01-11-2011, 11:48 AM
The fans are clearly in the lead when it comes to pure lunacy. Just the thought of wanting to get rid of Shanahan right now is laugh out loud hilarious.
I think most fans are intelligent enough to realize that Shanahan needs more than one year. But after seeing this guy for a year he just seems like a total dick to work for and has isses with communication.
01-11-2011, 11:50 AM
TO in doing sit-ups in his yard.
Keyshawn taking a break at Gruden's request.
More recently, Moss traded mid-season after spouting off.
Vince Young told not to attend team meetings.
Yup. The Skins are the only team on which these things happen.
I think most fans are intelligent enough to realize that Shanahan needs more than one year. But after seeing this guy for a year he just seems like a total dick to work for and has isses with communication.
On the outside looking in, Pro Football Talk tabloid type of stuff, sure it could look that way.
But that's not the impression you get from the majority of players, former and current.
I think most fans are intelligent enough to realize that Shanahan needs more than one year. But after seeing this guy for a year he just seems like a total dick to work for and has isses with communication.
I don't get that from the players at all. And Mark Schlereth has remarked....many times of the respect and admiration he has for Shanny. How much fun he had playing for him.
I think it must be more of a case of that intuitive....."fan" intelligence channeling evil thoughts in the Shannahan camp?
01-11-2011, 12:35 PM
Other teams don't bench guys eh?
Thats not what I said or was implying. Benching AH/DM at the same time after just paying and taking up valuable roster/trade value/picks. 2 guys like Haynesworth and McNabb both benched for the same season on the same team is something a little more drastic and just benching a guy for not performing well . This was two of our "Biggest" acquisitions.
Again if these 2 guys where playing together on any other team, they would be on the field. You just don't see that kind of thing from two future HOF's anywhere else. Well I doubt AH makes HOF after wearing the B&G.
01-11-2011, 12:40 PM
I don't get that from the players at all. And Mark Schlereth has remarked....many times of the respect and admiration he has for Shanny. How much fun he had playing for him.
I think it must be more of a case of that intuitive....."fan" intelligence channeling evil thoughts in the Shannahan camp?
Well for every Mark Schlereth there's a Jake Plummer. Year one I'm just not impressed with the guy. From the way he handled McNabb, to how he insisted on running a 3-4, to his letting his son run the offense. Let's see how the off season goes and next year. I'm interested to see which direction they go. Chase a bunch off FA's??? ... which I think is what they're going to do, or try and rebuild, ... which I think they should do.
Shanahan inherited the AH problem and let's be honest, AH was a problem long before Shanahan showed up. He just got stuck with cleaning up the mess.
McNabb is clearly on Shanahan. But at least he's already acknowledged the mistake and will quickly move on rather than wasting everyone's time. As a personnel guy, there are going to be misses along with the hits. As long as the hits don't outnumber the mistakes, you're doing ok.
01-11-2011, 12:45 PM
I don't get why some people put any faith in the bums we have on our team who have a problem with Shanny. They are all the ones who got their last coach fired and most of them are the ones we've complained about for so long having too much influence. Seriously, the main problem that has been identified with our organization is that the talent is allowed too much say and control. We've been a team run by the inmates since Norv. THEY"RE THE ONES THAT NEED TO GO!! I couldn't give a flying eff what those idiots have to say. You don't like Shanny's methods player X? F*ck you. How about you player Y? You don't like them either? Oh well then, F*ck you too. Eff 'em all in the ear. They're the biggest problem. The second biggest problem is the media and fans that listen to these piles of crap.
Well for every Mark Schlereth there's a Jake Plummer. Year one I'm just not impressed with the guy. From the way he handled McNabb, to how he insisted on running a 3-4, to his letting his son run the offense. Let's see how the off season goes and next year. I'm interested to see which direction they go. Chase a bunch off FA's??? ... which I think is what they're going to do, or try and rebuild, ... which I think they should do.
Probably more like for every 100 Schlereth's, there's a Plummer.
01-11-2011, 12:49 PM
Well for every Mark Schlereth there's a Jake Plummer. Year one I'm just not impressed with the guy. From the way he handled McNabb, to how he insisted on running a 3-4, to his letting his son run the offense. Let's see how the off season goes and next year. I'm interested to see which direction they go. Chase a bunch off FA's??? ... which I think is what they're going to do, or try and rebuild, ... which I think they should do.
Letting his son run the if is his son was a 3rd grade social studies teacher who Mike Shanahan just plucked out of class one day to run the offense