memorizing your kids' names.
Did not know it still existed.
O yeah, Genny still goes strong in upstate NY