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JoeRedskin 01-11-2011, 04:34 PM I don't get why some people put any faith in the bums we have on our team who have a problem with Shanny. They are all the ones who got their last coach fired and most of them are the ones we've complained about for so long having too much influence. Seriously, the main problem that has been identified with our organization is that the talent is allowed too much say and control. We've been a team run by the inmates since Norv. THEY"RE THE ONES THAT NEED TO GO!! I couldn't give a flying eff what those idiots have to say. You don't like Shanny's methods player X? F*ck you. How about you player Y? You don't like them either? Oh well then, F*ck you too. Eff 'em all in the ear. They're the biggest problem. The second biggest problem is the media and fans that listen to these piles of crap.
Another post endorsed by JoeRedskin.
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JoeRedskin 01-11-2011, 04:52 PM Nope, sorry. You have WAYYYYY too much faith in Shanahan to sweep the McNabb thing under the rug as an "aw, shucks" personnel mistake given 11 years of McNabb in Philadelphia. A 2nd and a 4th were given up for the right to make that mistake and then admit that mistake.
And it's also shameless to try the package the Haynesworth situation as "he inherited him" so any horrible management of the situation can be blamed on other parties.
As to McNabb, I agree, Shanny was far too casual with his "Well, we just need to move on". His failure to acknowledge that he poorly scouted DM and that it was a costly mistake to a franchise trying to reboot are troubling. To me, this is a symptomatic of his entire, generally successful, coaching career. Even as a coordinator back in the day, he has always had a blindingly large ego. At the same time, in the past, he has been successful despite this flaw and may well yet be successful here. Time will tell.
As to AH, I disagree. This one is cannot be laid at anyone but AH's doorstep. MS & Haslett had made a determination of where they wanted to go and provided AH the opportunity to bail or stay. He chose to stay. After that, all bets are off you play by the coach's rules (even if he wants you to run 50 windsprints or play safety). AH is a headcase and maybe one or two coaches could have solved him (even Gibbs had problems with Arrington - his greatest inherited talent).
Bottomline, in year one, MS gets a pass from me. If the ego is still here in three years but the winning is not, that's a different discussion.
Monksdown 01-11-2011, 04:55 PM The rift between Mike and Mr. Snyder has a name. Bruce Allen. And Dan Snyder chose to create that 'rift' because we were demanding it.
Never forget he's a marketing mogul. And one of the tenants in marketing, is understand your consumer.
CRedskinsRule 01-11-2011, 04:59 PM Only time will tell, most thought the Redskins were rebuilding once a veteran coach and GM were hired. Unfortunately, it was more of the same. He kept the old players initially, Johnson, Parker, Galloway, and cut the young talent, Torrain, Banks, Austin.
Next year is going to be the same or worst, especially if we remain with the 4-3. I have no faith in Shannahan until he accrues more single season wins with the Redskins than Jim Zorn.
Didn't Torrain, Banks and Austin all end up on the 53 man roster at the end of the season. Normal, sane organizations allow older players time on the squad to give young players time to develop. That is,in part, why the practice squad system was put in place after all. VC/JZ had no plan, although I thought they did at the time, and left our team's roster pretty barren. The fact that we had to bring in old guys, just to field a competitive team while younger players could cut their teeth on the practice squad is a pretty harsh fact. Now after one year, where our team played close hard games (mostly), some will consider it the same as JZ? I didn't see this team quit like against NYG and Dallas at the end of 2009 season. I saw guys stepping up, and playing hard. No, the talent level isn't there across the board, but the process of evaluating and preparing talent was better than anything we have seen in the past few years.
SBXVII 01-11-2011, 05:00 PM OMG, come on people. This team had little talent. Some of us to include myself "thought" this team was stacked with talent but I think this year proved otherwise. It wouldn't have mattered who we brought in, if the coach was going to use zone blocking the team obviously would need to pick up the right OL for the scheme. Plus if the HC (whoever it might have been besides MS) decided to switch to the 3-4 defense like they did we still would have had the problems we had.
So the only way to satisfy half the fans here would have been to keep status quo (4-3) on defense and tried to upgrade the offense. Instead MS threw all his cards in. He went for it all knowing that it will take up to 3 yrs to completely change things and turn this team around. But some fans expected either over night success or start over.
Can we as fans finally let this team turn it's bad habits around and finally develope a team for success.... even it if takes some time? Otherwise we will be status quo.... a mediocre team.
CRedskinsRule 01-11-2011, 05:00 PM As to McNabb, I agree, Shanny was far too casual with his "Well, we just need to move on". His failure to acknowledge that he poorly scouted DM and that it was a costly mistake to a franchise trying to reboot are troubling. To me, this is a symptomatic of his entire, generally successful, coaching career. Even as a coordinator back in the day, he has always had a blindingly large ego. At the same time, in the past, he has been successful despite this flaw and may well yet be successful here. Time will tell.
As to AH, I disagree. This one is cannot be laid at anyone but AH's doorstep. MS & Hanifan had made a determination of where they wanted to go and provided AH the opportunity to bail or stay. He chose to stay. After that, all bets are off you play by the coach's rules (even if he wants you to run 50 windsprints or play safety). AH is a headcase and maybe one or two coaches could have solved him (even Gibbs had problems with Arrington - his greatest inherited talent).
Bottomline, in year one, MS gets a pass from me. If the ego is still here in three years but the winning is not, that's a different discussion.
When did Hanifan get involved?
JoeRedskin 01-11-2011, 05:05 PM When did Hanifan get involved?
skinsfan69 01-11-2011, 05:38 PM I think one of the challenges for some fans with Shanny is his apparent utter disregard for the media and their biological tendency to...run with every ridiculous nano-story, real or imagined.
He does NOT appear to care what you think. I'm good with that....so be it.
I want a coach with old school discipline and expectiations......
I don't think he feels he owes the media...anything. I don't think he really cares what they print (more or less) Leave me to my coaching thing kind of guy. He did not sign on to be a.....media darling. I'm good with that as well
It has nothing to do with media. I'm cool with discipline. But I'm not cool with someone who thinks running a 3-4 is better for the team just cause he thinks so.
Lotus 01-11-2011, 05:44 PM Nope, sorry. You have WAYYYYY too much faith in Shanahan to sweep the McNabb thing under the rug as an "aw, shucks" personnel mistake given 11 years of McNabb in Philadelphia. A 2nd and a 4th were given up for the right to make that mistake and then admit that mistake.
And it's also shameless to try the package the Haynesworth situation as "he inherited him" so any horrible management of the situation can be blamed on other parties.
I don't think Mike Shanahan is ever going to mail you a handwritten letter telling you that he's unfit to be coach of the Redskins. Sometimes, you just have to pull yourself out of the moment for a second and read between the lines. When we start rationalizing the obvious mistakes as completely understandable errors, that's what I mean by the "faith in lord Shanahan" crowd.
If you've decided he can do no wrong, then its more clear to me why thinking he should be fired is such a lunatic position for Redskin fans.
I completely agree. The Shanahan side of the McNabb/Haynesworth fiascos made me much less sanguine about the future of our club. Fisher and Reid were able to get much more productivity out of those two players and that is what coaching is all about.
That said, it is foolishness to call for Shanny to be fired, as some are doing. You have to give him more time, even if it means "grin and bear it" as a fan.
skinsfan69 01-11-2011, 05:50 PM There is nothing wrong with chasing a bunch of free agents as long as they are the right ones. We only have like 5 or 6 draft picks...and we have a lot more holes then that. The key is to sign free agents in thier mid 20's that can be built around. In the big picture the Redskins need to put more emphises on the draft but there is nothing wrong with using free agency also to help get the thing off the ground.
That's my point. It's going to take 3 years to fix it cause the team has too many holes. Chasing other teams players doesn't work but drafting and grooming your own guys to your system does work. Just look at the most consistent teams out there...they keep their picks, draft well and add free agents here and there. I'm sure Shanahan is going to want a lot of free agents cause he's not here to rebuild. And the owner never wants to rebuild.